
chapter: 00 another world

In the place called void a sound then echoed before a dim light appeared out of nowhere.

• Jin pov •

[ congratulations host you have successfully completed your first task, do the host wish to proceed. ] a machinice voice then said.

" yes Amin and also thank you. " I said back to her.

[ it is my duty host, please pick here. ] after she said that a panel then appears in front of me and after sliding all of the choices down one title then stops my scrolling and without thinking I then push my thumb.

[ thank you for picking the modern cultivation ABO world, the host will be transported.....in...3...2.....1..... ] when the countdown finish Amin and Jin then disappear leaving only pinch darkness.

In a beautifully decorated church a woman in a white gorgeous dress then gets out of a luxurious car before standing still at a huge door.

[ ding.....the host has been transported successfully. ] a mechanic voice then said.

Opening my eyes the one thing that I see is a huge church door making me look at my surrounding before I look at myself wearing a wedding gown.

" Amin why am I in a wedding dress. " I said before flickering my finger and just like that in just one move time stops.

[ actually host the original owner in the original plot got almost married to the ML. ] Amin said making me sigh.

" nevermind let's just get this done and after this Amin give me the plot. " I said making Amin nod.

[ yes host. ] when she said that the door then opens making everyone who is sitting look in my direction and glancing at them I then walked toward the altar where I see the ML frowning at me in disgust, well not like I mind.

After all of the chit chatting, the acceptance of marriages now turns I and the ML then look at each other.

" Sir Chong will you accept ms. Zhang to be your lovable wife that you will promise to dear, care, protect in the hard times of life at the end of the world and in of your deathbed. " the priest then said, and hearing it the ML then straightened his back.

" I DO NOT because she is useless that has no core. " he shouted making the guests that is sitting not even surprised but expecting me to cry.

After I look at the guest that is whispering I then glance at the ML that is smirking, looking at him I then put my face in my original cold expression before the priest who is at the altar looking at me with the same as everyone in the room then said.

" ms. Zhang will you accept the decision of Mr. Chong. " the priest said while mocking me not wanting to waste my time on all of this rubbish I then walk down the small stairs and look at the ML one last time and give him a good middle finger before I took the ring and shoving it on his face.

" Sure I don't mind. " I said in a deep voice and left making my way outside where took a car and drive it myself while inside the church all of them then look dumbfounded and when the ML snap his face then turns red because of anger.

Arriving at the original owner's manor, maidservants then suddenly ran outside before bowing their heads with sweating foreheads.

" We greet the young miss. " they shouted hearing their greeting I then rise my hand before walking inside with a maid accompanying me.

" where's my father. " I said not minding turning around.

" Master Zhang is currently on his study waiting for you young miss. " the maid said making me nod.

Then again arriving at my father's study I knock on the door and open the door where I see my father's back facing me.

" good afternoon father. " I said.

" my daughter why are you early..did you..perhaps. " he said before turning around making our eyes meet.

" dumped him in the wedding. " father then said while making a delighted expression hearing it I just nod.

" hahaha.....you did a great job my daughter...sigh, I was worried that arrogant man will use you to be a money vending machine. " my father said and just let his body relax on his chair because in the original plot the original owner force her father to arrange a marriage between the Chong family so being a good father mr. Zhong agree and put his daughter to a man that have no soul.

" but now you return my daughter will you accept to be the new president of the company. " he said.

" I do father, I will not let you down and I will make sure to put the Zhong in the highest. " I said making my father nod before he stand up went towards my detection and hug me tightly.

" Welcome back to the family. " he said.

" I am more than glad father. " I said after he let go and clear his voice.

" then you can go now my daughter. " he said hearing it I nod and left.

Arriving at my room I then go towards the bed and lay on it relaxing my body.

" Amin, the plot. " I said.

[ yes, host. ] Amin said back and without giving me any second my head then ache and I just close my eyes to cover the headache.

In the original plot the ML hue Chong an Alpha got engaged to Sara Zhong also an Alpha but at a higher level he then dump Sara in the middle of the marriage on the spot making her humiliated and also embarrassed in public which lead to her aggression and finally suicide and after that the FL Hella Hong a University student then appear but in the end, the ending is the darkest thing, Hella Hong the daughter of a bad parent sold her off to a auction and was purches by Chong.

Everyone thinks that Hella is a living Cinderella but no after Hella is in the hands of Chong he then raped and mark her forcefully without finalizing a marriage that is against the law and when that happens the FL got pregnant with a daughter which leads to Chong to hate her more since the ML want a boy to inherit the company so he continues the cycle beating Hella and also raping her.

Making her again pregnant but fate is like mocking Hella when the unborn child dies and also her after the delivery leaving her daughter an innocent child in the hands of a monster. And that's where the story ends when the first child of Hella dies in the same hands.

The ML didn't even give a little remors when he is beating a small fragile child that has the same blood as him after that he just disposed the child and feed it to the dogs.

" .... " I just silent after hearing the plot I then grip my hand making a fist.

" That BASTARD!!! " I shouted making all the maids nearby flinch before silently ran.

[ host please calm down or the room will burn. ] Amin reminded making me cool off a bit.

" Amin did my reward automatically open. " I ask since in the original plot the owner did not have any core making her useless.

" yes host, just open the history and you will see all of the skills. " she said hearing it I then go open the history where I see 8 skills.

[ Shadow Summoning - the host can summon any random figure even if it's a human or animal. ]

[ Fire Emotion - a skill that can only active when the host is angry and in a bad mood. ]

[ Metal Connection - host can have connections with a dagger, sword and any weapon and things that has metal on it. ]

[ Unbreakable Barriers - host can have a Shield that will automatically appear when the host will get attacked by a weapon, person, or anomaly. ]

[ high instinct - host can feel any pressure that a person lets out or anything that the host feels in other individuals. ]

[ Clear High Vision - host can see everything at a very far distance. ]

[ Emotion sense - host can feel a person's emotion far away, distant or nearby. ]

[ Healing process - host can control water to be a healing substance this skill can cover up small or big injury. ]

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