
Chapter 20: Confiding in Levi and Cider

Josiah's P.O.V

Asmodyus was able to sneak me out of the castle in the middle of the night. After handing me off with a small bag of gold and helping me steal a horse, he saw me off as I promised I’d return after a few days. He nodded, “I’ll keep Malik entertained.” I smiled softly at him before I raced off back towards the village.

I covered myself with the cloak Asmodyus had provided for me as I reached the village. I dismounted the horse before guiding her over to the tavern. I tied her off near the trough outside before I went into the tavern. I scanned the room and smiled softly as I noticed Levi playing cards at a table close to the bar. I crossed the room over to him before removing my hood.

His smile was contagious as he all but leapt over the table to tackle me. “Josiah!” He exclaimed, hugging me so tight, I was almost sure he’d kill me from lack of oxygen. “L-Levi-!” I coughed, “Need-! T-To breath!” Levi gasped before letting go of me.

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