
Canceria,World of Crustacean

World of Crustacean


ประเภทดาว:Ocean Planet (มีทะเลมากกว่า 80% ของดาว)



2.1000+ Species of Sponge

3.1000+ Species of Annelid (Including Earthworm and Marine detritivore)

4.1000+ Species of Hydra

5.1000+ Species of Seagrass

6.1000+ Species of Seaweed

7.1000+ Species of Moss & Lichen

8.500+ Species of Copepod

9.500+ Species of Decapod

10. 500+ Species of Barnacles

11.100+ Species of Jellyfish

12. 100+ Species of Snail & Slug

13.300+ Species of Isopod

Flagship Species

1. Coconut Crab

2. Maine Lobster

3.Mantis Shrimp

4.Pistol Shrimp

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