
Something insane

"I swear to Odin" Delvin Growled as he heard the familiar growl, dropping the hammer and just resorting to punching the Monstrous nightmare in its big yellow eyes "How the hell can one dragon arena house this much bad luck"

Sadly he didn't get an answer as two seconds later smoke filled the entire arena and Delvin felt his entire world get turned upsidedown as a ball of black slammed into the dragon he was currently attached to, sending him skidding across the arena and knocking the wind out of him entirely

Staring into the grey smoke and coughing as the first breath he gulped in burned his throat Delvin watched the smoke shift as he could hear the growls and roars of two dragons. A second later a large red tail slammed into him out of pure bad luck, causing him to fall onto the collapsed weapon rack, full of maces and swords

That hurt

"Delvin!" he heard Astrid yell as she ran over to him, grabbing him and pulling him away from the smoke by his shirt. She pulled him up to the edge of the arena, leaning him against the wall before looking at him, unsure of what to do "Are you okay"

Coughing slightly Delvin gave her a look "I just fought a dragon bare-handed, got thrown 3 meters, and then hit by a tail into a weapons rack!" he growled before sighing as he saw the smoke dissipate, revealing the nightfury to all the Vikings present who hadn't already seen it "I'll be fine! Go help Hiccup!" he waved her away, causing him to hiss as the fresh cuts on his back complained about him moving

Astrid hesitated for a minute before nodding and running over to hiccup who was yelling over to his dragon in distress. However, she wasn't able to do much except watch as Toothless forced the Monstrous nightmare to retreat before growling as Vikings began to swarm into the arena.

Hiccup rushed over to his dragon, egging him on to escape but the dragon wouldn't budge, not that it mattered Delvin internally noted as he saw the dozens of Vikings guarding each and every exit. Soon enough all hiccup could do was try unsuccessfully to stop each side from hurting each other as toothless and Stoick charged at each other like two bulls who had seen red

Surprisingly toothless handed Stoick his ass, completely leaving the Man who had dozens of years of dragon killing defenseless in one exchange before preparing to finish him off with a blast, which Hiccup, of course, stopped him from doing, unwilling to lose a father. But every action has a consequence as the second Toothless let his guard down, listening to his friend he was swarmed by Vikings, including but not limited to Spitelout, the father of Snotlout and both Delvin's and Astrids mothers who had clearly gone into mother bear mode upon seeing the Nightfury near their children

It was actually his mother, Hilde, who was the first person to rush over to him once hiccup was secured, Astrid had been busy holding back hiccup from trying to fight his fellow Vikings, an action that would have made him a true traitor to berk

"Oh, my poor little conquerer! Are you alright?!" His mother exclaimed as she ran over, tears in her eyes and ever the overprotective mother. She still hadn't stopped calling him that nickname, claiming that he looked just like his father with his black hair and eyes that always seemed ready to fight. "How bad are your injuries?! Stay away from the valkyries!" she howled as she hugged him

"I'm fine mom!" Delvin drawled, putting on a confident face, which was difficult thanks to the large amounts of cuts on his back "you should see the other guy!" he said nodding towards the now captured Monstrous Nightmare with two black eyes

~Said like a true Viking!~ Gothi Wrote as she walked over, sending a Glare in hiccups direction, clearly showing that the sentiment didn't extend to him ~Please allow me to treat your wounds~


It was a few hours later when Delvin Met Astrid and Hiccup on the cliffside, watching as the ships filled and sailed away, limping with his halberd and his back covered in fresh bandages

"So you told them about the nest huh?" Delvin remarked, looking towards the boy who was staring at the main flagship with a glazed-over expression, the same ship his father was on "not what i would have done but-"

"Then what you have done!?" Hiccup interrupted angrily, turning to him with an expression "what would the oh so mighty Delvin, son of none, hero of berk done in my position!?"

"I would have killed that dragon" Delvin replied seriously, looking hiccup directly in the eye, causing the angry boy to deflate slightly as e watched the boats disappear over the horizon. "I would have killed toothless and i would have killed that monstrous nightmare"

"Any of us would have," Astrid remarked, watching the horizon from beside hiccup "Delvin would have done it for berk, I would have done it to prove myself to Delvin and my parents, hell even fishlegs would have done it. She continued before pausing and looking toward the boy beside her

"So why didn't you?"

"I don't know! I was a coward!" Hiccup shouted, swinging around, unsure who he was yelling at and unsure what to say "300 years and I'm the first Viking that couldnt kill a dragon!"

"Bullshit," Delvin said, shooting hiccup down instantly with a shake of his head "you are many things Hiccup Haddock, the son of the chief, an idiot, likely a madman and the first Viking to ever ride a dragon," He said, knowing his words hit the boy where it hurt, especially seeing that his father had likely disowned him "but you are not a coward, not since you shot that dragon from the sky."

"So why then?" Astrid asked again, teaming up with Delvin and adding pressure on Hiccup

Pressure hiccup reacted to with a snap "i wouldn't!" he looked over to the horizon and towards Astrid and Delvin beside him "because… when i looked at him i saw he was just as scared as i was. That he was just like me"

"He's probably terrified right now" Astrid stated, looking back to the horizon, the direction the boats had gone "What are you going to do about it?"

"Probably something stupid" Hiccup chuckled

"You've already done that" Delvin couldnt help but say.

He could practically hear the gears turn in the boy's head after he said that before Hiccup's eye lit up "something crazy then" he replied before jogging in the direction of the arena. Astrid followed him but turned around when she saw Delvin walking in the opposite direction

"What are you doing?" she questioned, seeing the look in his eyes

"You guys go do something insane," Delvin told her, unable to stop a small smirk appearing on his face "you have your plan and I've just had my own"

"I'll meet you on the island," He said with a smirk as he walked away, leaving behind Astrid who had a confused expression on her face.

Next chapter