

As their yells echoed I know it wasn't my clones as they were all near me at the moment halting their previous command I had them surround me I looked over the shoulder of my 14 clones with my spear in my hands I noticed in the dark forest shadows were moving around and to be honest, my body was shaking this was probably from the accumulation of all the events that happened from losing my home to suddenly gaining powers this was too much and as I was busy trying to reign in my emotions man and women rushed from the tree line b-lining it straight at us.

I froze as they crashed into my human shield pushing our group back and I came back to reality when a hand grasped onto my shirt in an attempt to drag me down at that moment I realized I had to fight or I would die.

My clones started to attack them back but the first contact between our groups heavily damaged them even taking out a few what was I doing?

Well, I was trying to get the hand that held onto me off but their grip on my shirt was too strong so I decided on my shirt rather than my life and tugged ripping it after some effort leaving a gaping hole in my clothes which is better than a hole in my body.

After I stepped back I saw my clones each fighting this group of 5 which was holding them back with their inhuman strength you may ask inhuman how?

Well, when they push a group of five average me's back with a simple move it would make you think twice or maybe I'm just weak?

After my dilemma, I grabbed my spear tighter and stabbed at the first mad man I saw which to no surprise he dodge and punched the shit out of me making me wobble backward but thanks to my distraction my clones were able to grab onto him and started whacking and while they were focused on him I made more clones as I realized my group was in the verge of losing as from the original 14 only 6 were left.

20 identical men each wearing the same thing can be seen fighting many of them were wounded badly as their opponents used clubs and were more experienced at combat than their advisers many of the identical men had devastating injuries from huge gashes to shattered organs yet they continued to fight they surrounded the group of 2 men and 2 women and we're on them like a tidal wave quite literally, as they used the bodies of their comrades as a springboard and landed upon them dragging them to the ground leading to their demise.

"Holy Shit that was intense" I muttered as my clones stood still after their mission was complete giving them a glance I looked at the bodies of my fallen clones who I thought would disperse but to my surprise, they stayed and we're even leaking blood from their wounds putting that for later I made my way to the first man we killed looking closer at him he had a necklace made of skulls and had tribal tattoos.

A look of realization flashed across my face only one game I played had tribal members looking at his weapon only solidified my thoughts as it was a club that only that game had it was made with hands, a skull, and some other things but it was definitely from the game that came to mind.

"So I'm In The Forest huh" I contemplated at first I felt sick killing these people but once I realized they were cannibals and would have killed me with zero remorse I brushed it off I know cruel right, anyhow I had my clones grab the clubs from the males I saw that the other clones I made each had a spear that looked like mine granted a few had blood on them but still they were the same.

Before I started experimenting I gathers the bodies of both my fallen clones and the cannibals.

A few hours after we buried the dead I started testing my power and it seems as long as I'm holding something I can clone it with me such as sticks and berries I would have to find a better thing to test this on later.

A campfire can be seen being lit by a tanned man but after a few unsuccessful tries he manages to light the fire, a second or two passes before he reaches into his pouch and pulls out a few fingers and places them on the end of a stick to roast them

Only for him to fall backwards as dozens of spears are sent flying in his direction some landing and others missing completely but the ones that did land skewed him to the floor as he laid there with spears resting in various parts of his limbs as he bleed out he saw multiple identical men walking towards his still body before everything faded.

You know what they say if one doesn't work try many! Wait do they say that? Nevermind this strategy was very effective as we had an unlimited amount of spears I mused while my clones collected their spears and returned into formation you may wonder what I meant well to explain I found it hindering when everyone clustered up in a ball while we walk so I had them all stand-in rows kinda like the military only we weren't as trained or as cool looking nonetheless my posses and I make our way through the forest after taking the club the scout had in his possession.

A few minutes later we were at the village these freaks called home and seeing as smoke and laughter is coming from it seems to be occupied which is perfect as my group needed a new home.

Looking at the sky I decided we would wait till nightfall and after a few hours and some close calls, it was our time to strike.

The sound of dozens of spears being thrown was all that was heard before all hell let loose as dozens of my clones rushed into battle not caring if they stepped in traps or were hit by arrows blood was spilled as the first clone made it through only for their head to be caved in by a club sending him to the ground but as quickly as he fell his spot was filled as another appeared then another some instantly got struck down others holding their own then a barrage of spears flew through the night sky not caring who they hit foe or ally.

Watching from the trees I kept spawning in men and to be safe I kept a few dozen with me so I won't be ambushed as I had this thought another volley of spears flew by as I told them to throw them every minute and then they would charge with their clubs.

A few minutes later the village would be ours as the last of the freaks were being cornered and slaughtered.

After piling the body up we set them ablaze which in my opinion, is way easier than burying all of them anyways the smell wasn't that bad after a few hours.

Next chapter