

With the tentacled creature falling towards him, Kaizen concentrated on his left hand, creating a burning flame. The fireball in his hand transformed into a flamethrower, shooting intense flames towards the tentacled creature. The flames wrapped the creature in a voracious embrace, eating away at its grotesque flesh and consuming it. The tentacles twisted and writhed in agony, emitting dissonant screams that echoed through the bowels of the sea monster.

The flames danced frantically, devouring the slimy flesh of the tentacles and emitting intense heat. However, the creature was not that weak. As the tentacles burned, the creature flailed violently, shaking its surroundings and trying to somehow hit Kaizen. At that moment, the walls of flesh contracted and relaxed in a chaotic frenzy.

Kaizen dodged the monster's erratic movements with ease, leaping and grabbing onto the protrusions on the walls of flesh to keep himself steady.

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