

July 7th 2185 Terra Nova

Harbinger lands on Terra Nova. When reports are filtered back to Systems Command there is disbelief. No ship that large should be able to function in that much gravity. The amount of energy required to power mass effect fields is almost incalculable but the images don't lie and show Harbinger resting in a large battle scarred field with several CEmans and Humans in front of him and a few SOCL hovering in the air above him.

The clean-up from the battle begins and unbeknownst to Systems Alliance Command, Harbinger is debating his response to the Batarians. It seems too easy to simply ascend them but in his anger he is feeling as if the simplest solution might be the best.


July 7th 2185 Terra Nova, Alliance Medical Facility


Hannah Shepard groaned at the voice. It sounded like her helmsman but that couldn't be, could it? The last thing she remembered was glaring at the still mostly intact Batarian dreadnought and giving the order for everyone to evacuate. Then the world had gone black and the smoke that filled her lungs had almost tasted good. "Captain, you need to wake up."

"Hurts." Was that her voice? It was croaky.

"I know it hurts Captain but you have to wake up. We won Captain, which means I have some water for you, just as soon as you open your eyes."

Hannah wasn't sure if she frowned "Won?" she asked as she considered the deal. She wanted that water, her throat was screaming for it but it seemed like such a big thing to open her eyes.

"Well, technically we didn't win," the voice that sounded like her helmsman explained. "But since we are alive and the Batarians are dead, I'm saying we won."

Wait… Hannah's mind rebelled. How did her Helmsman sound so good? He had gone through everything she had… Heh… so she really was dead, no matter the explanation. "Water?" It sucked that it hurt so much even if she was dead.

"Not until you open your eyes Captain,"


"That I am Ma'am."

That definitely sounded like Levi and with a groan Hannah forced her eyes to open. Levi was sitting beside her with a shit eating grin and a cup of water. One rather harried looking Doctor was noting down things on a medical chart. Hannah downed the water in short order, resisting the urge to sigh at how good it felt on her raw throat. "What happened?" she demanded, her voice almost sounding normal.

The Doctor came over and waved his omni-tool over her while Levi began to speak. "What happened depends on what rumor you want to believe," he began. "All I know is that there is a shit load of SOCLs in orbit and not a single Batarian left alive."

"Heh…" She couldn't help but laugh. "So they finally got involved."

"Oh yeah, they are involved," Levi waved away the obvious comment. "The real kicker is why, Captain."

Hannah's eyes narrowed. "I'll bite, why did they get involved?" she asked, accepting another cup of water and sipping it this time. The doctor went back to the chart and added a few more things to it before he showed himself out.

"Scuttlebutt has it that Harbinger himself is here and that he's here because his Partner was found." Levi's grin, if anything went wider at the news and Hannah felt her eyes widen. Sure, she'd been berating the SOCL for their lack of involvement but this… This seemed far too convenient.

"That's…" she paused. "That's insane."

"Not as insane as the footage."


Levi would have replied but four MPs stepped into her room without knocking. "Captain Shepard?" their Leader asked. She recognized the epaulets of a Captain.

"Yes, Captain?"

"Admiral Hackett would like a word with you, Ma'am."

Levi took that as his cue to exit and the MPs made no move to stop him as he slipped out of the room. Hannah just blinked but nodded. If the Admiral wanted a word, then the Admiral could have a word, especially if he'd sent MPs to tell her that. She made a move to get up.

"That's not necessary Ma'am," the Captain said, flicking a few buttons on his omni-tool which brought the screen hanging over her bed to life. Admiral Hackett's face appeared and he looked no less harried than the Doctor. Hannah felt her gut churn. Sure, there'd been a massive attack on Terra Nova but if Levi was right, they'd driven it off, the Admiral shouldn't be looking this bad, still she saluted as best she could.

He didn't even bother with a preamble. "Hannah I have to know, did you know?"

She could feel her frown. "Know what Sir?"

"Your daughter faked her genetic scan."

The churning changed into a sinking feeling and Hannah knew what was to come. "She somehow substituted your scan for hers during recruitment and there hasn't been a need to scan her again since."

"Oh no…" Hannah couldn't help but breathe the words. The SOCL had interfered. The SOCL who had remained undetected, unknown through every other Batarian attack had interfered this time because Harbinger told them too. Harbinger was here and he would only be here for one Organic.

"I take it from your expression you did not know?" Hackett left the question hanging.

"No Sir," she said as forcefully as she could, her mind racing to try to remember if it was illegal to fake your genetic scan. Theoretically you could disagree to Synthesis but if her daughter was paired with Harbinger… Refusal would not have gone over well… She didn't even want to think what Harbinger would be saying about the fact that Jane hid.

"He's not saying anything," Hackett continued reading her thoughts. "He doesn't have to but suffice to say we are going into damage control as fast as we can."

"What has Jane said about this?" Hannah felt the need to ask. Her daughter would have a reason… surely.

"So far, nothing. She's in stasis."

"Stasis?" Stasis was reserved only for the worst injuries and suddenly Hannah didn't care that Jane had mislead everyone, that she had deliberately hidden from one of the best allies Humanity could possibly have. Who cared about that? Jane was injured and she was injured badly if she was in stasis. "What happened?"

"The Batarians," Hackett replied, without so much as a trace of humor. His expression said what he did not. 'I'm just thankful she survived and that they got her to stasis. We can retrieve this mess but only if she lives.'

Hannah's mind went back to First Contact. She'd been on the bridge of the Emden, she'd seen Harbinger and she'd heard his demands first hand. The enormity of his words struck her anew.

' We have traveled from beyond the galactic rim with purpose. We wish for synthesis.'


' Synthesis. Union with the beings who meet this profile.'

'With us all?'

' Just the individual. One for each of us.'

And the one individual for Harbinger had denied him. Harbinger; the unquestioned, undisputed leader of a fleet of a million sentient ships who were in orbit predominantly around Earth. Suddenly Hannah was surprised Hackett was still even functioning. "Get yourself up," Hackett was saying. "The Kilimanjaro's out of action for the foreseeable future but someone has to speak to Harbinger." And she was the one nominated.

"Yes Sir," there wasn't anything else she could say.

He gave her one last piercing look and nodded. "Hackett out." The screen faded to black.

Hannah looked over at the MP Captain. "I'm gonna need a clean uniform and transport, in that order. Also where's my daughter?"

The man nodded and gestured to one of his underlings who left the room, no doubt to fetch a uniform. "Your daughter's stasis pod is being held near Harbinger, approximately 200 clicks out of Noval. Transportation is waiting."

"Good," Hannah said, swinging her legs off the bed after she downed the last of the water. The MP returned with a bundle of clothes which she accepted and began dressing. The MPs had the grace to look away but with the current situation Hannah didn't even care. "Let's not keep the Fleet Admiral waiting."

July 7th 2185 Terra Nova, 200 klicks out of Noval

Hannah had been surprised on the ride over. The city should have been devastated and there was plenty of evidence that it was, but there was less debris than she thought there should be. The MP, who introduced himself as Milton, had shrugged. "Clean up goes fast when you have a couple of thousand ships who can co-ordinate themselves," he said, pointing out several SIL who were hovering over a destroyed building using their mass effect fields to lift the rubble away. "Re-cyc can't keep up."

Hannah had returned her own shrug at that because they'd come into view of the field. "Wha?" The question was half formed but the reason was obvious.

"Insane isn't it?" Milton said, coming to stand beside her.

When they'd said that her daughter's stasis pod was being held near Harbinger, she'd assumed that he was in orbit over it, or that she was on a ship that was stationed near the SIL. Hannah had never thought that the SIL would be grounded. It shouldn't have even been possible.

"Yeah," Milton answered the question before she even asked. "Two kilometers long and he's on the ground as if he does it every day. The boffins are going insane trying to explain it but there it is." The gesture towards the huge SIL was not necessary. There was no way you could miss the two kilometer long star ship.

"Okay," Hannah gasped as their shuttle landed and the reality of the situation intruded. Somehow she had to talk to the SIL because that's what Hackett needed, an indication of their leader's mental state, yet she couldn't just walk up and say 'Hi'. That wouldn't go over well, she needed a reason. "Where's my daughter?" she asked, while walking down the ramp.

"Over there," Milton pointed to a field tent that was surrounded by CEumans. Hannah didn't recognize their weapons, but she had no doubt they were powerful and as the wind shifted, she watched as a light blue shimmer flickered over the tent.

"All right," Hannah said, hiding the pain she felt. She wasn't going to be able to see Jane just yet. "Take me to the medics," she instructed and then followed when Milton began walking. If she couldn't see Jane, she'd at least get the full run down on her condition.

July 7th 2185 Terra Nova, 200 klicks out of Noval, near Harbinger

"Harbinger, Sir!" Hannah snapped to attention and held the position. The SIL was even larger than she thought close up but he was still a Fleet Admiral and she would stick to protocol.

Her arm began to ache after five minutes and she resisted the urge to shuffle slightly.

"Hannah Shepard," the voice rumbled at her from her omni-tool and she recognized it as Harbinger. "What do you want?"

She shifted slightly, taking the question as permission to move into an at ease stance. "Reporting on the condition of Lieutenant Commander Jane Shepard, sir!"

"I am aware of her condition," Harbinger said. Hannah didn't deny it. Given the SILs already documented ability to hack even the most secure Systems Alliance computers, not to mention his official rank which give him legitimate access to most information he desired, Harbinger could probably tell her Jane's condition down to the manufacturing date and time of every cybernetic she possessed. But Harbinger was a machine, and Hannah was certain he would overlook several conditions that were fundamentally human.

"Her condition is stable in stasis, however, she will need to be moved for the medics to attend to her wounds when she is removed from stasis."

Hannah did not need Harbinger to reply for her to feel the hostility the SIL felt at that suggestion and she felt her instincts rouse. "You cannot achieve synthesis with her while she is injured that badly."

"Injuries such as that are nothing," Harbinger dismissed them and Hannah was hard pressed to keep from shouting. Not that the SIL would take it as insubordination but he would take it as a challenge.

"You need her to agree to synthesis," she said, deliberately keeping her voice reasonable. "I know my daughter, she's just as likely to tell you no if she feels she is forced into agreeing."

"She has already decided no," the giant SIL countered.

"No, she hasn't," Hannah automatically defended her daughter. "I did not know she had done this but I think I know why."

Harbinger said nothing and Hannah continued. "I'm sure she didn't know she was your Partner, though from my own test she would have at least suspected the possibility. That would have made her feel trapped and she would have done anything she could to avoid that. I can assure you, she would never have wanted to hurt you."

The air vibrated and Hannah felt it in her bones and she realized that the feeling was coming from the SIL before her. She was about to speak when there came a boom from another SIL as it lowered itself through the atmosphere.

Hannah was no expert but even she could tell that this one was another Sovereign Class, though it was smaller than Harbinger, probably about 1.6 kilometers long. So the manoeuvring in a gravity well and atmosphere was not unique to Harbinger. She wanted to speak but something told Hannah to wait. Harbinger was no doubt talking with the other SIL.

"So an organic defied you Harbinger. I don't know what you are surprised about. Personally I'd be more surprised if they agreed with you."

"Arshan," Harbinger growled. "What do you want?"

"For you to show some sense. You've talked entire species into ascension and you are concerned about one organic?"

"I cannot force this one."

"Yeah, yeah, I know, you won't let me talk to it, so you need to talk to it, lie if you need to convince it but just make it happen. In the meantime, let us go do something that will make you feel better. Well… it will make me feel better."


"Come on. Order us to go ascend the Batarians. If nothing else it will give me something to do rather than orbiting around a rock where nothing happens."

Harbinger was silent for a long moment, calculating options. "Take some synthesized with you and watch them," he agreed, though he wanted to know what they thought of the Cycle. Dan Sewei said it was over and while Harbinger knew that the choice for Synthesis made so long ago was meant to be the end of the Cycle, he also knew that nothing would truly end it. Not while they existed. "Make sure the Council know nothing," he added, "and call Nazara back. The Vanguard has been out long enough."

"Heh," Arshan was amused. "I'll bring you some peons," he said lifting out of the atmosphere.

"Your daughter," Harbinger spoke again to the human in front of him.

The woman gave a small start but nodded towards him. "I know she has hurt you…"

Harbinger growled again. Or at least that's what a human would call it. And then he did something he had not yet done to a human, something he thought he would only do with the human meant for synthesis, he initiated mental contact. The woman, the progenitor of his organic stiffened but remained standing because he willed it.

"I told your kind, we wished for Synthesis. That is our only desire and for 1.7 billion years I have waited for any organic capable of synthesis with me, with any of us."

Hannah shuddered not only with the contact with Harbinger but with the sense of eternity she felt from him. Her mind screamed and tried to escape but the SIL's grip was implacable. She could feel her breathing becoming fast and heavy and she gulped and as blood began to drip from her nose she rallied. "Then talk to her," Hannah gasped, forming the words as clearly in thought as she could. "Show her what is required and that it's not just a convenience for you. Show her that you won't force her. Show her what it will mean to her."

That last seemed to anger him and Hannah focused her memory, dragging up her time on the Emden on February 19th 2152. "'Ignorance will be addressed,'" she choked. "Prove that."

Harbinger released her and Hannah collapsed to her hands and knees, drawing in great lungfuls of air. After a moment she rose, wiping her nose to clean away the blood and swallowing the rest that trickled down the back of her throat. She shuddered again, feeling eternity and despite the pain that was threatening to make her collapse, Hannah suddenly felt sorry for Harbinger. Humans promised each other 'forever' often enough but they had no idea what it really meant. She was just beginning to feel it herself.

"The facilities will be moved here," she said suddenly, ignoring the fact that ordering this was beyond her authority. It was well within Harbinger's. "Surgery can be conducted where you can see it." It sounded like a bad romance novel but she now knew how important Jane was to Harbinger. He was barely resisting the urge to force synthesis and Hannah half suspected that was merely because Jane was injured and in stasis but he would not be separated from her.

"When she is recovered, talk to her. I will talk to her as well," that was all Hannah felt comfortable offering.

The lights on Harbinger's surface dimmed. "I have been patient for time beyond your comprehension, I can be patient a few more days." Hannah knew the admission was all she would get from Harbinger and she nodded, stepping back.

It was a good thing Milton was behind her, because he was all that saved her from a rather inglorious collapse.


July 8th 2185 Terra Nova

After medical facilities and staff are moved on Harbinger's authority, Lieutenant Commander Jane Shepard is removed from stasis and surgery begins. Surgery goes well though the Doctors report that she will be in an induced coma for a few days.

Captain Hannah Shepard also recovered. Neural scans reveal no lasting damage from contact with Harbinger's mind though she is given a course of remedial treatment just in case. She reported to Systems Command. While they knew Harbinger was old, estimates had been that he was ten million years old. The report that he is in fact billions of years old makes the entire command staff shudder. They focus instead on the fact that Harbinger does not seem to be making threats over Jane's deception. For the moment no decision about what, if anything, should be done about it is made.

It's reported from all Colony worlds that all the SOCL have emerged from hiding and have joined the defense fleets. In Sol Space 130,000 SOCL gather and head through the Relay. To the surprise of all they circulate to the Colony worlds, reinforcing the defense fleets and some head to the outskirt facilities to take up guarding positions.

Seventy five thousand SIL and twenty five thousand SOCL gather in Terra Nova space, massing near the relay. Without warning, without notice they disappear through the relay. It takes a few hours for Systems Alliance Command to realize they are missing. Harbinger, who is still on Terra Nova provides a remote report that they are acting on his authority and shall return in due course. Despite requests, he does not elaborate.


July 9th 2185 Mindoir Corn Farm

"So now we know what it takes to get Harbinger involved," the woman's voice was caustic.

"Now we know what we are up against," the clerk just sounded sick.

The man in the snow coat shuffled his feet. "We're not ready."

"Even if the SOCLs were to give us everything, we cannot be ready in time," the woman in the suit summarized.

"In time?" the clerk asked.

The military man clarified. "By the time Harbinger emerges."

"He hasn't even started synthesis," the clerk objected.

"Should we stop it?" There was dark consideration in the voice.

"No!" The others were horrified at the thought.

"I doubt we could even get close," a woman dressed in a lab coat said.

"This might not be too bad," the man dressed for the snow mused slowly.


"He's not merging with some eighteen year old innocent. From our point of view this could be the best outcome we could hope for."

"That cannot be assumed," the military man growled.

"Then what do you want us to do?" Anger laced the tone.


"You're joking!"

"I don't see what else we can do."

"This is impossible!" the scientist snarled.

"There is always the chance this will work out," the clerk murmured timidly.

"You're not here because you believe that."

"With the way things are going, we can only hope," the man defended his position.

"So where did the rest of the fleet go?"

"They were tracked heading into Batarian space," the military man replied.

"They are fighting?" The business woman asked.

The military man fought back a laugh. "It's probably not going to be much of a fight."

"That's not our concern."

"No. Does anyone have any realistic suggestions?"

"Just one," the scientist said slowly.

"What?" The business woman snapped.


"What about them?"

"With a full dive supported by an AI, firewall integrity becomes viable for a time that is practical. The only limits are the diver but shifts and multiple divers take care of that."

"It's been that way for years!" the military man said.

"Yes, and we've never worked out how to counter attack but if we did…" the scientist let the implications hang in imagination.

"Is there a way?" the snow dressed man asked.

"I believe we can find one."

"Control through cyber warfare," the military man mused.

"We don't have enough divers, or AIs," the business woman said practically. "It's too expensive to develop that many AIs."

"We don't need to," the clerk said, almost happily. "The SIL and SOCL obey Harbinger, so we only need to take him."

Both the military man and the business woman looked at the clerk as if he was insane. Only need to take Harbinger? Harbinger who, machine or not, was arguably one of the strongest willed individuals in the galaxy. Harbinger who was one of the best hackers and who had been controlling human society for decades so subtly that most didn't even recognize the shackles. If taking Harbinger was that easy they would have already done it!

"It is an option worth pursuing," the snow dressed man said slowly, before the other two could snap. "It probably won't work but we may be able to slow the inevitable. Or at the very least, hacking them might give us access to their technology."

Everyone was silent for a few moments. The scientist would pursue the option but then the business woman spoke again, asking a pointed question.

"What is she like?"


"Jane Shepard."

"N7 Marine, long term military career, psychological profile stable," the military man summarized.

The scientist resisted the urge to roll her eyes. "Is she strong willed? Opinionated? Xenophobic?"

"She's a survivor. Torfan didn't kill her and most Batarians if they recognize her run. So yes, she's got will. Not particularly xenophobic though I don't know why she faked her genetic scan."

"Does anyone know?"

"There's speculation from Hannah Shepard but nothing definite."

"Just face it. There is nothing we can do."

The military man looked thoughtful for a moment. "Of anyone who could partner with Harbinger, Jane Shepard is probably our best choice. She is strong willed but she also does not compromise her beliefs. Mindoir proved that. She is the only human to have entered a SIL and emerged unscathed. The CEumans say that shouldn't be possible but somehow she did it. Look at the fact she faked her test. She may not have known at the time she was a match but she knew what she wanted and she made sure that that is what she got. If anyone is to stand up and look Harbinger in the eye and tell him to bugger off, it's her. So even if we aren't ready on anything else, on that much, we got lucky.

"All I can suggest is that we put a few colonies in stasis if the SIL betray us. If they do strike, we should also send some ships to the Council. Even if they don't make it hopefully they will provide a distraction. We are here for contingency, so even as we prepare for the worst, we can hope for the best. Harbinger may yet be honorable."

The others weren't happy but no one could suggest anything more practical.

"I'll start construction now," the man dressed for the snow muttered as he turned away.

The business woman and the clerk looked at each other. "We'll get you the funding," they murmured.

"Meet in a week?"

"Too risky. A month…" the scientist said. "But a week if events warrant."

July 12th 02:33 2185 Terra Nova

Jane blinked. She resisted the urge to groan. Everything hurt but given that it felt like she was lying on a bed and a soft bleep could be heard, she took that as a good sign. The Batarians hadn't won. Her throat felt like sandpaper though and painfully she lifted one hand to claw at the mask that covered her face. Movement was hard but she sat up slowly, keeping her coughs quiet as she pulled the breathing tube out. It landed on the mattress beside her and Jane looked around.

She bit her lip when she saw her Mother slouched beside her. Heaven knew how many duties she was neglecting on the Kilimanjaro but Jane couldn't help but feel loved. Plus her Mom had a small glass of water on the side table which she needed. She took a sip, trying not spill it with the way her hand trembled. She managed a few sips but the rest fell on her. It felt good.

Jane wriggled, stretching out but halfway through she paused. Oh yeah… everything definitely hurt. It was a distant pain, and she attributed that to the painkillers that had to be coursing through her system. Jane looked down. Almost everywhere was covered in bandages. Heh, at least she didn't have to worry about modesty. There were a couple of sensors attached to various points and only one saline drip going into her arm. Carefully she swung her legs off the bed. It hadn't escaped her notice that she was in a tent, and if she was in a tent, then there were plenty of other wounded. They could take her bed. She'd return to her quarters, providing they were still standing. It didn't matter.

It was quiet, but the night air was warm. In the distance there was a drone of ships and Jane smiled as she shuffled towards the tent flap. She was using the drip stanchion as a walking stick but it was slow going with the way her entire body shook. Repairs had probably started. A peek outside showed the courtyard to be gently lit though there was a gap in the tents to the left and the light wasn't so harsh that it drowned out the stars. As she moved outside she looked up. The constellations were different here but they were still beautiful. The ribbon of stars that formed the Milky Way showed their colors on Terra Nova and… Jane frowned. Were those ships in low orbit? They had to be. The lights were blinking. Okay, so the Alliance defense fleet had been reinforced. That was good.

She took a couple more steps before she felt it. A sense of presence that was huge. She turned slowly and looked up… and up. Suddenly she knew exactly what an ant felt like when confronted with a scorpion. Except this scorpion was…


"Jane Shepard," the words echoed through her mind.

"Harbinger," she said, looking into the unblinking eyes of the SIL. Her mind raced. What the hell was the SIL doing here? Slowly, she closed her eyes, lowering her head as she catalogued her injuries, through the abstract pain. Her abdomen felt like it was packed with cotton, which probably meant she had extensive stitching there. She could feel a gash on one leg and her ribs were tender. A few must have been broken. One arm was in a cast and from the way her lips pulled there were probably a few deep scratches on her face. Her head hurt but that probably came from dehydration. Even so the injuries were pretty bad and the last thing she remembered was a flash of light… A grenade… Which meant she'd been dragged back and put in stasis…

"Crap… My genetic test…"


The ground was at least soft when she hit it, uncaring of the way the wound on her leg screamed and the faint smell of blood filled the air. "Fuck." All those years ago… she knew there had been a possibility but that's all she thought it would be, a possibility. Now Harbinger was here which could only mean that the possibility was an actuality… She was a match.

"Not a match," the massive SIL gave the impression of growling into her mind. "You are the match."

"Fuck," Jane gulped, ignoring the pain as she clenched her fists into the dirt. She wanted to say she was sorry, that she regretted it but she didn't. She didn't even feel guilty now that she had been caught.

"I would be disappointed if you did."

"What?" That made no sense and she looked back up at the SIL.

For long minutes Harbinger remained silent. "I understand more about organics than you think."

"You've had thirty three years to learn," Jane said.

"I have had far longer than that as you shall learn. You need further rest."

Jane blinked, surprised. An instant ago she'd have put money on the fact Harbinger would ask about synthesis but he hadn't even mentioned it beyond confirmation. She nodded and slowly pulled herself up, wincing slightly as she put weight on her leg. They'd probably want to re-bandage that. With a nod to the SIL she hobbled back to the tent feeling Harbinger's attention on her the entire time.


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