
Chapter 23: Prophecies

Josiah’s P.O.V

As Asmodyus went to clean himself up in a nearby spring, I followed Madame Morana back into the house. She escorted me into a room just off of the bedroom. It was dark, a cold draft kept the room captive as Madame Morana used her magic to light a plethora of candles meticulously placed around the room.

Along the floor was a pentagram of a symbol I couldn’t recognize. I twisted my head slightly as I tried to make it out. I looked up as the scent of burning honey filled my nose.

“The eye of Zythen,” she said, bringing one of the candles and a bowl of an assortment of dried fruits, flowers, and animal bones. “The father of the Dragon-borne and the first king of Tenneset.”

“Do you confide in the dragon-borne, Madame Morana?” I couldn’t help but ask her this. Malik had done his hand of trying to convince me that the Dragon-Borne were the enemy and wanted nothing more than to destroy Avar. Madame Morana, nodded, setting her items along the floor.

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