
STORY INFO: Information for important details in the story.


Whenever you see this [**] at the beginning or end of a paragraph explaining something, this chapter will give more insight into it. If you feel that I should include more material here, please let me know in the comments.

If you've ever gotten lost in remembering certain aspects of the novel (like beast crystal tiers) then this is the place for you. Here's a list of the beast tiers and their crystals.

1:Beast Crystals- These items are power sources gathered from the chests of naturally evolved beasts much stronger than today's current creatures. However, these creatures come in different shapes, sizes, colors, and behaviors. So here are their rankings.

Basic—Simple Beast that possesses a weak basic tier crystal. These crystals can only power lights, simple machinery and not-so-powerful weapons for a short period of time. Their crystals are hazy and shaped like candle wax and have a dim light. Very easy to kill with a regular weapon depending on one's strength.

General—Beasts that possess General tier crystals that can power prosthetic arms, medium-duty machinery, houses, and other commodities for a partially longer time than basic crystals. They're fun to kill but possess defense mechanisms that may be painful. Their crystals are as clear as old glass and are shaped like jagged rocks. They produce light as bright as a candle.

Intermediate—Beasts that possess intermediate-tier crystals. These creatures require basic fighting skills and can only be injured by either basic or intermediate-tier weapons. They're more wild and cunning too, so it takes time to cause them any damage. Their crystals are as clear as the glasses used in cathedrals and are sharp around the edges. They're used in stronger prosthetic arms, work vehicles like buses, and heavy machinery and can keep small factories running for a month or two.

Advanced—These beasts are more powerful and certainly most abundant in the wild. They're more fierce and can only be killed by intermediate-tier weapons. Their skin, meat, and bones are also useful, and a few possess healing powers used in medicine. Their crystals are like roughly cut diamonds and are used to power stronger, faster vehicles, medium-sized buildings, and expensive prosthetic arms and spines.

King—These beasts are mostly pack, heard, pride, or troop leaders of the intermediate and advanced tiered beasts. They are very dangerous and have a few which are humanoid-shaped, meaning they possess intelligence. They can only be killed by Advanced tier weapons. Their skin, claws, horns, bones, and scales are extremely expensive and have medicinal purposes. Their meat, if not poisonous, is costly but worth the cash. Their crystals are round in shape and smooth but not transparent and shine as bright as flashlights. They are used in large factories, hospitals, schools, and villages to provide electricity and heat. They're also valuable.

Lord—These majestic tiered beasts are called Lord since they're mostly peaceful and lead large flocks of lower-tiered creatures. However, they will not hesitate to kill and usually need a team of up to twenty skilled fighters possessing crystal-powered weapons of any sort. Like the advanced and king-tiered beasts, their hides, meat, claws, bones, and scales are valuable. Their crystals shine as bright as car headlights, are smoother and less transparent than king-tiered beasts, and are used to power only small villages and suburbs. Their crystals only make military-grade weapons and prosthetics since they possess much power.

Demon—This tier of beast, with only ten discovered and killed, are extremely dangerous and will kill without needing to be provoked. They're usually solitary and will only come together to mate. Their bodies are tough and require only Lord-tiered crystal-powered weapons to kill them. However, the only important and valuable item got from them are their crystals since the rest of their bodies are destroyed to ensure they don't regenerate. Their crystals are as large as half a bus and are used to keep Heavenly cities, like Neveah, afloat. So far, no one knows how long their beautiful crystals last since the very first one obtained ran for over 1000 years till date. Their crystals are extremely beautiful but glow a blinding light if looked at directly.

Supreme—Not much is known about this beast for only one has ever been found and only one person killed it but was never acknowledged. Nothing's known about its crystal, its strength, or the nature of the beast itself. Some believe that they're extinct while others think they're dwelling amongst humans.




- Strength and Durability: The Dystopian armor greatly enhances the wearer's strength and durability, allowing them to survive falls from great heights, withstand heavy artillery fire, and lift objects much heavier than the wearer would be able to without the armor.

- Energy Shield: The armor also includes a personal energy shield, which can absorb and deflect incoming projectiles, as well as mitigate damage from other sources. The shield gradually regenerates over time, depending on the tier of the crystal they have.

- Heads-Up Display (HUD): The helmet of the suit features a computerized heads-up display (HUD), which provides the wearer with tactical information about their surroundings, as well as targeting data for weapons systems.

- Integrated Weapons Systems: The suit can integrate with a variety of weapons and provide enhanced targeting and firing capabilities. For example, the suit's onboard AI, Dystopia, can help the wearer aim and fire weapons more accurately.

- Thrusters: The suit also includes thrusters at the back of legs and under the glutes for increased mobility both on the ground and in the air.

- Active Camouflage: Some versions of the suit include active camouflage, allowing the wearer to blend into their surroundings and remain hidden from enemies for a limited amount of time, depending on the suit's power level.

There are currently six levels for these suits and each one is given to officers of different ranks.

Level 1: Given to the lowest rank. Involved in lower levels of police work Color: Mate-Black

Level 2: Higher than 1. Usually riot police. Color; Navy-Blue

Level 3: Higher than 2. In case any riot involves mutants. Color: Dark Green

Level 4: Higher than 3. In case three fail and the mutants or rioters possess weapons. Color: Deep red.

Level 5: Higher than 4. Involved in city scaled riots, raids, and more. Color: Yellow

Level 6: Involved if beasts, raiders, terrorists, invaders and other life-threatening events occur. They're given to the most elite Police. Color: White.

The Gazanerrin

The Gazanerrin is a notorious poaching group that operates in various parts of the world. Their primary target is the poaching of endangered beasts for their valuable crystals, which are used in various industries, including technology and medicine.

The Gazanerrin are known for their ruthless tactics and complete disregard for the law. They often raid villages and suburbs in search of their prey, leaving behind a trail of destruction and fear. Their methods are brutal and involve the use of high-powered weapons, traps, and other deadly devices to capture their targets. Sometimes, innocent civilians get caught in these traps and lose their lives.

The Gazanerrin are not content with simply poaching endangered beasts for their crystals. They also use the beasts as weapons in their attacks on villages and towns. The animals are trained to attack and kill, often with devastating consequences for innocent bystanders caught in the crossfire.

The Gazanerrin's activities have attracted the attention of law enforcement agencies around the world. Despite their efforts, the group continues to evade capture and operate with impunity. The group is believed to have a vast network of supporters and sympathizers who provide them with resources and protection.

The Gazanerrin's actions pose a significant threat to the survival of endangered beasts and the safety of local communities.

MALWARE MECHANIZED DIVISION 1st division—These are an elite group of highly trained military combatants possessing biomechanically engineered bodies that were ten times stronger than the average human. Theses bodies, powered by only Advanced tier and upwards crystals, can cause extensive damage to whatever opponent of their choosing. These units are humans with sometimes prosthetic limbs, body parts or genetically engineered body parts, like Carla Monroe who only had her reproductive and digestive organs.

MALWARE CALVARY DIVISION 2nd division—Unlike the first division, these ones consist of heavily armored, deadly machines that are remotely controlled. As their name states, they're Calvary units, meaning they're only brought out whenever serious reinforcements are needed. These machines consists of land, air, underground, and water mobile machines that excel in their specific biomes.

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