
Hunters vs. the wolves pack (1)

While Lee had battled the small crow toe to toe. Clover was having a staring contest with the majestic crow. While he crouched, both of his arms extended to the back and acted to defend the kids by putting himself upfront.

Almost all of the kids could not take the overbearing, killing intent aura that permeated by the majestic crow. Only Jacob could be seen cowering in fear, while hiding himself in front of Clover trying to hide from the majestic crow's gaze.

Clover, finally spoke, but did not left his gazed to the majestic crows.

"Eliza, take them away." Clover announced with unwavering tone.

He would not take any hesitation from Eliza, and he did not want dramatic scene to happen when under the circumstances. Eliza, as a sensible woman did not hesitate to nod her head. She leaped forward and hastily take the kids, and thankfully, she managed to carry all the kids, before she leaped to the exit.

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