

Chaos, senseless screaming and useless shouting echoed across the streets where Dezhong was as he witnessed hundreds panicking from a beast he was yet to see. As much as he wanted to gauge how much power he had, he was immediately prohibited by his system. Besides, his energy levels were too low.

"Step aside citizen. We shall handle this." The monotonous sounding voices of mechanical robotic police passed him and advanced forward. There were about twenty of them in total, each made of heavy, bulky armor. "We advice you to stay inside at the moment. The situation is yet to be assessed."

'How did the robot units respond so quickly?' He wondered, having no idea of the orders his father had given. 'I better head back home before dad returns. His public address must have ended already.'

Dezhong quickly ran back home and made it just in time. As he got there, he met Blake, Luke, and a girl who he'd never seen before.

"Oh, hey guys," He greeted as he let them in. "What brings you here? Everything okay?"

"We need to tell you something." Blake replied as he, Luke and the girl sat by the kitchen table.

"What's going on?" He asked again after getting bored of sitting and awkwardly starring at his friends. "Hello, my name's….."

"Dezhong Prince." The girl interrupted. "I heard about the blonde guy who took a hit from Kong. My name's Nadia. Pleased to meet you."

"Good, you two have met. Now let's get on to what we came here to do."

The three teens went ahead and told Dezhong everything that happened from the caterbits, to the Molardillo, then to finally the unknown beast that nearly killed all of them. As they did saw, Dezhong's memory would constantly think the same beast Luke and Blake were talking about was the same attacking Desper.

"Actually. I heard a couple of people yelling beast on my way out." He added. "I didn't get a chance to see it though but it could be what you're talking about."

"It would be unwise of us to make such an assumption." Nadia replied. "Dezhong could be right but we've also been having cases of beasts attacking and let's not forget about the mutant serial killer on the loose."

"So now what?" Dezhong asked. "What do we do about this 'beast?'"

"Tell Kong," Blake answered. "You're closest to him. Tell him and the others about the beast. Maybe they'll send someone to fight it."

"It's too dangerous." Nadia interrupted again. "Look, the beast we analyzed has never been discovered before. If the Gorillas go ahead and just pursue it, they might lose their lives. Our best hope is for us to leave it in the hands of the MFP. They're more equipped and better suited to handle issues like this."

The discussion went on for a while before a decision was finally agreed upon. Dezhong Prince was to inform his father of the beast sighting and his father would inform the Mutant Protection Force so they'd take care of it. With that off their plate, the three boys bid Nadia goodnight and remained behind to discuss their other plans.



[Replenish your lost energy before your body goes into shock.]

The three boys got down to business and went over the progress of their plan as Dezhong helped himself to a serving of a medium-sized tuna fish. Blake and Luke saw it as a disgusting behavior but Dezhong's werewolf instincts saw it as food.

"Do not mind what I'm doing. It's for…work. The Gorillas tasked me to do this." He lied while taking a huge chunk in the fish.

"We've got good news about our progress." Blake began. "After today's unforeseen circumstances, I was assigned a position of power, meaning I'll be allowed to learned couple of things that can help us understand more about the Mutant Fight that's coming up really soon."

"Also," Luke continued. "Nadia's been working with the Gorillas for about two years so we should be able to find a thing or two about these competitions. I so far learned that this year, the contest will be held at some place called The Underground but I have no idea where that is. How about you, Dezhong?"

The young werewolf was ankle deep in his meal that he lost focus on what they were saying. Blake and Luke repeated everything and waited for Dezhong to finish with his meal before he gave his response.


"As much as you guys have learned, we may have problem in our hands." Dezhong went ahead and also told them about his day and what exactly the problem could be. "If we're not careful and a war between gangs breaks out, the fight could be suspended and we'll have no idea where the Neveahian pass could be."

"This is a step back." Blake thought. Being the brains in the group, he had to plan and account for every possible outcome. "However, this can be a good thing too. If we play our cards right, we can ensure our safety and not have to worry about being caught in the cross fire. On the other hand, Luke and I will be forced to fight since the Hunters handle the weaponry and have a good fighting style."

"Either way, we have to move as fast as possible. School starts next week and the time we can spend daily with the Gorillas will be reduced critically." Luke ended. "In the meantime, Dezhong. You have to gain the trust of the Gorillas. I'd say it's a stretch but try becoming Kong's right-hand man."

"No need," He smirked. "His daughter could become an important asset to us. If I can gain her trust and look good in front of her, she'll soften her father up let me in on some secrets. I mean, he only took me to RedZone and told the others to go so, that's a start."

"Excellent." Blake replied as he and Luke headed out. "When your father returns, do tell him about the beast we saw. That could get him to pass a law and have us halt all hunting exhibitions. This will allow us to focus more on what goes on in the inner sections of the Gorillas."

Next chapter