

'I slept well. Maybe a little too much.'

Asher, who finally woke up from a long sleep, stretched his body and yawned again.

He slept too much unlike any other day.

'Could it be because of sex? Or was it because I was exhausted?'

Whatever the reason, he never really slept for days before. So this was quite serious. Since it had never happened before, he guessed this must be related to his heat.

'Damn heat. My ass was on fire really back then. Ugh!'

He hated those heats. How good would it be if they never came again? Sigh...Asher knew very well he was going to experience this exact same cycle once again, so he scoffed and got ready to go to work.

The servants always have breakfast before going to work. However, it was almost daytime then and he knew there might not be anything left in the kitchen until lunchtime came. So he skipped breakfast and left for the mansion to see his little Miss.

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