
Love and mistakes (1)

Alessandra found going to the garden to find a partner a lot of pressure. A crowd of people would find entertainment in watching couples be happily engaged or rejected and left alone. As she got closer to the garden, she noticed it was more like a maze and the only way you could see what was happening was if you had a good spot on the balconies.

Alessandra didn't want to witness hearts being broken on such a good night but had to stay close to the group instead of staying behind. "Eleanor, wouldn't your aunt want you to go into the garden to find a match?" She teased. 

"She would but I already made up a good excuse about not finding a partner. I went through the trouble of hiding the fact the invitation to the ball said I could bring along one guest. I would be forced into that garden against my will if I let her come with me," said Eleanor, feeling a chill run over her body as she imagined the torture she would have to endure if her aunt was present. 

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