
He must understand your value

In the bedchamber, Damien was busy reading something when Suzanne came with a chessboard in her hand. She placed it on the table, grabbing his attention. Before he could ask her, Suzanne took the parchment papers from him. "Read them later. First, play with me," she urged and put the papers far on the table.

Damien leaned forward and asked her if she knew how to play.

"Yes. I am a champion of this game," Suzanne said and asked him if they should play on the bed because that would be more comfortable.

"Sure," Damien said and they moved to the bed. "I have defeated many in chess," he proudly said.

"So did I," Suzanne said and decided to take off her tiara first. While doing so, it got entangled with her hair, making it difficult to be removed when Damien helped her.

"Thank you," Suzanne took the tiara from him and placed it on the bedside table. As she returned to her place, she told Damien that the loser would do what the winner asked him to.

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