
2. The New Quarterback

Disturbed by the sunlight, I rubbed my eyes and released a yawn. I opened my eyes but quickly got a reality check, realizing that I was not in my own bed.

Where the hell am I?

I felt a breeze of cold air against my breast and quickly looked down—realizing I was only wearing my bra. Flustered, I covered my body with the covers as all the memories from yesterday had slowly returned.

That's right. I went back with Jayden, we had a few drinks, and one thing led to another. I slowly turned my head, afraid of what or who I would face—but the bed was empty.

What should I do, and where were my clothes?

With a goal, I scanned the large bedroom with my eyes but failed to spot my clothes. Jayden's large dorm did not come to my advantage. Most of the athletes lived in a large luxe apartment complex on campus.

"Good morning." Jayden walked into the room, completely unfazed. My eyes moved to the towel which was wrapped around his body, meaning he had just showered. I could still see a few drops of water on his shiny abs, and his hair looked wet.

"Uh…good morning?" I spoke shyly. I squeezed the cover around my body, refusing to let him see anything else.

"Don't worry. I've already seen it all." Jayden mocked me. I wasn't into confident guys, but Jayden was different. He had a special charm, and there was just something about him.

"God, my head is killing me." I changed the subject. Jayden grabbed a glass of water and aspirin from his nightstand. "I know. Here you go." He sat down next to me.

I looked from the covers around my body to the glass in his hand. There was no way in hell that I was going to remove these covers. Jayden chuckled, brushing his hand through my hair, and brought the glass to my lips.

"Thank you," I spoke after swallowing the tiny pill. Well, this was embarrassing. "So, I usually don't do…this."

"What?" Jayden smiled seductively. Flustered, I turned away from his eyes. "Just…this," I mumbled.

Sleeping around with random guys was definitely not my style, and I wasn't going to do that ever again. Just making it clear.

"Don't you have basketball practice?"

"Basketball?" Jayden almost scoffed at my assumption. If he wasn't a basketballer, then he had to be something else. Tennis? Soccer? Hockey? Baseball?

"The newest addition to the Barfile Lynx.." Jayden read my mind.


Please tell me I didn't just hook up with one of dad's guys? No, not again.

The last time that happened, it ended up with my brother getting suspended for beating up my ex who used to be his teammate—not to forget that asshole threatening to release a nude I had once sent him. This should not have happened.

"Right," I spoke nervously. "Uh, there's one important detail I forgot to tell you—"

"I have practice later, I'm hungover, and I heard coach is a beast." Jayden continued his story.

"Beast? I don't know about that, more like a demon."

"Do you know him?"

"About that…he's my dad."

Right after that sentence, I could only watch as poor Jayden's face went pale. Yes, the coach was a demon, and yes—he was my dad.

"C-coach Goodwin is your dad?" Jayden stuttered as I was also slowly putting two and two together. Jayden was a newly transformed athlete, meaning he had to be my dad's new gem.

"Please don't tell me you're the new quarterback." I looked at a still paled Jayden. Just as he was about to open his mouth, there were several knocks on the door.

"Dude, I forgot my keys—open the door!"


"What the f*ck, is that Maison?" I hissed, surprised. Jayden placed his hand behind my back, letting the covers fall from my body. I jumped up from the bed, butt-ass naked—with the only piece of clothing around my body being my bra. My brother couldn't see me like this.

"He's my roommate." Jayden looked around the room. We were both in full panic mode, and the knocking just wouldn't stop. "Where are my clothes?" I whispered.

Jayden covered my mouth with his hands and pushed me under his king-sized bed.

"Aye, Jayden!" Maison shouted, still knocking on the door.

Jayden shoved my remaining clothes under the bed and pulled down the covers. "Yes, just a second!"

I focused on the sound of footsteps and listened as Jayden left his room to open the door for my brother. "You look…"

"I know, don't mention it." I heard Maison. "Also, please don't mention the party. My lame sister bailed on me—and I had to clean the whole damn house by myself."

That's not how it went, as I wasn't even involved in the first place.

"I won't," Jayden spoke. I hate to say it, but the party was probably the least of his concerns.

After a struggle, I had finally mentioned putting on my clothes—but strangely enough, one thing was missing—my panties.

"What are you doing?" Jayden asked as the voices grew louder. "I left my gear in your room last night."

"I'll get it for you—"

"Nonsense, I'll get it myself," Maison replied. Maison was a stubborn person who could not take no for an answer. Nervous, I lifted the covers and looked straight at my brother's sneakers.

"Where did I leave it." Maison knelt. I moved to the back, allowing me to see the piece of clothing I could not find—my panties.

And as if things couldn't get worse, they had somehow found their way into my brother's hand. Maison laughed while I was dying from embarrassment. "So, what size do you wear?"

"Bro." Jayden laughed uncomfortably.

"Who was the lucky girl on campus?" Maison continued his interrogation.

Your sister, moron.

"Oh, here it is!" Maison suddenly spoke, holding his football gear up in the air. He dropped the panties and turned around. "I'm going to take a quick shower. You should head to the training grounds to score a few extra points with my dad." He told him. "He's already on his way back to campus."

"I will."

Hate to inform you, Jayden—but it was already too late for that.

Seconds later, Jayden pulled me from underneath the bed and led me to the front door as if I had committed a crime. "That was close." He showed me his perfect dimples.

"Y-yes, that was," I spoke, flustered before the door was smacked in my face. Change of mind, Jayden wasn't that nice—he was a jerk.

I stomped my feet as I made my way out of the apartment complex and did the walk of shame through the campus yards. Several students whispered amongst themselves, but it didn't faze me. Most of them didn't even know who I was, which was surprising because they all seemed to love Maison.

My heart nearly dropped at the sight of Mitsuki, who sat on the sofa, waiting for my arrival. "So, missy, it seems to me like you had a long night." She spoke in a teasing tone.

I ignored my friend and walked to the kitchen to get myself another glass of water, but she had no problem following me. "Do I want to know?"

"Trust me. You don't." I informed Mitsuki. If anything, this entire situation was embarrassing, and I could not even think about the backlash I would get if I were to tell everyone the truth about our new quarterback. He was an arrogant prick with a charming smile who knew how to get his way with girls.

He had even stolen my panties.

"It's nice seeing you finally listened to me for once," Mitsuki spoke proudly, brushing her straight hair to the side. "So who was the lucky guy?"

"Funny you asked." I giggled awkwardly. "Jayden Cruz."

"Oh Jayden—"

"Wait, what!"

Mitsuki's eyes turned big. "I heard he left with a girl yesterday. I didn't know it was you!"

"Well, that makes two of us." I sulked, slamming my head against the counter. "I had no idea who he was, and guess what? He's roommates with Maison."

"Ooh, spicy."

I walked to my room, with Mitsuki following behind. "Mitsuki, this is not funny. I could've gotten him into trouble!"

"Anyway." She sat down on my bed. "Give me the details."

"What details?"

Mitsuki rolled her eyes. "You know…the details!" She spoke. "The good stuff. Come on. I need to know!"

As expected from Mitsuki.

I blushed, remembering part of our night as the missing pieces of the puzzle slowly made their way back to my mind. "I'll only tell you once, so you better listen!"


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