
Chapter Six


It has been two weeks since River moved in with me. I do not know if we are making serious progress, but she has been talking to me more and I have already notified the pack that I have met my mate and will introduce her when she is ready. I am a bit nervous, she asked if she could train with us today. She has been watching from afar and I do not know all she knows. I do not want her to get hurt especially after what I allowed when she first came here.

"Bain, I am ready!" River said coming down the stairs. She was wearing a long sleeve black top with tight black leggings that made Blaze hum satisfaction in my mind of how his mate looked, and I was inclined to agree. "Okay, but if you need a break, please let me know." "Bain, I told you I would try and work on this mate thing between us and if I am going to be Luna I need to know everything and I need to stay in fighting shape." I lowered my head not wanting to upset her and knew she was right. "By the way River, why are you wearing long sleeves it's like eighty degrees outside?" "No, the reason I like this shirt." I brushed it off and motioned for her to follow me to the training grounds.

"Good morning, everyone." My voice boomed through any chatter happening at this time. "Morning Alpha." You could hear all say in unison. "Everyone let's start with fifty laps around the perimeter and then back here for the next." "Yes, Alpha." We all began running and I noticed River stayed towards the back, but I do not think it is because she can not run but she seems to be observing the others. I decide to slow pace and get into line with her.

"Hey River." "Hello Bain, I see you decided for some chit chat." "I see you are observing." She raised her eyebrows at me not realizing I caught on to what she was doing. "You or the beta or whoever is training at the time needs to do the same I can already tell you a few things from what I have seen." We have only run a few laps though I wonder what she has noticed.

"Care to enlighten me, my Luna." I seen a small smile tug on her lips which tugged on my heart. "First your unmated males are to busy staying behind the unmated females to ogle them. Secondly, the one shy girl staying closer to where I am, she is faster than she appears she just does not want to outshine anyone else, probably afraid they will challenge her if she does so. Thirdly two of your female trainees snuck off, they will probably appear at the end to skip the running portion." I was shocked we have never noticed these things. Blaze was filling with pride at his very observant mate.

We finally finished the last lap and she was correct the two she-wolves reappeared at the start of the last lap. So, I made a rash decision. "Today things will be done differently, everyone will spare and face some tests and you will be assigned to a group of what we believe is your biggest strength. That is how we will remain strong with working with your strengths and bringing them to use and also any weak points you will be trained on." every had eyes on me and River was watching me and the others very intently. "Why are you changing everything now? We were doing just fine before." The young she-wolf who skipped the laps trying to get an easy out. "Well, it has come to my attention that a few of you are hiding what you are truly capable of, and it may be fear or not knowing where you belong but each and everyone of you are an asset to this pack. Secondly it has come to my attention that some of you are becoming lax and skipping part of your training thinking it has gone unnoticed was your first mistake." I walked right up to the she-wolf who dare question her Alpha.

"Thanks to our Luna, I have realized that some of you only portray being in the lead of their class when really they are slackers, and the ones who are hiding their abilities, maybe of fear, and for some reason I believe that fear is initiated by the same she-wolf who would dare defy her Alpha and question my statements." I barred my teeth letting my authority roll off me showing her I meant business.

"Now is there anything else before we began?" I spoke loudly with authority when I happened to see my mate smiling and for some reason, I did not have a good feeling about what was about to happen with who she was glaring her devilish smirk at.

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