
113: A Company of Fools VIII

"Chase Kingston, let me apologize for my older brother's insulting behavior! He had no right to talk about you or your homeland in such a manner!" Hideyoshi exclaimed. He'd jumped from his seat and was bowing at a perfect time ninety degree angle. I shook my head and motioned for him to take a seat.

"I'm not really bothered by it. America was a shitty place to live and at this point I'm used to people calling me a peasant. Your brother just pissed me off and I refuse to make or sell any enchanted items to pompous assholes like him." I said then stopped channeling mana and put my claws up.

Iris walked back over to her seat and sat back down. As did Hideyoshi, he had a concerned look on his face while his brother Caspian looked amused. I resumed working on Hideyoshi's engagement ring.

<Iris places the suitcase on the table and open it towards the Ascreds.> Jane projected.

Iris did as she was told and stood then placed her suitcase on the table. As she opened it and turned towards the Ascred Brothers Jane stood and walked around the table and placed a pamphlet in front of Caspian.

"Well enough about the unpleasantness of a few moments ago, let's discuss your enchanted item." Jane said. Caspian picked up the pamphlet and looked through it. "As Sho'lajah artifact company is relatively new we don't have many options when it comes to the types of items we can enchant but the ones we do are hand-crafted by Chase himself and designed to be easily concealed "

"What is the point of an enchanted item being easily concealed?" Caspian asked.

"Because depending on the enchantment an enchanted item could be classified as a deadly or dangerous weapon. While you might want to use it as a status symbol, if you go to a place that has a lot of security and they find out it's enchanted, they might make you take it off." I explained. Caspian and Hideyoshi both nodded thoughtfully.

"Understandable, I never would have thought of that…" Caspian said.

"The type of item you want also decides what type of enchantment can go on that item as naturally, some enchantments work better with certain items." Jane said. She reached over and grabbed the metal sword hilt out of the briefcase as well as one of the metal rings. "This sword hilt is enchanted with a spell that makes a blade of shadows form from the guard. The ring is enchanted with a spell that makes a shield of light form in front of the ring."

Jane channeled mana into the sword hilt and an axiom spell sigil appeared. Shadows condensed into a small blade of solid shadows. At the same time she channeled mana into the ring and a defensive spell sigil firmed in front of the ring. Golden light condensed into the shape of a medium circular shield with a small crescent dip cut into it. Jane took a step back and assumed a defensive stance.

"As you can see for spells such as this it is more comfortable to have the blade spell in the hilt of the blade and the shield spell in the ring. However if you have an item that you want me to enchant I can do that as well. Though I can't guarantee its efficiency." I said.

I finished etching the last rune in the spell and pulled the ring out of the clamp and looked it over. It was complete and not a single flaw. I quickly polished it up with a polishing rag then grabbed my rhank pen and started tracing over the etchings with the pen, filling them with rhank. Once that was done I held the ring in my palm and covered it with my other hand then channeled heat attribute mana into my hands. After a few moments I stopped channeling mana and opened my palms.

The ring glowed a blazing red but quickly cooled and turned back to its normal golden color. I blew on it a few times and then looked over the etchings, everything looked perfect. As a final step, I reached into my backpack and pulled out a Mason jar of oil. I dipped the ring in the oil then shook off the excess, then channeled static attribute mana into my hand I closed my fist around the ring. After a few moments, I opened my hand up again to reveal a rainbow glossy sheen on the ring.

I polished the ring again then held it up in the light to inspect it. Satisfied with my work I put the ring back in the ring box and slid it across the table to Hideyoshi.

"Finished. Try using it before you leave to make sure it works." I said.

"Already?" Hideyoshi gasped as he opened the ring box and slipped on the ring. His fiancé's hands were significantly bigger than his as the ring looked like it would slide off at any moment.

Hideyoshi channeled mana into the ring and the etchings on the inside of the ring glowed a deep red. An axiom spell sigil formed in his hand and ice started forming around his body in the shape of Samurai armor. Hideyoshi inspected the armor for a few moments then deactivated the spell.

"Incredible! Simply incredible! To see an item enchanted before my very eyes and so quickly! I've never seen such mastery before!" Hideyoshi praised. I waved him off and shook my head.

"Hardly, my grandmother was the master. If she was still alive the enchanted items she could create would be considered world-class treasures." I said.

"And weapons of the apocalypse in your hands…" Iris and Jane muttered.

"What was that?" I asked as I smiled at them.

"Nothing!" They both innocently replied. I shook my head and ignored them.

"Is everything to your satisfaction?" I asked as Hideyoshi took off the ring and placed it into the ring box.

"Beyond satisfaction! I didn't think I would be getting this back the same day…is there a way that someone will be able to request another enchanted item?" Hideyoshi asked.

"We will be working closely with the dean to set up a reliable way to field requests. In the meantime just leave another request with Dean Baxter and we'll field them." Jane quickly piped up. Hideyoshi nodded and sat back down.

Now that I didn't have the ring to focus on I put my equipment up and then turned my attention to Caspian.

"So what exactly are you thinking of for your enchanted item? Both you and Martin were very vague about what you wanted." I asked. Caspian crossed his arms and looked me determinedly in the eye.

"I have a request. I know that when I submitted my request I only asked for one enchanted item to be made but I want two items." Caspian said.

"Easily done, I'll charge you for both items." I said.

"That is perfectly fine!" Caspian exclaimed then reached into his pocket and pulled out a picture and handed it to Jane.

She looked at the picture then walked back around the table and handed it to me. The picture was of two small children about five months old. What shocked me was the fact that they were identical twins with farm crystals on their cheeks. The one on the right had a crescent-shaped crystal that looked like a crescent moon while the one on the left looked like a waxing gibbous.

"Those are my sons, Alphonse on the right and Zachariah on the left. As you can see they are not only twins but they also share a sphere farm crystal." Caspian explained.

"Wait twins can share a farm crystal?!" I exclaimed. Caspian's face lit up at my ignorance and he puffed his chest out with pride.

"Yes, it's a rare occurrence that can only happen with identical twins. Not as rare as a star farm crystal but it's the next rarest thing." Caspian said proudly.

"Twins born sharing a farm crystal are usually called omni-souled splicers. From the belief that they are two splicers that share the same soul. This belief is further strengthened by the fact that each twin has one-half of a farm crystal. In all recorded cases of omni-souled splicers had one twin that was incapable of splicing but excels at spell craft while the opposite is true for the other twin. Incapable of using magic aside from the splicing spells and as such excels at splicing." Jane continued her explanation.

"So truly once in a lifetime hidden gems…" I said. Caspian smiled softly.

"They're precious gems regardless of their Omni-souled status…they're perfect. However, the reason I want to have enchanted items made is for them. There is a tradition in my mother's family that the father presents his firstborn son with a gift when they turn one year old. Normally I'd only find a gift for the oldest but seeing as they are omni-souled that changes things a bit." Caspian said.

"So before we talk about anything else what sort of spells do you want?" I asked.

"I am not sure such a thing is possible…one of my sons will be unable to cast any spells not related to splicing and the other will be unable to splice…I want these enchantments to make up for their deficits." Caspian elaborated

"So basically you want an enchanted item that can cast call three of the splicing spells?" Jane asked. Caspian nodded and Jane turned to look at me, her expression was worrisome, to say the least.

<Is that even possible?> Iris asked.

<Yes…Egypt has an enchanted item created by one of my ancestors that can cast four spells. It's possible but it depends entirely on the crafter's skill.> Jane replied. I frowned laced Mt fingers and looked at Caspian seriously.

I stroked my chin as I thought back to a passage I read in Grandma Lulu's journal. It was towards the back of the tome and thanks to that was extremely difficult to understand. It talked about her experimenting with enchanting an item with multiple enchantments, particularly her only success doing that which resulted in the Tolapo's Luluby. The luluby was actually multiple parts with their own separate enchantments that when they were placed together worked as one massive enchantment.

"I'm going to be honest with you, while it is possible to create an enchanted item with multiple enchantments I have never done that before. I have no idea if I currently have the skill to create one item like that." I said. Caspian sighed and looked towards the floor.

"Guess I should have known it would have been a pipe dream…" Caspian said sadly.

"However, that doesn't mean I won't try." I added flashing a devious smile to Jane and Iris. "I'm going to need you two to help me test out the enchantments since I can't cast the splicing spells."

"WHAT??!" Iris and Jane exclaimed.

"Why can't you just do it?!" Iris snapped.

"Because according to Auntie Luna I'll never be able to cast the splicing spells since I didn't know them before I learned mana-nana manipulation. Even if I use an enchanted item or a spell sheet." I said. Iris groaned and shook her head.

"It's always something with you…" Iris muttered.

"Does that mean you'll make the item?" Caspian asked. I nodded.

"I'll attempt to make the item would be a better way to phrase it. As I said I'm not sure if I'll be able to make an item that complicated. What I can do is make another item that will act as a place keeper for the real item." I said then grabbed my notebook and a pen and did a quick scribble. I turned the pad around and slid it across the table to Caspian.

"Since your boys are infants and you want to give these on their first birthday necklaces are probably the best type of item for them. I could create a crescent moon pendant and a waxing gibbous pendant for each boy then as they grow all you'll have to do is get a bigger chain to make sure It fits. As for the type of enchantments, I'm thinking an axiom spell; the Chase Kingston special Shadra Scythe and Umbra Bow." I added.

"A place keeper…so you'll make three enchanted items?" Caspian asked as he looked over the rough design of the pendants.

"Four, actually." I corrected and smirked deviously. "It wouldn't be fair if one brother got an enchanted item that could do a bunch of stuff and the others could only do one thing. That's how you breed jealousy amongst brothers."

"How much is all this going to cost Caspian?" Hideyoshi asked, speaking up for the first time since he got his enchanted engagement ring.

"One billion, with four hundred million upfront. The remaining six hundred million will be paid on delivery of the two complex enchanted items." I replied.

<Chase are you sure?> Jane asked.

<Yes…> I replied flashing her a smile.

"Why so cheap for four items? You'll be losing a lot of money by selling items for that low?" Hideyoshi asked.

"Because of all the unknowns. I know I can make the two moon pendants with the axiom spells. I don't know if I can make such a complex enchanted item let alone two. If it comes out that I am unable then you don't have to pay the six hundred million but you will still get the two pendants." I explained.

Hideyoshi nodded, seemingly satisfied with my answer. Seeing that Caspian had no questions I turned to Jane.

<Start writing up a contract for him.> I said.

Jane was already pulling out a pre-printed contract from her purse and started filling it out. Krylessi also had those made up for Jane. When she was done she walked over to Caspian and briefly explained the contract.

When she finished Caspian looked it over himself silently then pulled a pen out and signed the contract. Jane picked up the contract and slid it over to me and I quickly signed my name below Caspian's. Jane then picked up the contract and walked over to Dean Baxter.

"Can I have you sign as one of the witnesses sir?" Jane asked. Dean Baxter nodded and quickly signed then Jane walked over to Hideyoshi and asked the same. When Hideyoshi signed Jane smiled and separated the contract from the carbon paper copy and handed the copy to Caspian.

"Okay! Looks like we're all set! As the contract states, I'll have the pendants ready in two weeks. I'll need the four hundred million upfront though." I said.

Caspian nodded then started casting an axiom spell sigil and his shadow stretched out to the top of the table and a briefcase rose out of the shadow.

He opened the case and started counting cash out of the briefcase. He placed a large stack in front of the briefcase and then pushed it toward Jane. Jane went to work and counted the cash then looked at me and nodded.

"Looks like our business is done for today," I said standing up and walking over to Caspian and Hideyoshi. I held my hand out and Caspian stood and shook my hand. Hideyoshi stood and shook my hand as well.

"Thank you Chase Kingston, this has truly been an incredible experience!' Hideyoshi said.

"Yes! I look forward to your future success." Caspian said. I smiled and motioned them towards the door.

"Thank you! I'll get to work right away, if I get done before the two weeks then I'll have Dean Baxter contact you." I said.

I opened the door and Caspian and Hideyoshi walked out of the office. I closed the door behind them then turned and smiled broadly at Iris and Jane.

"We just made six hundred and fifty million dollars!" I exclaimed.

"Correction, you just made Six hundred and fifty million dollars." Jane said pointing to me. "Sho'lajah artifact company is your company, Iris and I are just your employees."

"Unpaid employees!" Iris added. I frowned and crossed my arms.

<Jane is a princess and you're her bodyguard! You both have more money than me, why would I pay you!> I griped.

"Cheapskate!" Iris barked.

"Remember that when you want to use my lab again?" I retorted. Dean Baxter laughed and clapped his hands.

"A marvelous first business transaction Young Kingston." He said. "I was worried that I would have to jump in at some point but you handled everything perfectly with Ms. Yearwood and Ms. Irons."

"That did go surprisingly well…" Jane admitted.

"If you'll hear my advice I'd suggest you hold off on spending any of that money till after your class with Baset tomorrow." Dean Baxter said.

"You mentioned something about that yesterday as well…what's going to happen tomorrow?" I asked. Dean Baxter smiled smugly and crossed his arms.

"You'll have to wait and see tomorrow won't you?"

World Fact: The British Empire at one point spanned most of The North American continent at one point until World War 1 in 1761 when a lot of their soldiers and splicers were pulled off the continent to fight the war. Five years into WWI the American Revolution started which ended the British control on the continent.

[HUTEXA_THE_DJINN HERE! Another chapter coming at you. please leave a comment or power stone to help put the novel!]

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