
Chapter 26- Humans, and Beasts, they all die from a gunshot anyway.

(A/N: Chapters gon be published every 5 pm my time, Indonesia's time, whenever that is, GMT+7 iirc.)

After 30 minutes of traveling at an even faster pace than his first journey, Long Ren reached his destination, Mountain Carp Peak, Mountain number 2.

The mountain is surrounded by gates and walls, preventing its inhabitants from escaping, and making it easier for the clan to manage its ecosystem.

In a certain spot stood the entrance gate, which Long Ren had just arrived upon.

After showing his admission token, the guard proceeds to do something to the token, activating it and marking Long Ren as its owner. He then informs Long Ren of some guidelines while he's inside.

It basically consists of encouraging words, what to do, what to look out for, and what he can't do, such as committing genocide on a certain species of raccoon just because one of its children poke and dirtied your woman's expensive robe.

A bit too detailed for Long Ren's taste but he just nodded in compliance and went in.

As Long Ren went in, he saw exactly what he expected, a mountain full of lush trees towering over him, strings of wind breeze brushing through his face, bringing the scent of nature into his nose.

His face showed a gentle smile, this scent of nature is different that what he had experienced before. It's stronger, calmer, and yet, contains ferociousness unlike any other,

As this is not a recreational activity, they had not paved a path towards the top of the mountains, therefore, Long Ren just went in an up direction, whatever that means.

He walked through the woods, observing each and every new thing he found along the way.

Many bugs surrounded him, but none of them are powerful enough to be a nuisance due to his enforced passive qi barrier. He enforced it since bugs, are really not his thing.

(A/N: I really wish I had that barrier IRL, like, FK OFF MOSQUITOES!!!!! I've killed like 5 yesterday and 10 more appeared today!)

Other than bugs that are very different from those he knew, the other lifeforms here are also very weird and new. Though, some of them have a semblance with his previous life's lifeforms.

He saw a normal-sized rabbit with a horn above each of its eyes, they still look cute though, barring the glowing red eyes and its action of munching on what looks like a leopard about ten times its size.

Thankfully, it was too preoccupied with munching on its spoils to care about Long Ren, and he does not want his first kill to be a cute rabbit.

'Can I make it my pet? I do like some fluffy plushie next to my bed.' Long Ren thought while chuckling to himself, he knew it was almost impossible to do.

Magical beasts who had not gone past a certain intelligence threshold are very hard to tame, as they are usually controlled by the qi inside their body to act aggressive.

But, like all things in this world, if you are strong enough, anything is possible. Stronger beasts are calm and tame even if they have not gained perfect intelligence, an example would be the cubs of magical beast powerhouses.

He left the bunny to its own business and went along his way, space stepping towards the top.

As he arrived after space stepping, he heard a rustle a bit ahead of him. Not knowing what it was, Long Ren crouched down and dampen his steps, trying to make as little noise as possible.

He head towards a big bush and took cover there while peeking at the noise.

There, he saw a brown, bear-like magical beast with three eyes and a pitch-black hue on its paws and up.

Its currently scratching its back on a massive and sturdy tree filled with spikes. It seems like not only did the spikes not hurt the bear, but they also made it feel comfortable.

Though Long Ren does not know how strong exactly the spikes are, he can estimate their qi signatures and realized that they radiate about as much as a rank-1 cultivator.

So, for the bear, a rank 1 cultivator's qi attack would only be a mere back scratch for it. It is a min rank-4 magical beast not for nothing after all.

Knowing this, Long Ren readied his strongest attack, five simultaneous [Spatial Bullet] from his right hand. Though he could make ten, it would decrease its efficiency, and therefore power, so five is the optimum amount.

He charged his attack for six seconds, increasing its explosive power by 200%, and aimed it at the bear's brain. His stealth, coupled with his spatial properties made the all-out attack a deadly surprise.

The bear, not knowing what was coming, was still enjoying its backscratch when all of a sudden, five small portals appeared right between its three eyes and five bullets flew from them. Three bullets went to each of its eyes, while two targeted the area in between them.

Without any chance of retaliation, or any thought really, the bear's upper head, Exploded.


The residual power in the bullets lets them pierce through the bear's flesh and exploded upon impact with the big tree, resulting in a deafening explosion heard throughout a small area around the bear.

Long Ren had quickly made some sort of a space barrier surrounding the bear's head to contain the blast's audio from spreading out, but, as it was made abruptly, it is not stable and quickly deteriorated after receiving the blast, though, it did serve its purpose of minimizing the blast's sound.

After a few seconds, Long Ren opened his eyes and saw the bear lying on the ground dead, its head from nose up is gone, revealing its innards.

Meanwhile, the tree had received some damage as well, though, not enough to cause a timber. It seems like the spikes are quite fragile, but the insides of the tree are pretty durable.

Long Ren felt like he went too all in. He could probably end the bear's life without charging his attack, the eyes are a pretty squishy body part after all.

No matter, lesson learned.

By his estimation, just one casual [Spatial Bullet] could end the life of any rank-4 beast. Just one bullet to pierce its eyes and subsequently, up towards its brains. He could make the portal appear from any angle, making it possible to do that.

With this initial test, Long Ren is now confident in his combat prowess. Turns out, Humans, Magical beasts,they all die from a gunshot anyway.

If they don't die from one gunshot, make it two, if it's still not enough, increase its quantity even more, or increase its firepower.

'Guns are just OP, huh.' Thought Long Ren as he went towards the bear's corpse and shuddered after looking at the bear's insides.

Though he had killed before, they were just one clean shot, not too gory for him, but now, as the bullets exploded, it resulted in a pretty gory scene.

A bit too much for Long Ren, so he puked a little. No reason to not puke, it made him feel better anyway.

After puking a bit and cleansing his mouth with some water, Long Ren quickly covered the bear's head with a cloth and wondered what to do with the corpse.

He could just leave it there, and let the circle of life flow naturally, or bring it into his storage ring for some money.

In the end, he chose the first option, bringing the bear's corpse to the demon rabbit he found before, because, why not.

He doesn't need the money as his allowance is already honestly too much for his own good, and who knows, maybe he can pet the rabbit if he gave it some offerings.

Unfortunately, the rabbit does not know the word gratitude.

It almost bit Long Ren's finger off with its surprisingly fast speed, but in the end, it didn't matter as Long Ren's reaction speed is simply faster.

'Welp, never really expected that to happen anyway, but hey, a man can hope.' he thought to himself while continuing on his journey to the west…top...I mean top.

(A/N: literally the first "fight" scene I have ever written, if you can call shooting a defenseless mama bear mercilessly a fight scene.)

(A/N 2: Yes, the bear is a mama bear, and the cubs will get the same treatment! >:3)

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