
Penthouse I

Zhao Ziqin is in the garden playing her flute, but the tunes that come from it express her sadness and longing, especially since two days have passed since she met Zhang Fei for the first time, but he still hasn't come to see her again. 'Where are you, Fei? Why don't you come to visit me? Are you just going to leave me after you treated me like that?'

*Tap... Tap...*

"Why is your song so sad, Little Sister?"

Hearing that, Zhao Ziqin stopped playing her flute and turned to Zhao Yun, who was standing behind her. "I just miss someone, Big Brother."

Zhao Yun was surprised to hear that, especially since Zhao Ziqin was too introverted and always had difficulty communicating with people other than their family members. That's why she rarely met other people and tended to isolate herself in their house. However, she suddenly expressed her longing for someone.

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