
Lost bullet!

Walkers began banging on the trailer door as Merle's screams rang out. "Damn, there are too many. Daryl shit, don't walk away from me." The sound of the shots is not long in coming.

"We need help now, they're piling up at the RV door!" Daryl screams, in that, the sound of his crossbow crashing against the meat is heard.

"No no no!" Dale yells from the ceiling, we hear him fire his rifle as the door begins to collapse on itself. Shit, shit, this shouldn't happen, the RV should be the safest place in the fucking camp. My heart starts to beat faster as panic spreads inside the RV.

"Behind me everyone." Andrea says taking her gun with trembling hands. Fear can be seen on her face, the facade of security that she gave us a few moments ago is no longer there.

Carl and Sofia start screaming, the walkers begin entering the RV, Andrea screams as she fires her gun at the first walkers, Amy cries and starts hugging Carl, Sofia, and me. "Everything will be fine, close your eyes." Amy whispers.

This is out of my control, damn it. Andrea stops shooting after shooting down a couple of walkers, she has terrible aim. More walkers begin to enter the trailer slowly.

"Andrea enough, you will not be able to with all." Amy says as she begins to sob. "Don't let the children feel pain, they don't deserve it... I love you sister." Amy Says with a sad smile.

"I'm sorry, I'm so sorry." Andrea starts to cry when she turns around pointing her gun at us, wait a minute? Is she going to shoot us? "It will be quick, they won't feel pain." Andrea says with tears running down her face. No, no, everything I work for can't end in this pathetic way. This was my safe fucking place. To hell… To hell with everything.

"Damn coward!" I yell at Andrea, who seems stunned by my outburst, and quickly open my backpack and take out dad's gun. "If you want to give up, I might as well help you." I say as I point my gun in Andrea's direction and fire shortly after, causing a scream from the occupants of the RV.



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I don't intend to die this way, if I die it will be on my own terms and with a big bang.


POV Rick Grimes

I managed to find my wife and son, I am a very lucky person, I find myself hugging my wife Lori around a campfire while the kids are having a sleepover in the safety of the RV.

"You know I still have no idea how Justin convinced Dale to let him use his RV." I say with a smile on my face. "Did you see the look on his face when I asked Dale?" I laugh a little when I remember it. Justin has a certain charm that I can't quite put my finger on. He is a good boy.

"Looks like Carl got an older brother, don't you think? I haven't seen Carl this happy in a long time." Lori comments with a small smile.

"Shane had doubts about Justin." I say remembering the conversation I had with Shane after he came back from the lake with a basket full of fish.

"He told me that Justin was not dangerous to any of us, he wanted me to teach Carl how to defend himself. I think Shane is right, Lori, we won't be with Carl forever."

"No way Rick, Carl is just a kid." Lori crosses her arms as she pulls away from my embrace.

"Justin is also a kid and he managed to easily take down a walker with a knife. You too should learn to defend yourself. I don't want to lose anyone because of an oversight." I say quietly, causing Lori to fall silent, absorbing my words.

"Walkers." I hear Dale's scream in the distance, this puts me on high alert, I draw my gun as the sound of gunshots and screams fills the camp. "Stay close to me Lori, don't get separated!" I yell as she just nods her head.

Several walkers start to appear from the bushes, there are quite a few. I start shooting walkers that get too close to try and save bullets, we currently don't have enough ammo or weapons.

Some people get hit by walkers, at this, a sinking feeling fills my stomach, some people fight back with what they have at hand but are quickly overtaken by walkers.

Lori stands in front of me while her hands are shaking. "Rick, listen to me, we have to go get the kids, we have to go get Carl." Lori comments as some tears become visible, she must be terrified.

"The walkers are entering the RV!" I hear Carol scream as she runs frantically toward the trailer with a bloodstained bat in her hands. I start to lose my breath after hearing that, I quickly start running in the direction of the mobile home followed by a hysterical Lori.

There were walkers all over the place, the Dixon brothers were surrounded by walkers against their truck while they are fighting only with knives in their hands, they had run out of ammunition and arrows.

"The RV, the damn RV." Daryl yells as he stabs a walker in the eye. "They got into the damn trailer." That is all Daryl says as he continues to stab the walkers.

Shane quickly appears behind me with his shotgun and starts shooting at the walkers surrounding the Dixons while Gleen and T-Dog help him. Glenn shoots with a pistol and T-Dog uses a shovel to hit the walkers. However, my attention is on the motorhome.

The door is open and some walkers start to come out of it.

"Sofia!" Carol screams kneeling on the ground, dropping the bat and clutching her chest as she screams for her daughter.

My world started to slow down, this can't be happening, it's just a nightmare, this isn't real.

I hear Lori's piercing scream next to me. I can not move. "No no no no. No." I repeated to myself over and over again, tears begin to stream down my face as I aim at the walkers exiting the RV and shoot them. I don't want to get into the trailer, I don't want to see what's inside.

I start to slowly approach the trailer with a vacant look on my face when a hand stops me. It was Shane

"Let me in first, Rick, please." Shane says softly as the Dixon brothers follow close behind.

"Shit, shit, shit, shit." Daryl whispers following Shane. Merle is silent, but his face shows concern.

Shane enters the RV with his shotgun ready. I simply fall to my knees. I hear Shane fire his shotgun a few times inside the RV and I start to hyperventilate. A silence runs through the interior of the mobile home for a few seconds.

Lori and Carol continue to cry and scream as they are held down by Glenn and T-Dog.

I couldn't protect them. I failed my son, I failed everyone.

"They're not in the RV!" Shane yells

"What?" I ask with my hands shaking as a new sensation fills my body.


POV Justin

A walker who was about to bite Andrea falls a few meters from her with a shot to the head, blood splattering all over us. Andrea's eyes widen, along with her sister Amy and the kids, seeing me fire a gun. I don't have time for this silly drama. I walk over to Andrea and push her behind me as I start shooting at the walkers entering the trailer. Where do so many walkers come from?

"The rear window, we can escape through the rear window." I say while calmly shooting at the walkers who get too close. Amy and Andrea run to the back window.

The gunfire outside the RV dies down, people must be running out of bullets, this is bad, very bad.

Andrea takes a chair and starts hitting the back window until it breaks, on the other side of the window appears Dale who apparently jumped from the roof of the trailer to help Andrea. "Quick, they'll soon realize we're here and I'm out of ammo." Dale takes Andrea's hand and begins to get everyone out of the trailer through the back window.

I've run out of ammo, I quickly change the magazine and shoot while recoiling. Shortly after they help me out of the trailer, I look around and there are walkers everywhere. "To the forest, we have to go to the forest." I say pointing to the trees in the background.

Nobody seems to have a better idea, so we start to head deeper into the forest with the wails of walkers following us.

"Everyone stay quiet." I say quietly after walking away from the walkers with my gun in hand. Carl and Sofia's whimpering stopped. "We just have to find a nice tree and climb it, the Dixons will find us quickly when they deal with the walkers in the camp.

A moment later we found a decent tree to climb. "Let the children go up first." Dale mentions, helping Carl and Sofia climb the tree, when he's about to help me I shake my head.

"Get them up there." I say pointing to Andrea and Amy. "Then you. I cover them." I say waving my gun around a bit. In that, Dale helps Andrea and Amy to climb the tree, then climbs himself.

This tree is not very tall, however, it will prevent a walker from reaching them. Once everyone is up, I'm about to go up when a hand grabs me and throws me to the ground, next thing I have a fucking walker on top of me trying to bite my neck. Due to the impact of the fall my gun slipped from my hands.

Due to the darkness, it is difficult to see very far around me. I hear the screams of others around me while I'm using all the strength these little arms have to prevent the walker from biting my neck.

I'm about to reach for my knife when I hear gunshots along with a sharp pain in my arm. Andrea shot the walker but none of the shots hit him in the damn head wasting all the bullets in vain, in fact, one of the shots hit my right arm making the walker about to bite me.

Luckily, Dale comes to my rescue and knocks the walker away from me with the butt of his rifle.

The walker steps back a bit when the moonlight illuminates the area revealing the walker's face, if it wasn't for the pain I'm feeling in my bleeding arm I would burst out laughing. In front of us was Ed as a walker.

Sofia begins to cry as Andrea and Amy climb down from the tree to help me. "Justin, I'm sorry, I'm so sorry." Andrea says helping me to my feet while I just hold back my tears, damn it hurts, I've never been shot before.

Dale keeps hitting walker Ed. "Get away from them, get away from us." Dale hits the walker with his weapon causing it to fall to the ground and Dale begins hitting him repeatedly in the head until the walker stops moving. "You will not hurt my grandson." Dale whispers with sweat running down his face along with his rapid breathing. It seems that he considers me some kind of grandson, he's funny.

Dale walks toward me. "Don't worry Justin, we'll heal you," Dale says with a concerned look on my wound.

The walker Ed starts to get up again, it seems that he wasn't as dead as he seemed. Dale just scrunches up his face and squeezes his rifle, however, an arrow pierces through the walker's skull killing him instantly.

Daryl appears from the bushes aiming his crossbow, he seems surprised to see the walker Ed, however, he chooses to ignore him at this moment, Rick also appears with his gun in hand.

"Dad!" Carl yells jumping out of the tree and running towards his father, I watch as Rick drops his gun, kneels down, and hugs Carl as they both cry. A strange feeling runs through my body after seeing that scene and I quickly looked away.

"Justin needs medical attention." Andrea says, to which Daryl stops in his tracks, wobbling a bit as he walks over to me.

"Did they…bite him? "That question makes everyone around go silent. I can see Daryl's hands tightening on his crossbow and Rick looking at me with concern.

"Andrea shot me!" I scream out loud pointing my left hand at Andrea, before this, a little chaos breaks out.

"How come she shot you?" Daryl runs over to me and checks my wound before throwing me onto his shoulders and running back to camp. Leaving Andrea with trembling hands and Rick walking towards her.

Shortly after we all returned to the camp, or rather what was left of the camp.

"Sofia! My little Sofia, mommy is here." Carol does her best to comfort her daughter as Lori joins in the tears as she hugs Carl.

Daryl leads me into a tent and starts cleaning my wound, shortly after being joined by Merle along with Shane and Rick.

"How bad is it?" Rick asks as I just cover my eyes so they don't see me cry, I don't want them to see me cry for real.

"The bullet went through the arm, we'll just have to finish cleaning the wound and stitch it up." Merle comments spraying some alcohol on my wound, causing me to scream.

"Stop, it hurts." I said gritting my teeth.

"Don't be a queer and bear it like a man." That is all Merle says before he starts to sew up my arm. At that my tears began to flow. Andrea will pay dearly for this.

"Don't worry, Justin, the pain will pass soon." Shane says giving me a smile as he holds my hand. "Rick, did you talk to Andrea?" Shane pronounces with venom in his voice.

"I took the gun from Andrea, they told me what happened and how Justin saved them in the trailer." Rick says looking at me. "I'm not too happy that you hid a gun from all of us Justin." Rick says giving me a piercing look at which I just look away. "But…" Rick says holding up a finger as he bites his other hand. "Thank you, if you hadn't been... I don't want to imagine what would have happened."

I need to do some damage control.

"I'm just a kid protecting his younger brothers and older sisters." I say with a giggle before Merle prods me again. "Damn it, Merle." This causes the shop members to share a small laugh.

Yes, keep laughing all you want, when the time comes you will follow all my orders with a smile on your face.

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Leave your comments in the paragraphs, would you have done the same as Justin or would you have done something else?

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