

In the dark of night, a silly boy battled a large beast that possessed a far superior skill set than he did. The beast, a humanoid black panther, leaped from tree to tree with its eyes still fixated on the boy trying to hunt it.

Like every other big cat, it first began by toying with its prey, seeing how far it could go until it would eventually get bored. For the time being, however, this prey was quite resilient, stubborn, and void of the emotion called fear.

Surprisingly to the beast and boy, neither was willing to attack just yet but rather monitored the other's movements and characters. However, in a fight such as this one, the odds were more in favor of the beast than the boy.

To begin, there was a limited amount of space for him to move. Sure, there was a wide, open area just a few meters away from him, but two beasts were already engaged in a fight and he dared not to interrupt or allow himself to get spotted.

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