
lottery and doing a good deed.

'Well it's time for the lottery' - I thought before hitting the normal range lottery ticket.

A roulette wheel appears with an endless number of names... not that many but it is difficult to see them and if I make an effort I can see that they change.

But hey, it's starting to spin.

'It spins, spins, spins and spins... how much does this thing intend to spin' - I thought as I watched the spinner spin too much.

After 2 seconds it finally stopped spinning I was getting really dizzy it spins really fast...

He stopped and...

[Congratulations you have won [dragon blood flower: white].]

'...' - I stared at the screen and then I started to make different sounds not to think of an insult.

'But what am I going to do with a flower?' - I thought as I took out the flower and used [observe] on it.

[Dragon's Blood Flower: It's a pretty flower that comes in different colors....

Legend has it that the [Dragon Blood Flower] grows when a drop of dragon blood falls on a newly born flower.

The colors of the flower represent the element that the Dragon could use being red: fire, blue: water, brown: earth, green: wind, white: light, black: darkness... etc.]

'Aha very nice and everything but what can I do with this...' I thought a little annoyed by my luck.

'(Sigh) Now I hope you have better luck with the other ticket' - I thought while using the low rank lottery ticket.

A roulette appeared and....

'It spins too much again' - I thought as I watched the roulette wheel.

After 10 more seconds he managed to stop this time if I felt that the food I had for dinner last night could come out.

Reminding me that I haven't eaten.

Ok... the roulette stops and...

[Congratulations you have won [low rank healing potion].]

'Well something useful to see...' - I thought as I took out the small bottle from my inventory.

It was a glass bottle with a blue liquid inside.

[Low Rank Healing Potion: It can heal 100 health points, the recovery speed depends on the wound.

Does not regenerate lost body parts.]

'At least I have something for an emergency' - I thought as I carefully put the potion back.

'Now what to do...' - I thought as I looked towards the entrance of the cave.

'That is, I can go to the river and practice there, even if the cave is a good place I have little space and I can't stay forever in the cave' - I thought as I walked towards the cave entrance.

'But first let's eat' - I went back to my place to eat which is also my place to sleep and train... I'm lazy I know.

After eating another full cooked chicken and drinking water, now I went to the river.

In other words, the river was not that far from my cave, about 500 meters, but I had not seen it because there were a lot of trees covering it, the wind was from left to right, so you cannot smell the aroma of a river. and I didn't concentrate too much on listening to the sound yesterday either.

Well in total we are going to go to the river.

Walking through the woods using my senses so I don't miss anything again.

When I was reaching the river I heard the sound of an insect not far from me.

Normally I wouldn't stop him but he caught my attention and he wasn't very far away so I'm going and reaching one of the areas where he fell by what looks like the stream of water from yesterday's crocodile fish.

And if I look through a hole in a tree, it looks like a bird's nest, but that's where I heard the sound of the insect, so let's see.

Arriving I get up on my two legs to be able to reach the height of the hole and when I do I hear flapping sounds from inside.

I see a butterfly with opaque blue wings inside trying with all its might to be able to fly but it seems injured yesterday it was hit by the crocodile fish's jet of water.

Unfortunate but well that's wildlife you can die at any time, rather, that's life you don't know when your time will come.

Using [observe] on the butterfly as I surprisingly feel Mana on it.



Breed: morpho butterfly

Status: dying.

Range: Normal Body(G), Normal Mana(G++).


I was surprised that this little butterfly has more mana than me.

tempted to eat the butterfly to increase my mana, but it reminds me of my past life when I used to have fun playing in the backyard with the butterflies.

Now I feel just a little bad because although I know butterflies have a short life span and/or some animal can eat them.

So it makes me feel a little bad to ruin this little butterfly's life, and as I said because when I was little I always liked butterflies, catching them and keeping them in a bottle even though some of them ended up dead for different reasons, but well Let's think about the good times.

'Let's do the good deed for the day and save this little butterfly here' - I thought as I took out the [low rank healing potion] from my inventory.

I use telekinesis and grab the butterfly that is resigned to her life... what a dramatic butterfly.

Taking advantage of my control in using telekinesis with various things I grab the potion and throw a few drops at the butterfly.

It's not that he needs much either, the potion is low rank while the butterfly is only normal rank.

Then I see how its opaque blue recovers its brightness and the butterfly looks healthier.

[Morpho butterfly.

Status: healthy (recovering), hungry]

Putting away the potion and placing the butterfly back into the hole in the trunk, he took out the [Dragon Blood Flower] and put it there for it to eat assuming it still needs nectar to survive.

I don't think much about the flower either, I just want to save space by removing something useless to me.

The butterfly that seems to have a bit of intelligence sees the flower then it sees me and so on until it makes up its mind and goes to eat.

Attending my good deed for the day I am going to train, wishing him good luck on his journey to the butterfly and that he does not die so soon.

I'm going to the river to train today a good day awaits me after my great action.

Next chapter