
Chapter 115

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"It's a shame that Kaneda lost like that." Senju spoke as he looked at the screen displaying the arena. "He seemed to be very strong."

In the rest room that Yuji normally used for meditation, the four girls were gathered to watch Kaneda's fight on the large screen on the wall of the room.

"Yes, but it was inevitable in the end." Karura simply said, this causing Senju to frown at the girl's insensitivity. "By the way, where is Yuji?"

Hearing the question, Senju looked around in confusion. It was true that Yuji had been gone for several minutes, which caused a small worry to rise in her mind, after all, he had not even told her where he was going. But in the end, she knew he was strong, and there weren't many people who could hurt him in that place, so she just shrugged it off, since eventually he would show up again.

"Yuji asked Kou to let him know that he will be alone for a while to meditate." Kou suddenly spoke, causing Senju and Karura to turn their attention to the little girl, who had her hair being combed by Elena. "Kou cannot say where he is."

Senju pouted upon hearing this, since Yuji had told Kou where he would be instead of her. But she was quick to dismiss the jealousy, after all, Kou was like a sister to Yuji, so it was normal for him to have a greater trust in her.

"Ah..." Karura sighed, clearly disappointed that she couldn't be with Yuji.

Senju watched this in silence. As much as the three girls had become friends, Senju could not stop the discomfort she felt at seeing Karura constantly investing against Yuji. As much as Senju and Elena knew about each other's feelings for the same boy and still remained friends, with Karura it was different. She and Elena had known each other for some time, and formed a bond of friendship that could not be broken by a common passion.

But Karura was a stranger, who had suddenly decided to marry Yuji, regardless of whether or not he had a girlfriend.

In addition, there was also the strange upbringing that the girl had, as apparently polygamy was a common thing for her, with her making it clear that she wouldn't mind Yuji having other wives.

Senju thought that was unthinkable. The idea of sharing Yuji with other women did not enter his mind, it seemed wrong...

'But if Yuji chose only one person...' Turning his attention to Elena, who had a gentle smile on her face as she combed Kou's hair, Senju bit his fingernail as she lost himself in thought. 'Then Elena would be devastated...'

After becoming friends with Elena and having several conversations with her, Senju came to realize the depth of the girl's feelings for Yuji, and it was certainly no ordinary crush. From what Elena herself had told, she was the girl Yuji spent the most time with, and this yielded much more room for her passion to grow.

Also, as much as Yuji and Senju had shared a kiss, it was clear the difference in his treatment of Elena. Senju realized this through the care he maintained when coming into contact with Elena, and his gentle and caring way of talking to her.

If Yuji decided to be with only one person other than Elena, how would the girl handle it?

Senju dreaded thinking about it, and as strange as the idea of polygamy was, she decided to take the time to think about it.

She still didn't accept the idea, but if it was to keep her best friend happy, then she could learn to share the boy she liked... At least only with Elena.

"Is there a problem, Senju?" As the girl seemed lost in thought, Elena suddenly caught her attention, causing her to look at her with confusion. "You seemed bothered."

Senju initially did not respond, a small gentle smile appearing on her lips as she appreciated her friend's concern.

"I'm fine, thanks for asking."




After finishing his meditation, Yuji paid Kaneda a visit in the infirmary to see if he was okay. It was quite surprising to see that besides two broken ribs, Kaneda had no other injuries besides bruises all over his body. After seeing his approach at the beginning of the fight, Yuji knew that Kaneda would lose the fight, and despite predicting the outcome, the little practice between the two seemed to do some good since Yuji expected Kaneda to have many more broken bones all over his body.

After making sure Kaneda would be okay, he headed towards the arena to watch Agito and Okubo fight, since he would use this fight to measure how much his master had evolved in the last year.

When the fight started, there wasn't much difference from what Yuji already remembered, as Agito and Okubo demonstrated a high level grappling match, with neither of the two excelling against each other, which made for an even fight for both parties.

But this changed the moment Yuji remembered that Okubo would start using his near-perfect transitions.


Okubo advanced towards Kanoh at full speed, the distance between the two fighters disappearing in a single moment. The Metsudo Fangs, seeing the MMA fighter approaching, just lowered his stance to defend himself from Okubo's possible attempt to grab him.

But instead of an attempted fall, something else happened.


Using his low stance as a feint, Okubo aimed at Kanoh's temple and launched a powerful punch, the Metsudo fangs narrowly blocking the attack with his forearm, this clearly surprising Okubo, who did not expect the man to be able to react so quickly.

'Did he notice my attempt to trick him?' Okubo stood in shock for a moment, his eyes turning to Kanoh, who was staring at him with an inexpressive face. 'Shit!'

Seeing that his plan had been ineffective, he immediately tried to punch Fangs so that he could retreat, but his opponent did not allow this, and easily blocked the attack while following him.

Seeing this as a chance, Okubo pretended to move forward to start an exchange of blows, but just as Kanoh threw the first punch, the MMA fighter ducked over his fist and tried to grab him.

'That's it! If I can break his rhythm-'


But Agito was prepared for his opponent's attempt, meeting him with a powerful knee strike to his chin, which caused Okubo's consciousness to waver for a moment and he lost his balance, falling to his knees.

"You're not bad." Okubo blinked as he heard Agito's voice, his eyes widening as he realized the position he was in. "Your transitions are almost perfect, I would have struggled with them had Yuji Shinakawa not used the same strategy with me some time ago."

Lifting his head, Okubo's eyes widened in dread when he saw Agito's fist inches from his face.

"But unlike you, his transitions are perfect."



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