
Chapter 10( NSFW)

The other 3 shadows noded before disappearing in a flash. The hacker pressed a green button and the timer started counting down.


Seemore was escorted to one of the private rooms used by guests. He has already seen it many times so his attention was solely on the girl. Sasha seemed to have sensed his intense stare as her movements became more robotic.

"I, I um, if Mr. Wayat wouldn't mind would you allow me to quickly go to the bathroom to prepare for you."

Seemore wanted to get things going already but thinking again he grinned and allowed her to leave. She bowed before entering the bathroom.

Meanwhile, Seemore seeing her disappear immediately went to the closet to take out a few toys, Mainly whips, a Bat, and Plugs.

He layed them out on the bed so the first thing the girl saw were the toys. He couldn't help but wonder what type of expression she will have.

'AHHH I CAN'T WAIT.' Seemore quickly took off his shirt and shoes and was in the process of taking off his pants but he suddenly heard the door opening and then shutting. He grinned and turned around.

" Took you long enough, now how about we start off with some servant and master play...Huh, where is she."

He looked back but no one was there. 'Did she chicken out at the last moment? Humph if you won't come out then I guess I'll just have to force you.'

He didn't even take a single step forward before the lights in the room turned off. A hand in the dark shoved a bag over his head and stabbed a needle into his neck.

Seemores body froze before becoming limp. The shadow grabbed his body and threw it over her shoulder reluctantly. Then she disappeared from the room.

Sasha who had finally resolved herself to go back opened the door with bated breath. She immediately saw the toys on the bed and her resolve started to break again.

" Mr, Wayat I...I'm ready. Huh, Mr. Wayat. Mr. Wayat." She looked around but couldn't see the customer she was supposed to be sleeping with.

That's when she noticed a piece of paper on the desk. She hesitantly approached the desk to see what was written on it. When she did tears started flowing down her cheeks and she continuously said thank you. To whom she was thankful, she didn't know.

{Torture scenes past this point, if you don't want to read it skip this part or chapter altogether. This and the next chapter are included.}


{Unknown Abandoned warehouse}

{Seemore Pov}

'Ughhhhh, where am I, whats going on. Did I drink too much again and blackout outside. But the last thing I remember, that's right I was at the whore house and planning to fuck that virgin, have we already done it, fuck I don't remember.'


Seemore heard the sound of chains being rackled. He looked to his left and saw his arm had been tied and chained to an operating table, he panicked and looked to his other arm but it was the same. He tried moving his legs but they were tied as well.

" WHAT THE FUCK, HEY HELLO ANYBODY PLEASE HELP ME. I'M STUCK, WHO THE FUCK TIED ME UP." He shouted hysterically as he tried getting out of his bindings with obviously no luck.

Even after 5 minutes of struggling he couldn't do anything other than try to call for help. But after continuously screaming he could only stop to rest.

"Are you done throwing your little temper tantrum?"

"Huh whose there, where are you." He looked around and finally saw a figure sitting in the dark. He couldn't quite see their facial features. He could only make out that it seemed to be a woman by the sound of their voice.

" Are you the one who kidnapped me, you better get me out of these you bitch. Do you know who I work for? If you don't let me out of these chains you won't like what I do to you when I get out of here."

He tried intimidating the other party and he thought it seemed to have worked as they didn't say anything.

" So who paid you to do this, was it my wife, or was it her boyfriend. If you tell me now I can forgive you for kidnapping me, and maybe we can even strike a deal, whatever they paid you I can double it if you help me deal with them. HEY, didn't you hear me I said ill double the money?"

The figure slowly stood up and walked towards him. Thinking that his tactic worked Seemore smiled in victory. But he then froze in shock seeing who his supposed kidnapper was.

She was beautiful. If anyone had said that she was an angel that fell from heaven he wouldn't even be able to deny it. She was that breathtaking.

Even if she was wearing Lose fitting Army Wear she still couldn't hide those form-fitting curves. She was 10 out of 10. None of the previous whores could compare to her.

She slowly walked up to him, swinging hips in tow. Her gloved finger's traced up his stomach. Seemore felt like he was on cloud nine. After he gets out of those chains the first thing he will do is try fuck this angel. Whether it be the alcohol, Stress, or drugs he was injected with, his mind was not in the right place. Otherwise, he would have noticed that Beatrix wasn't touching him to pleasure him but to mark which places she going to torture him.

Her hand slid from his stomach up to his chest. she circled where his heart would be. Then it slowly made its way to his neck.

All Beatrix wanted to do right now was chock him to Deaf but that was too quick and easy, he needed to suffer for as long as possible.

Seemore grinned, even more, when her hand made it to his cheek.

" How about it. I'll pay you double to kidnapped my wife and her boyfriend plus if you let me out we can really have some fun you know."

Beatrix put on a pondering expression like she was actually thinking about the offer. It wasn't until a minute later that she had come to a decision.

"Mhh, I've made up my mind."

" Hahaha, I knew you were a smart woman, now common, and let me out of here."

" I've Decided To Take those Revolting Eyes of yours.

" Huh, what are you..hey wait where are you...AAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH."


"MY EYEEEEEEEE" Seemores horrid screams could be heard all through the warehouse.

Beatrix had decided that the First thing she would take from this Trash was his sight, so without hesitation had her fingers dig into Seemores eye and pop his eyeball out before ripping it from its socket and crushing it in her hand. Eye matter and blood were everywhere but Beatrix didn't shy away from it but instead smiled at the familer site of a Pig squealing in pain.


Chapter in a Few hours.

Heyimmr_69creators' thoughts
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