

Being forced into a new universe was one thing but having zero knowledge of the said universe was overkill even for me I thought as I recall the strange symbols that surrounded me before I was forcefully removed from the comfort of my home.

After my depressing thoughts passed I looked around to see I was in some type of cave, deciding it would be better to explore than wait for something to find me and eventually kill me I headed for what I assume was the entrance of this place only to hear the screams of a man followed by grunts from multiple different people.

Against my better judgment, I took a peek from behind a stalagmite only to see a man being held down by 5 people they were too far to get a better look at but the man looked/sounded in great pain if his yells were anything to go by.

Leaning forward for a better look I realized they were cutting pieces of the man off, small things at first such as skin and nails to then trying to split his hand from the elbow with a makeshift club his shouts for help turned to whimpers and ragged pained breaths as he attempted to keep his sanity under their loving care.

I decided it was in my best interest to find myself a weapon a rock or hopefully a fully loaded machine gun surprising I only found a rock which, to be honest, would more likely hurt me more than my enemy or should I say, enemies, as this could be a common occurrence if I was unlucky anyhow I hid fully aware I was incapable of fighting even a single one of them much less a group opting to save myself the humiliation of even attempting I sat down and waited for the group of unhinged madmen to finally finish which took way longer then I would like as they ended the poor bastard only after stuffing his mouth with his own genitalia and pushing their fingers into his eyes and to be honest I had no clue how he stayed alive up to that point as I'm not a doctor or some secret all-seeing God I still had the basic knowledge that we had some major arteries somewhere inside us and it would make sense for one of them to be near the elbow, maybe? Anyways like I said I ain't no doctor but that man should have kicked the bucket way before we got to this degree of suffering.

After a few minutes of that man's death, the mad bastards left taking some of the poor guys' limbs I waited for a while just in case they changed their minds and took the rest of him but after 10 minutes, I was sure they weren't coming back soon I walked up to the man's corpse and searched his pockets some may question this and claim I'm unfeeling or I'm heartless but I'm prioritizing my life I can be traumatized later after I'm safe and sound.

Only finding a wallet that only held his id and a lighter I threw the wallet and pocketed the cancer assisted, I headed for what I assumed was the entrance of the cave if the beams of sun and sounds of animals were anytime to go by.

Next chapter