
Her Smile Brightened His Dull Life

"Why did you hide it? Why you never told him about that bastard?"

Sitting alone in his apartment's living room, Kousuke recalled President Kishimoto's outburst. The older man's voice thundered in his mind.

To his father's outrage, Kousuke was calm. He even went as far as to bite back.

"There's no need. We no longer have anything to do with each other. Why, Father? Are you afraid Heisuke will take back what you've stolen from his family before?"

"Y-you! Kousuke! What the hell are you talking about?"

Kousuke didn't falter easily. He calmly accepted his father's anger. He also didn't deny that he had knowledge about Heisuke's life in Kaagawa City.

"Seems like Heisuke's new life is good. Not only he has an influential friend but, his stepfather is even more powerful."

His father could only swallow his anger. It seemed like he had learned the extent of Young Master Kawata and Mr. Hokama's powers.

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