
Opening up (3)

Sally couldn't wait for the day Kate would witness Alessandra without her mask. Kate would not be able to hide her jealousy and most likely make an outburst. "Duchess," Sally called to Alessandra before they entered Alfred's room. "Will you expose what you endured with your father? I can back you up with what I have seen."

"I plan to when the court finds out more about Katrina. The only issue is that my face has healed so there wouldn't be much evidence to show it did happen. I can still prove the maltreatment the maids witnessed. It will be revealed at the right time. Thank you for wanting to help me," said Alessandra.

"The town will come to love you when it learns the truth and your family will pay for ignoring what you were going through. Why does it seem like that does not please you?" Sally asked as Alessandra didn't appear to be happy about it.

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