
Chapter 10: The Clock Struck Twelve

The music had returned to its original melancholic seduction. The whispers of the room were low, as the women fanned themselves with their arrogance while those men that seemed all the more bored hid behind their wine glasses. I found myself in a better position to ignore their musings at the warm feeling of the stranger’s hand in mine.

There was a brush against the back of my neck, causing me to turn my head toward this stranger. I could count the amount of times I was left breathless as I found his gaze so stuck on mine, in a fit of curiosity. Such a curiosity that I could relate to one seeking out things that are new and different.

At the same time this curiosity appeared filled with a smaller amount of admiration. This admiration caught me off guard while this stranger’s hand wrapped itself around my waist. His hands were warm, different from the hands of Prince Malik who was now camouflaged within the sea of other attendants.

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