
Tying her to Casimir

Édouard's anger surged, fueled by Zoe's persistent deceit and her unwavering determination to fabricate loyalty to Charlotte. The fact that Zoe had blatantly disregarded the trust Charlotte had placed in her filled him with a deep sense of disdain.

"I have no desire to wield your family against you, Zoe," Édouard's voice carried a mixture of frustration and urgency.

"But the truth must be revealed. Your belief that you can evade me by facing death is misplaced. The punishments that await you can be mitigated if you simply tell the truth. If the King discovers the extent of your involvement in the assassination of the second Prince of Escana, do you honestly believe your fate will be a merciful one?" Édouard questioned her, almost bellowing at her.

Zoe remained silent, her eyes remained glued to the dusty floor.

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