
Trinity 1

{Stark Tower, New York City, 2013}

Brandon soared through the air, headed straight for Stark Tower. Or rather, a new look for it. He was wondering about what exactly would be there. After all, it was at the center when the Chitauri attacked. As he flew through the air, he ended up seeing quite a few things. With his enhanced sight, he was able to see a symbol. It was an "S" crest, one that was plastered on a photo of him. There were spray paintings, photos, and even a billboard with him in some goofy looking pose.

Brandon cringed upon seeing it, not entirely sure if he liked how that looked. After all, that was not the symbol that he came up with. He would have rather gone with the one back from twelve years ago, but then people would be starting to realize some of what happened.

As Brandon neared Stark Tower, a few thoughts crossed his mind. It had been two years since the formation of the Avengers, and during that time, he had been occupied. While in disguise, he has seen to it to try and SAVE lives rather than kill. It wasn't easy, and quite a few times, he nearly got people killed because of a mistake. The whispers that once haunted him have been silent ever since he confronted them. For a time, it made him think that he would never have to face his nightmares. Unfortunately, he found that his nightmares have intensified. Now he doesn't just see the people that he's killed. He sees the other Avengers being killed slowly by himself. Each dying in so many creative ways...while he just grins with their blood on his hands.

Shaking those thoughts from his mind, Brandon came in for a landing at the platform for Stark Tower. He was dressed casually, wearing a red and black streaked cuffed buttoned up shirt, blue carpenter pants, and a pair of brown tims. Brandon walked forward, entering the lounge area where several men were working on repairs. An elevator opened up, revealing Tony, who smirked upon seeing Brandon.

"You're late." Tony commented.

"You texted me like thirty seconds ago.", Brandon retorted, "Also thanks for the phone."

"Semantics, come on. I wanna show you something."

Brandon raised a brow at Tony, then walked over to where the Billionaire stood. Once inside of the elevator, he folded his arms over his chest. Brandon easily towered over Tony, being a good six foot five inches. Tony had texted Brandon to come to New York. The reason being was not stated, but Brandon felt that Tony must have a good reason as to why they were meeting there.

"You're so stiff, loosen up a little." Tony suddenly said after glancing over at Brandon.

"The last time I loosened up, Loki got to see what it felt like." Brandon replied.

"Yeah, remind me to never let you drink with me."

Brandon smirked, finding the memory of Loki's beaten form amusing and satisfying. Before the two could converse more, the elevator stopped. The doors opened to reveal a large and spacious laboratory. Inside were many devices and pedestals. Tony walked out and gestured for Brandon to follow him. The man did, looking at everything with interest

"You know, you're pretty terrible at the whole saving thing right?" Tony suddenly said, then found a pair of scarlet irises glaring at the back of his head.

"I never got trained to do anything like that, Stark." Brandon replied with a hint of a warning.

"True, but you could do better. Especially with what you wear. Seriously, you have no better disguise than a hoody?"

"No, because the last suit that I wore wasn't made to take what I could take."

"Well I'm glad to say that we made something that can take what you can take."


"That would be me." A male voice said, causing Brandon to look around Tony. Standing several feet in front of a closed capsule was a man who had black hair and blue irises, pale skin, and wearing a labcoat. He also had a greeting smile on his face as he awaited for Brandon to step over to him.

"It's good to see you again, sir." The man greeted.

"Have we met?" Brandon asked as he stood in front of the man.

"Yes, you saved my daughter.", the man reminded, "I'm Dr. David Shapiro, head of Stark Industries new Superhuman Branch. I am more or less in charge of making the suits that you and the other Avengers should be wearing."

Brandon nodded his head, then watched David hold his hand out to him. Brandon looked down at David's hand, frowned, then looked back at David.

"So why exactly am I here?" Brandon questioned, and found Tony answering for David.

"We made you a suit." Tony revealed, causing Brandon to turn and look at him with a surprised look. He wasn't aware that David had a frown on his face as he put his hand to his side.

"It took some time, but I was able to procure what we needed to make this suit more durable." David added.

"It isn't spandex, is it?" Brandon inquired.

"No, spandex is only good for costumes."

David turned, then pressed a button on a nearby console. It turned on the lights inside the capsule that was positioned in front of the men. Brandon stepped up to it, looking over the design of the suit. It had a midnight black coloring to it. A blood red S crest just like what he saw outside on the chest, black boots, and a red cape that hung from the back of it. There were also two wristbands beside the suit within the capsule. Brandon admired how the suit looked, just as David spoke.

"The suit is made out of leather, with titanium interlaced within it.", David began to explain, "It is capable of taking on your top speed that we've estimated so far. It's bactically bulletproof, and the belt is where your snacks will be."

"Snacks?" Brandon inquired.

"Don't ask me sir, Mr. Stark had that added in at the last minute."

Brandon looked to Tony with a raised brow, to which Stark simply shrugged.

"You never know if you're gonna get hungry, besides you have a big appetite." Tony argued.

Brandon simply shook his head then rolled his eyes. Not long after, he looked back at the suit and stared at the cape.

"So why the cape?" Brandon asked.

"Ah, the cape is meant to help with aerodynamics.", Brandon explained, "Don't worry about it getting caught on anything, it is made out of the same thing as your suit. As well as being fireproof."

Brandon turned to David now and folded his arms over his chest.

"I am fireproof." Brandon stated.

"The cape adds flare, you don't have any of that." Tony said.

With a sigh, Brandon looked back at the suit once more then centered his attention on the wristbands.

"So what are those?" Brandon questioned and heard David's heart rate speed up steadily. It was as if the man was getting excited.

"Oh, that, those are the best parts!" David exclaimed, then pressed a button to open the capsule. The scientist stepped up to the capsule and removed the wristbands. He held them in his palms as he turned to Brandon.

"When reviewing any footage of you using your powers, for instance your heat vision, I've noticed that you have some type of energy that flows through your body. I am not sure what it is, but it's erratic. Like you don't have any control over it. So I made these to help you direct your flow of energy better. They respond to your mental commands."

Brandon nodded, listening to every word that David had said. He found it curious about the part where he has energy coursing through him. He wanted to know more about that when he had the chance.

"What are these called?" Brandon inquired as he took the armbands out of David's hands.

"I call them Superbands." David replied.

"And the 'S' on the suit?"

"Well, that was more or less adding to the name that everyone keeps calling you."


Brandon watched as David nodded enthusiastically, then gestured for Brandon to put the wristbands on. As gently as he could, Brandon latched the wristbands around his wrists. For a few seconds he felt nothing happen, then suddenly he felt as if a shiver just went up his spine. The palms of his hands began to shine with a scarlet glow. David's eyes widened in surprise, then he quickly ducked down to take cover just as an optic beam erupted from Brandon's hanreflection. Surprised at the beam, Brandon moved his hands upwards and watched as the beam cut through anything that it touched. It wouldn't be long before Brandon mentally commanded the beams to stop. Soon after they did, but the damage to the lab had been done.

Glancing around, Brandon found Tony and David on the floor laying down to take cover. When David looked up, he found Brandon's scarlet irises staring back at him as a smile crept to his lips.

"I'll take it." Brandon stated with a hint of excitement.

{Helicarrier, Fury}

Nicholas Fury stood at the hanger bay with his hands at his side. Beside him was a olive skinned male wearing an odd looking military uniform. The insignia on his should had an arrowhead symbol, as well as an abbreviation. He stood at attention, and waited.

"Is he here yet?" The man suddenly asked Fury.

"He'll be here." Fury replied, then heard a sonic boom. Both men looked out to the clouds ahead, watching as a figure clad black and red was speeding towards them. It wouldn't take long before they realized who it was coming to them. Fury watched as Brandon Breyer came in for a landing. The man wore a new suit, one reminiscent of what the public calls him now. Those scarlet irises gave him a once over as Brandon approached them, now walking on his two feet.

"Fury." Brandon greeted then looked at the man to his side, "And...you?"

"Captain William Lennox of Non-Human Extraterrestrial Species Taskforce, or Nest for short.", Lennox greeted, "I saw you give those alien bastards hell, it's an honor to meet you sir."

Brandon watched as Lennox held out a hand for him to shake. But just like with every other human, Brandon didn't shake Lennox's hand.

"You don't want me to shake your hand." Brandon said, then looked to Fury.

"Come on, we'll brief you." Fury said, then turned and began to walk deeper into the Helicarrier. Lennox soon walked after him, with Brandon walking not long behind them. As they walked, Brandon watched several Shield agents doing a double take on him. They were either looking over his suit, or watching him intently. He ignored them for the most part, having been preoccupied about this "Nest" group. He hadn't heard of them before, were they another Shield?

Fury, Brandon, and Lennox would soon arrive at a large briefing room. Inside were other men and women in uniforms just like Lennox's seated and waiting. They stood at attention and saluted Lennox as he walked by. Fury walked towards a board as the lights began to die down a little. Brandon stood by a corner and folded his arms over his chest, watching silently. Standing beside Fury was his trusted aide, Maria Hill who handed him a tablet. Fury tapped at the tablet, then did a swipe motion. A picture popped up on the board for all to see. It showed a symbol that Brandon knew all too well, the symbol that he drew as a child.

"A twenty months ago, two scuba diving explorers dived into the Indian Ocean in search of ancient artifacts." Fury began to brief, "They found ruins instead. These ruins have no origins, and we don't have any idea what they are. All that we know is that they are ancient. The explorers who found them in the first place disappeared. Their bodies were found washed up Okinawa, Japan. One of them had a hole in their chest, the other was missing their heads. Sixteen months ago, I had an excavation team sent to ascertain what the ruins were. They were never heard from again. During that same time, I had another retrieval team sent and none of them came back either."

"Director Fury, was there any transmissions sent when they got to the ruins?" A soldier inquired within the group.

"No, the moment that they entered the ruins we lost all contact with them."

That got Brandon interested, it sounded awfully like an ability that he has a hard time controlling. He frowned though, finding it odd that the Indian Ocean was like this. He would have understood it more if it were the Bermuda Triangle but not the Indian Ocean. Brandon watched as Fury continued to briefing.

"That said, I'll let Captain Lennox handle the game plan." Fury stated, then looked to Lennox who stepped forward.

"Alright, we're going light on this Op.", Lennox began to instruct, "We won't know what we're dealing with, and any heavy ordinance will be C4 and that's it. We'll enter the ruins, record all that we can, and extract. We don't know what's down there, and we aren't equipped to fight it yet. That's why 'Superman' will be our eyes in the sky, he'll be on lookout for anything out of the ordinary. Any questions?"

A woman who looked of Cuban descent spoke up now, her voice holding curiosity and concern in it.

"Sir, why are we only getting one Avenger and not the rest?" She questioned, "Shouldn't we be getting the big guns for this?"

Before Lennox could speak, Brandon spoke up, sounding a bit offended by her question.

"I am the big guns..." Brandon said with a hint of malice, causing the woman to glance back at him in concern. She faced forward once again then went silent. Lennox stared at Brandon for a moment, then looked at the soldiers once again.

"Alright, let's get this mission done, dismissed." Lennox dismissed.

As the men and women walked out of the room, Fury came walking over with Maria walking away from them. She was headed out of the room as well, leaving the two men alone.

"So...Nest?" Brandon asked, causing a deep breath to leave Fury.

"The President felt that Shield should have responded quicker to the attack on New York.", Fury began to explain, "So instead of funding us, he had a new group funded to be humanity's best defense to outside threats."

"So Nest is just you guys, but owned by the US?"


"Well I don't really see much of a difference besides one being more obvious on hating something, not human."

"You make it sound like I hated you."

"You act like you didn't."

"I didn't hate you, I have a job to safeguard Earth."

"And now that's my job too, I just don't get paid for it."

"You could always ask Stark to give you some money."

"No thanks, I already owe him for the phone.."

Fury smirked, finding that amusing. Then he gave Brando a once over, looking over the man's new suit.

"Nice suit." He complimented.

"Thanks, it actually keeps my dick and balls from being squished." Brandon thanked.

"How were we supposed to know your size?"

"You stalked me."

"I didn't stalk you, Coulson stalked you."

"What's the difference?"

"That I wasn't specifically doing it."


"Where is that signal coming from?" Came a deep male voice who was looking over a screen. He looked like an African American male who had a cold look on his face. He had a Low Fade haircut, dark brown skin, and brown eyes. His irises remained affixed to a green blinking light inside of the Indian Ocean. He was suited up in a black and silver like feathered suit. On a desk in front of him was a helmet, its visors resembled that of an owl.

After looking over the coordinates of what the signal was coming from, he began to think. The room that he was situated in was dimly lit and had little to nothing of value, seemingly. Closing his eyes, the man weighed his options. He could chase after this signal and find out what is going on, or he could remain where he was and deal with the problem in Hell's Kitchen.

"Either play adventurer or play vigilante..." The man uttered to himself, then came to a decision. He opened his eyes and stood up from his seat. With a turn, he grabbed the helmet off the desk. He placed the helmet on his head and watched as the visors came alive. Through the visors, he could see where he was going through the dimly lit room. Inside were a custom-made motorcycle, several weapons, knives, daggers, arrowhead shaped throwing daggers, and a small jet parked on a platform. Walking towards the jet, he pressed a button on his wrist. The jet began to start up not long afterwards.

'Hopefully, no one else got that signal.', He thought, 'I don't need attention to myself just yet, I've yet to establish a base of operations in Manhattan.'

Just as he reached the jet and was about to enter the cockpit, he his phone going off. Frowning, the man turned off the jet then went back to the desk to answer his phone. He saw on the screen that it was Tony Stark calling. With a raised brow, he answered.

"Tony?" The man answered.

"Hey Raymond, was calling to see if you're still coming over for that meeting." Tony said, causing Raymond to wince.

"Sorry.", Raymond apologized, "Change of plans, I'm gonna be gone for a couple of days."

"Really? Where to?"

"India, got a few things I need to sort out over there."

"I didn't know that you had business going on there."

"Yeah, well I do. I'll let you know when I'm back in the states."

"Alright, just remember that being second doesn't mean that we can't be friendly with each other."

"And just remember that I can still wipe that smile on your face."

"How do you know that I'm smiling?"

"Because I know you."

Raymond hung up before Tony could say anything else, he looked at his phone for a moment. Then he turned heading back to the small jet. He didn't need Ironman to be interfering with what he had going on. It would complicate things, especially when he wasn't ready.

"Just you...I'll make you suffer just like they did.." Raymond said to no one in particular, just as the cockpit slid closed once he was inside.

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