

Lisa Pov ;

I wrapped my arms around Dave's neck, acting spoiled.

The brown-haired woman looked at me annoyed. Her chest heaved up and down in anger.

Dave hugged my waist, then kissed my forehead passionately.

"You heard it. We were together because we loved each other, not out of compulsion." Dave said sternly, glaring at the woman.

The woman pointed at me with her index finger, looking even more annoyed. However, she would not be able to fight alone. In the end, he turned around, walking away in annoyance.

Right now, I had no idea who the woman was, nor was I interested in finding out. However, I feel satisfied for no reason.

"Don't mind her, honey, just a crazy woman," Dave whispered.

I laughed a little, he deliberately blew my earlobe.

I looked at Dave annoyed. He smiled strangely, stuck out his tongue, mocking. How could he joke at a time like this, Claire was even still staring at the woman's departure. Dave looked at my arms that were still holding him. Damn! I forgot.

I cleared my throat slowly, letting go awkwardly.

The sun began to move down, competing to sink into the far west. Jane and the others headed home.

A few hours later.

I stared at my laptop screen in despair. My brain is stuck, without inspiration. I threw my body. This round sofa is quite large, also springy. My body seemed to be sinking into it.

I looked everywhere, in every corner of the room. Hoping to find some inspiration there.

Three minutes in effect. Not a speck of inspiration. I exhaled heavily. What should I write? Why did my brain stop working? I'm only twenty-four, there's no way my imaginary development cells are rusty right?

I looked at my laptop screen again, annoyed again.

I need something romantic. Please. Arise my cells of inspiration. I kept trying to spin my head around, but, until a few minutes later, I was still pissed. I rarely watch dramas these days, the source of my inspiration. Dave wasted my time in many ways.

The bathroom door opened. Dave came out, walking leisurely until he stopped in front of me.

He looked at me in surprise, "What's wrong with your sleeping position, Lili? Why is it upside down?" Dave crouched down, chuckling.

I looked at Dave intently. His body was still wet, and a few drops of water were still flowing down. He only wore a white towel that covered the waist down, while the top was without layers. His chest and abdominal muscles were exposed. There is a tattoo on the side of his stomach, an inscription, italicized from bottom to top, "PUNISHMENT".

I should be screaming by now, protesting the shirtless Dave, and we're in the same room. But I don't. As if there was a light burning brightly in my head, my inspiration had come.

I got up from my upside-down sleeping position and sat up nicely.

Dave gave me a surprised look. I was looking at him with sparkling eyes, like an adorable little puppy. He then stood up, stepped towards the walk-in closet, and put on his clothes.

Dave came out a few minutes later. He had put on his favorite ash-colored pajamas, his hair had also been dried.

"I'll make a drink." He stepped out of the room, and down the stairs to the kitchen.

I said yes slowly. Why have I never thought of this before?

Because previously I couldn't explain in more detail the daily life and how the personal life of the rich male character in my previous story, this time I will perfect it. If previously I only saw dramas, this time I can observe directly. Judging from the face, appearance, and background, Dave should be the perfect main character, right? About the annoying nature and others, I can make it up a little.

Okay. This time I will get a direct observation of the next main character. None other than my husband, Davier William. I made up my mind in my heart.

I quickly jotted down the important things to take into account and began to plan my exclusive observation.

Dave came back with a glass of warm milk in his hand.

I watched him carefully. From the moment he stepped in, to the moment he put the glass of milk in front of me, to his little movements. I went back to taking notes and writing down the important points.

"Drink before bed." He said slowly.

I nodded without looking at him, my hands still busy writing.

Dave walked over to the wooden bookshelf beside the sofa, picking up one of the books. He took a seat next to me, on a different sofa of course, and began to read the first page.

I adjusted my sitting position so I could look at him more closely. Pay attention to every little movement and posture, then note it down.

Dave glanced at me, one eyebrow raised, a sign he was surprised. But then he looked back at his book. And so on.

Feeling himself being watched, Dave finally asked, without looking at me, "What are you doing?"

"Taking notes," I answered simply, taking notes.


"Observing objects." This time I rested my chin with my arms, looking straight ahead, trying to take a closer look.

Dave closed his book in a swift motion, placing it on the table.

I blinked my eyes as he stared at me until he finally moved closer.

Dave closed the distance between us, only a few centimeters remaining, our faces almost touching. I moved back slowly, but Dave didn't just give up. Just because we're sitting on different couches, Dave doesn't have the freedom to lock me in. He kept moving closer.

Until our distance was almost close, Dave finally moved away. His goal turned out to be to take my notebook.

The book had already passed into his hands.

I reflexively stood up, trying to reclaim my book. I'm sure the notes on it will give Dave a big head. I didn't mean to write it beautifully. I'm a writer, it's only natural to use good words to describe my character, right?

Sure enough, he laughed happily after he finished reading a page. I moved to pick it up again, but my hand didn't come, Dave deliberately raised his hand a little.

I even jumped a little, but the result is still the same.

"Return!" I stood on the sofa, my arms crossed, staring at Dave intently.

"You're a good writer Lili, you describe me perfectly. His broad shoulders...." Dave started reading my notes aloud. He laughed with satisfaction.

This time I jumped onto his back, dangling there. Dave finally returned my book after I grabbed his neck forcefully from behind but it wasn't a hug, of course, I tried to strangle him.

"So, I'm your main character?" he asked, having sat back down.

"Shut up." I also sat back on the round sofa, lap my laptop.

"And you plan on following me, everywhere? watching me?" Dave asked again, opening his book. I just kept quiet and didn't answer.

"I-I'm giving you permission, to take a closer look at me." He said again. I looked at him annoyed, what else is he planning?

"Up to you," I answered sharply, looking back at the laptop screen.

Pause for a few seconds.

Dave got up from the couch and walked over to put his book back on the shelf. "Okay, then you can write horror stories, you can go observe the haunted house." He leaned against the bookshelf, his arms crossed.

I glanced at him, then back at the laptop. Horror story? Me?

I think fast. No! I can't lose this opportunity, now that my brain is starting to fill up again, don't get stuck again. I stood up from my sitting position, smiling sweetly at Dave.

"Thank you for your generosity, Master main character. I will try my best." I bowed, acting dramatic.

Dave chuckled, waving his hand casually.

"But I'm not going to go easy on you. You'll have to put in more effort if you want to make a good scene for your story." He said arrogantly. I want to hit him right now, but for the sake of the plan going smoothly, I'll hold it in.

I tried to smile sweetly. Dave nodded in satisfaction.

I tidied my books and laptop on the table, then jumped onto the bed.

I patted the mattress, asking Dave to sleep on it.

"Alright Master main character, I need one scene to observe tonight," I said as politely as possible.

Dave was motionless on the spot, with no expression on his face. Until finally he walked into the walk-in closet. Came back a few seconds later with a blanket in his arms.

My eyes follow his every move.

With a quick movement, he picked up a pillow on the mattress, placed it on the floor which was covered with a soft fleece carpet, then lay down there.

I looked at him in disbelief. What kind of behavior is this?

"What do you want, Miss writer?" He asked quietly, starting to close his eyes after putting on the blanket.

Did I toss my hair in annoyance? What the hell? Don't want to sleep next to me? I looked at him annoyed. Who would want to sleep next to him? I'm just asking it for the sake of my observation.

"Come on, why are you sleeping downstairs? I'm not the woman you think you are even though you sleep beside me." I picked up the book beside the bedside table, trying to distract myself.

"No excuses. I was just in the mood to sleep downstairs." Dave said quietly.

I really want to throw it now.

Dave sat up, then looked at me, "Good night." He pulled the blanket back up again, returning to his sleeping position.

What should I do next?

I tried to think fast. Dave moved, sleeping on his side. I smiled a little, an idea crossed my mind.

I rolled over slowly, acting like I was delirious in my sleep. Keep rolling until reach the end of the bed, then fall slowly beside Dave who is closing his eyes.

I tried to hold back my laughter, not expecting my idea. I shifted, moving closer to Dave. I hugged his neck and buried my face in his neck. I tried to hold back my laughter.

Dave was about to move away, but I tightened my grip on him, locking him.

Until the next few seconds, Dave did not move anymore. His hands caressed my back gently, making me a little sleepy.

Dave moved my body slowly, I pretended to be asleep.

It happened very fast. Dave has now moved on, on top of me. Just because I was closing my eyes, I couldn't see his face. The familiar strawberry scent began to waft. I could hear Dave's small breaths.

I paused, trying to open my eyes. But Dave then did something, beyond my plan.

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