
Could She Say That Her Old Man Was Improving In How He Expressed His Feelings?

Both of them took a bus that would bring them to the city center. The journey took 45 minutes from their town but they didn't have to change the bus, making it a smooth ride.

Hisaki was amused because at first, she just imagined that Heisuke would take her to the heart of their town. It seemed like he had really put consideration into this date plan.

Every seat on the bus was occupied. Only a few people had to stand. Generally, it was not too packed although it was the weekend.

"So, mister, what's our first event?" Hisaki smilingly inquired her old man who sat next to her. She was given the seat next to the window.

Heisuke's ear tips turned red. He glanced back at her, "How about watching a movie?"

It was the first plan. Heisuke had listed down a few things they could do together.

Some were crossed out when he thought they would consume too much time. He did it as how Tadao and Yoichi taught him. Shuuya also offered his help.

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