
His Cure

"My mother?" She sounded surprised to the extent her eyes went round, and she was. She never really expected he'd ask about her mother of all things. The forest was a bit foggy and the sounds of twigs snapping as he walked echoed in the quiet forest.

"Yeah, you said sir Steve knew something about your mother's corpse, so tell me what happened to her?" His tone was shockingly gentle, neither was it an order. Anna didn't even respond and only blinked at him in surprise, but the being just stared ahead as he walked, looking as though half of his mind wasn't particularly here at all.

'Why is he acting strange?' thought Annalise as her lips curiously pulled up in wonders. For some reason, she doubts there's an ulterior motive behind his questions, he actually sounds like he was interested in knowing more about her.

The only people who were this interested in knowing her was Calista and the physician. She remembered the physician could equally transport as well, was he a Demon too?

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