

Sucked in...

Pulled down….

Into the abyss…..

With the unknown…..


"LEAVE ME ALONE!!" Dezhong screamed for dear life as he found himself getting pulled into the darkness below him. Hands stretched out from the dark, inky hole with the other shadow creatures weighing him down with their intense body weight. His own clone had its hands wrapped around his neck as it pulled him down.

"AHHHH!! AAAAAAAHHHH!!" One of his legs was already in with the other following shortly. His midsection was slowly slipping in as well and his poor arms, which were clutching onto the edges of the Earth, slipped for he could not withstand the pressure and the weight on top of him any longer. With his system only reminding him of the awakening, Dezhong was left powerless, useless, and defenseless. 


"DARK…PRINCE…." He called to his clone which now had its upper body sticking out from his chest. "SNAP…OUT OF THIS….STOP THIS…AT ONCE….I COMMAND…YOU…"

Next chapter