
Chapter Two


The water was cold, and refreshing as I drank from the stream I had stumbled upon. I have been running for days now no clue where I would end up as long as it was nowhere near those I was running from.

My wolf Willow and I knew we could not stay at that ratchet pack another day with any of them, ever since my best friend left five years ago it got worse, and could not withstand it another day. 'That's right River, we are destined for more than those filthy creatures, we are stronger and wiser than any of them could fathom.' 'I know willow and we will find our place in this world; I am just afraid they will find us before we can even begin.'

Then suddenly I heard twigs snapping quickly I shifted into Willow, waiting for whoever was lurking in the brush to show themselves. I then smelled the veil smell of rotting meat and sewage, the normal smell of true rogues after a long time of being rogue this becomes their smell. We took off running in the other direction as fast as we could and then suddenly the rogue then leaped from the bushes landing on top of me trying to bite me anywhere, he could.

Willow took her hind legs and kicked him off and jumped back to all fours quickly as the rogue regained his composure and began circling us, the wolf licking his lips as he did so. Suddenly two more wolves in human form showed up in front of me behind the rogue.

You could smell power radiating from their bodies, neither were Alpha but still had power. Willow felt the pull to protect them even though they could probably take care of themselves. They shouted, "Shift now rogues, you have crossed our territory, we demand you shift."

Willow felt the need to follow but when the other rogue snarled in their direction and leaped to attack, Willow jumped mid-air landing on the rogue before he could reach the two others and began clawing and biting frantically.

We rolled around on the ground, each other trying to gain the upper hand, something caught him off guard making him look up and when he did Willow clasped her mouth around his throat biting down as hard as she could, after hearing the crunching of bones breaking and the rogue finally going limp, she tossed him to the side.

Looking up to the other wolves she bowed her head in submission and shifted back. I stayed hunkered down on my knees trying to cover my exposed private areas when one tossed me a shirt from his backpack reaching my knees to cover all sensitive areas.

I knew was a rogue so they would treat me as a rogue and would not listen to why or reason, so I lowered my head showing I am no threat, and we began walking. Willow was whimpering in my head for us being caught knowing the punishments for crossing territories without permission but yet I did not blame her at all.

Two more wolves appeared, and I took them in as warriors, one man spoke, "Take her to the dungeon to begin interrogation, I have some things to review." "Yes, Delta." So, the one disputing the power was the Delta, my stomach was turning knowing all the ways I could be interrogated, it would not be the first time.

We reached the cells, and they lead me to the dungeon, the building was cold, damp, and smelled of death. The place made me, and my wolf feel uncomfortable and instantly depressed.

They took me to the lower floor where there was no one at all, probably because they are killed after their interrogation. They then chained me to a bar hanging from the ceiling in the middle of the room, and from their eyes hazing over they must have been mind-linking someone. "Who are you?" "My name is River Rose." "That was easy enough, you won't be hard to break then.

Why are you trespassing on our land.?" "I was running away from the other rogue and did not realize I was crossing into your territory." Why are you rogue?" This was one question I did not want to answer and would not tell them the details. "I ran away from my old pack; I mean no harm to yours." "Why?" "You do not need the details I just ran away." "Not good enough."

Suddenly the other gentlemen appeared and took what appeared to be a taser and began to shock me. After the same thing over and over I felt my body weakening and my head starting to spin. My body could not manage much more of this when suddenly the door busted open, and my eyes landed on the man stalking toward me. The only thing I could muster before the darkness consumed me was "MATE."

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