
Chapter 27 - Forging Bonds Old and New

276 AC

Daemon Pov 

The sun shone brightly as our caravan continued its journey towards Casterly Rock.

It had been three moons since Viserys' birth, and Tywin had decided to host a tourney at Lannisport to celebrate my youngest brother's arrival. But everyone knew the real reason behind the festivities.

Even Father knew the true purpose of the proposal of a betrothal between the Crown Prince and Cersei Lannister being the main reason for the festivities.

The entire royal family was on the move for the tourney. Mother, Daeron, and Viserys rode in the wheelbarrow, while Father, Rhaegar, and I rode our own horses.

The caravan had expanded to accommodate the Baratheons, who were also headed to the tourney. Uncle Steffon, Aunt Cassana, and their son Stannis joined our party, much to our pleasure.

Sadly, Robert couldn't join us. The Mountain Clans' activities in the Vale had escalated, making the high roads unsafe until the knights of the Vale cleared them of savages.

"You've grown significantly, Daemon," Stannis remarked, eyeing me.

"You're right, Stannis the Mannis. I might just give Robert a challenge in that department," I replied, grinning.

"I fail to understand why you call me that," he said, his brows furrowing.

"Because you're a menace, cousin. A menace to my brother's dogs," I retorted, glancing at Rhaegar's loyal pack of hounds.

Rhaegar and his band of fools were riding ahead of us, and I couldn't resist tossing a verbal jab their way.

"Go suck my cock, Lonmouth," I jeered at one of my brother's lackeys.

"What did you say?" Lonmouth snapped back, clearly angered by my words.

"Oh, forgive me. I didn't realize you had Connington and Mooton's cocks in your ears," I retorted, unable to contain my smirk.

My comment caught the attention of the rest of Rhaegar's entourage, who turned their mounts to face me, their expressions turning sour.

I noticed Lonmouth reaching for his sword, but Rhaegar intervened before things escalated.

"Don't mind my brother, he's just trying to provoke you," Rhaegar said, attempting to defuse the situation.

"Daemon, enough with your nonsense," Rhaegar scolded, clearly irritated by my antics.

"As you wish, Your Grace," I replied with a sarcastic bow, relishing in getting under Rhaegar's skin.

But before the tension could escalate further, Barristan approached me on horseback.

"Prince Daemon, your mother is calling for you," he announced, prompting me to shoot one last smug glance at my brother's entourage before turning and making my way to the queen's wheelbarrow.

The window of the wheelbarrow opened as I rode alongside, catching my mother's attention.

"Mother, you look as radiant as ever," I complimented.

"Isn't it a bit early for flattery, my son?" she teased.

"Well, what can I say..." I began, but before I could finish, Daeron leaped onto Mother's lap, peering out of the window.

"I want to get out, Daemon! I want to ride my own horse and not be next to the ugly baby," Daeron declared, much to my amusement and Mother's horror as she glanced at Viserys, who was mewling in the corner, cradled by a nursemaid.

"Daeron Targaryen, I dare you to call your younger brother an ugly baby," Mother scolded, her tone firm.

Daeron looked ready to cry at the rebuke.

"Mother, give Daeron to me. It seems he needs some fresh air," I offered, seeing the distress on my brother's face.

"Janna, you should go too," Mother instructed her lady-in-waiting, and as I glanced at Janna, I felt a pang of guilt for my past remarks.

The wheelbarrow came to a halt, and a horse was brought for Janna to ride, while I lifted Daeron onto my own mount, knowing he was still too young to ride.

As we trotted along the road, I gently tousled my brother's hair, sensing something was bothering him.

"Daeron, is everything alright?" I inquired, concern lacing my voice.

He took a breath before admitting, "No, it's not."

"And why is that, Daeron?" I probed gently, trying to understand his feelings.

"It's all Viserys' fault," he blurted out, his frustration evident.

"And pray tell, what could our little brother, who's just three moons old, possibly do?" I asked, puzzled.

"He takes all of Muna's time," Daeron replied, his voice cracking with emotion. "She does not have any time for me."

"Daeron, it's not like that," I reassured him, lifting him up and turning him to face me. "Viserys is just born, and he needs more of Mother's attention right now."

"But how do you think Viserys would feel if he knew his elder brother despised him?" I questioned gently.

"I do not care!" Daeron shouted in frustration.

"Well, then I suppose I should dislike you too, since after you were born, Mother started paying more attention to you," I remarked pointedly, watching as Daeron's expression shifted to disbelief.

"No, Daemon, you can't say that," he protested, realizing his mistake.

"I know, Daeron, I understand how you feel," I reassured him.

"Just as I've been there for you, will you not be there for your brother?" I asked, hoping to convey the importance of sibling support.

"Yes, brother, I will be there for him as well," Daeron conceded, his voice softening.

"I know you will," I said, pulling him into a hug.

He reciprocated, and I noticed a small smile appear on Janna's face as well.

After some time, I pulled up to the wheelbarrow and handed Daeron to Mother. He apologized as well, and I could see that Mother was grateful for what I had done.

Then I rode my horse next to Janna, but I felt a cold silence emanating from her side.

Her sunny disposition, usually prone to gossip, seemed dimmed.

"Quite a good day, isn't it?" I attempted to engage her, but she remained silent.

Undeterred, I continued, "You must be quite happy about becoming an aunt. Mace is thrilled to have his heir in little Willas," I mentioned, trying to steer the conversation toward her nephew born just a moon ago.

Still, she didn't respond.

Frustration started to gnaw at me. "I don't appreciate being ignored, Janna," I stated firmly, taking the reins of her horse in my hands, startling the animal a bit.

"Daemon, stop it," Janna said, her voice strained as the horse reacted to the sudden movement.

"I won't until you start speaking to me again," I insisted.

"Oh, is that so? Because I remember your previous words urging me to go and talk to your brother, making me sound like some grasping lady trying to become the queen," she retorted, and I winced, recalling my instability during Mother's labor at the time.

"I know I can't take back what I said, but I hope you can forgive me," I pleaded.

Then, I reached into my satchel and removed a box.

"Here, I hope it makes up for what I did," I offered.

She took the box from my hand, her curiosity piqued. When she opened it, her eyes widened.

"Daemon," she said softly as she removed the ornament I had gifted her.

It was a gold chain with a locket in the shape of a golden rose.

"I hope you like it," I said, nervously awaiting her reaction.

"Like it?" she exclaimed, her voice filled with genuine surprise. "I love it, Daemon," she confessed, her cheeks flushing as she gazed into my eyes.

"Mission accomplished," I declared with a grin, relieved and content to have made amends.

"You're like a completely different person sometimes, Daemon," Janna remarked.

"When you're with Daeron, it's as if you're the most caring and loving person, but then with your elder brother, it's like you become a different person altogether," she continued.

"Well, let's not spoil a perfectly good day, Janna," I replied, though I could tell she wasn't quite pleased with my response.



We passed through the Lion's Mouth, the main entry to Casterly Rock, accessible via a grand stone stairway wide enough for twenty riders.

Upon arrival, we were greeted by a legion of Lannisters, with Tywin Lannister, the head of House Lannister, leading the way followed by his wife and children.

All of us Targaryens stood together, Mother holding little Viserys wrapped in a red and black blanket, while Father, Rhaegar, Daeron, and wore the colors of House Targaryen - black and red, except for me standing out in gold and white attire.

As Father approached, Tywin knelt along with the others. "Casterly Rock is yours, Your Grace," Tywin declared, and Father looked smug, a sight that always made me chuckle, as if Tywin bending the knee was somehow arousing to him.

Father exchanged greetings with Tywin, Joanna, and their twins, Cersei and Jaime, before finally standing in front of the smallest Lannister.

I looked at Tyrion Lannister for the first time and felt a wave of pity for the young boy, barely three namedays old. He had stunted legs, stubby fingers, and a jutted forehead. His mismatched eyes - one green, the other black - peered nervously from beneath thin, flaxen hair that appeared almost white.

"It is such a pleasure to meet your youngest Tywin," Father said with a smile, but Tywin's face remained as hard as Casterly Rock itself.

"Lord Tywin's bane himself," he added, looking down at little Tyrion, who seemed overwhelmed by the attention.

Thankfully, Father didn't linger, and Rhaegar, Daeron, Mother, and I greeted the Lannisters as well.

Jaime seemed excited to meet me, but Cersei's gaze was fixed on Rhaegar.

Finally, I approached Tyrion, who had hidden behind his mother's skirt. I knelt down before him.

"Hello there, Tyrion. It's nice to meet you," I said, extending my hand. He timidly reciprocated, and I shook it, glancing up to see Lady Joanna smiling softly.

"I brought something for you," I said as Barristan brought forward a box. "I hope you like it."

As he opened the box, his face lit up. Inside was a wooden dragon figure painted gold.

"What do you say, Tyrion, when someone gives you a gift?" Lady Joanna gently prompted him.

"Thank you," he said shyly.

"You're welcome, Tyrion," I said with a smile, and he returned it shyly.

"Do you know who I am?" I asked him.

He nodded. "You're the Golden Prince, the second son of the king, Daemon Targaryen," he replied.

"Wow, you're quite a smart lad," I remarked, and he blushed at the compliment.

Afterward, I greeted the other Lannisters as well.

Then, my eyes landed on one of my dearest friends.

"By the Seven, you have grown," Oberyn Martell exclaimed, and I eagerly moved forward, embracing him.

"It's good to see your ugly face, Oberyn," I teased, and we both laughed heartily.

"I was quite bored waiting for your sorry arse to reach Casterly Rock," he joked.

"Well, I believe the maesters must have been happy to kick you out of Oldtown," I retorted.

He chuckled, "You're correct about that. You should have seen the archmaesters' faces when I said I would be leaving."

Before he could continue, I noticed Elia waiting by his side.

"Oh, my apologies, Princess. I was stunned seeing such an ugly face like your brother's," I quipped, and she started laughing, much to Oberyn's frustration.

"It's good to meet you as well after so long, Prince Daemon," she said politely, adding the honorifics.

"I never got to congratulate the both of you on becoming an uncle and aunt, respectively," I remarked, referring to Doran's wife giving birth to the future Princess of Dorne, Princess Arianne Martell.

"My brother sends his wishes to you and your family as well," Lady Elia conveyed.

"So, tell me, how does it feel knowing you'll become the future Lady of the Rock?" I asked, speaking a bit loudly so even Jaime could hear me, causing both of them to blush.

"Well, he's a good kid, so I have no problem with the little lion," Oberyn commented about Jaime.

"That's a good thing, as the last thing I wanted was for you to poison the kid," I joked, and we burst into laughter together.



The feast was in full swing. Drinks were being served, people were dancing, and food was being savored. The opulence present in the festivities was on a whole other level.

Many knights were in attendance, with Ser Brynden Tully, also known as the Blackfish, being the most prominent from the Riverlands. It was the first time I had seen him in person, and I made a mental note to speak to him when I got the chance.

Father was already deep in his cups and didn't mind Rains Of Castamere being played over ten times.

I glanced at Rhaegar, who was surrounded by younger knights and his two squires, but he seemed more engrossed in conversation with Ser Arthur Dayne, whom he hadn't seen in a long time since the Sword of the Morning had to return to Starfall for his elder brother's wedding.

Mother had retired for the night, taking Daeron with her, much to his dismay. Lady Joanna had also left, and when I looked at her, I could see that her health was not the same as before.

I watched as many of the nobles and knights were busy dancing, particularly Uncle Steffon and his wife, Lady Cassana, who seemed to be thoroughly enjoying themselves. Stannis, their son, sat beside me, clearly uncomfortable with socializing, especially dancing.

"Stop grinding your teeth, Mannis," I remarked, noting the nervous tic of stannis.

Despite my attempt at humor, my attention was drawn to the various ladies whose allure was undeniable.

"Daemon, it seems I have business to attend to," Father announced, departing with two ladies who were surely members of House Lannisters Branch families

As I saw the various sevring girls approach me I could not help but look at their breasts and how supple they looked.

Gods I wanted to fuck someone.

I fucking hated puberty because there were times I wanted to bash someone's head in or I wanted to fuck someone.

Just then, Janna appeared.

"I've danced with at least half a hundred Lannisters. Will you be the first Targaryen?" she asked, and I acquiesced.

"After all, what kind of man would I be to say no to a lady?" I replied with a grin.

As we started dancing, I couldn't help but notice the pendant I had given her around her neck.

"I see you wore my gift," I remarked.

"Well, it doesn't look that bad in the first place," she teased, and I let out a short laugh.

As we continued dancing, I couldn't shake the feeling of searching for someone.

"She should have been here," I thought.

As the song changed, so did my partner; now, I was dancing with Elia, while Oberyn was with Janna.

"It seems you're looking for someone, Daemon," Elia observed.

"Wow, you have such wonderful intuition, Elia," I responded sarcastically.

"Well, I have been privy to most of the letters that you both send each other," she confessed.

"Ashara would never do that," I said defensively, but seeing my expression, Elia burst into laughter.

"She does not show me the letters," she said.

"So, where is she?" I asked.

"Well, someone is in a hurry to find her," Elia teased.

"Well, I cannot control myself anymore, Elia, because if I dance with you any longer, then I will…" I said, pausing for dramatic effect.

"You will do what?" she asked, her curiosity piqued.

"I will start seducing you, Princess," I whispered in her ear, my hand moving to her backside, much to her surprise. As she turned red, she seemed momentarily spellbound, but then she noticed my expression and promptly hit my arm.

"You are an arse, Daemon," she scolded.

"I am quite guilty of that, Princess," I admitted with a grin.

As the song ended, I made my way to the corner and poured myself a cup of wine.

"You never mentioned in your letters that you had started drinking," a soft voice came from behind me. Turning, I saw Ashara standing there, adorned in a splendid purple dress. Her fair skin, dark black hair, and violet eyes made her look breathtaking.

"Am I really that beautiful?" she asked, and I realized I had been staring at her for some time.

"It would be an understatement, Ashara," I replied, and she blushed at my compliment.

"Would you care for a dance, my lady?" I asked.

"I thought you would never ask," she said with a smile.

I led her to the dance floor, and as we began dancing, she remarked, "You have improved."

"Well, what can I say? I am a genius," I quipped, earning a playful roll of her eyes.

"It seems Arthur is not happy seeing me dance with you," I remarked as I noticed her brother glaring daggers at me.

Sure enough, he approached us on the dance floor.

"Well, it is time to leave," I declared, swiftly taking Ashara's hand and leading her away from the dance floor. As we exited the hall, laughter bubbled up between us.

"He will be quite mad," I said, chuckling.

"At you, you mean," she countered.

"It is not a good thing to anger one of the deadliest swordsmen in the Seven Kingdoms, especially when you're not a knight," she warned.

"Well, do not worry for my safety, my lady. I, too, will become a knight soon," I assured her confidently.

"So you really will compete in the squires' melee?" she asked with concern.

"Obviously I will," I replied, already envisioning the event that would take place at the very end of the tourney.

"Daemon, I believe you should wait for some time," she suggested.

"Wait for what?" I inquired, curious about her hesitation.

"Well, to become a bit older, where you would become more skilled and there would be less chance of you getting hurt," she explained. As she spoke, I could see genuine concern in her eyes.

But I knew I couldn't wait. My life would only become more hectic once the tourney was over. I had to first go and meet the woodwitch, then beat every squire's arse in the melee, and ensure that the relationship between Aerys and Tywin wouldn't become strained, as Aerys would surely reject Tywin's proposal of a betrothal between Rhaegar and Cersei. But the main goal was to get knighted and then ask a boon from my father: to follow in the Rogue Prince's footsteps and become the Lord Commander of the City Watch.

Because my turn to play the game of thrones had arrived.

Next chapter