
Chapter 17: Den of Thieves

The journey from the manor to the castle was a mostly silent one. I say mostly silent due to hearing different whispers of the guards behind me. I tried to ignore them the best I could, focusing on the scenery as we passed by the trees and into the market.

As we went through the market, the crowd cheered and waved at us as we went past. I looked behind me when I heard a familiar whistle and saw Levi waving after me. I didn’t want to risk falling off of Asmodyus’ horse, so I sent him a quick wave in return.

I looked back up at Asmodyus as I felt him gently place a hand on mine. “They’re all cheering for you,” he whispered back towards me. I wasn’t sure if I wanted to believe him. From the way I saw it, they were all cheering and parading fake smiles to appeal to Malik. I didn’t like the guilty feeling that came over me as I watched the people watch me get swept off to live in the palace.

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