
Alexis 2

So, what is your question?, Lucio said cutting the thoughts about my parents. Ah, yes! Are you ready?

Fire away!, Lucio added with a British accent, which was apparent ever since we have met earlier. I couldn't help but think that he is actually a brit and not an Irish or American, I thought now fixing my head with the questions I already memorized just for him and this momentous occasion.

Eherm…Were you borne evil and even if you were a former good angel, did you already have the notion that you will become the Lord of Darkness?, my first impacting Q which made Lucio twitch his lips, snap his fingers and winked at me. Now, we are in a vast area or desert. It's hot but I couldn't feel the heat due to, Lucio built a some sort of thin transparent silhouette or bubble that when I touched it I couldn't pop it nor walk inside of it. So, the dessert is an illusion.

Yes it is, just like the many things I do and lure people into. I am the world's greatest magician, that is you get hooked into my magic, you're mine. So, be very careful what you wish for, or I can make you fall in love with me in an instant. That is if you allow me or give me access, your freedom to make you fall for me, Lucio said and as if like a dream we're instantly back in the beautiful river we were at first.

Illusion? So it means that you use your power to lure and attract people and get them addicted to you, so you can make them sin or lose themselves. Or in short, make them give up their free will to allow you to have access of their mind, heart and most especially their soul?, I told Lucio to confirm if what I thought of his tactic in luring souls to him, was right.

Yup my darling and I can show it to you!, Lucio added and now, I see myself with my brother playing in our beach house in Hawaii. Mom?...Mom!!!, I called out to mom and she turned around and smiled at me. I would do anything just to see my mom again!, I remembered when I said that after mom died in a car accident while dad and her where traveling to somewhere. I said that, but I didn't know whether it'll happen or not.

But I can make it happen. I am all powerful. I can snap my finger and make your mom breathe again. She will be with you and your dad in no time, Lucio replied smiling and tempting me to gave in to him. Wow, he is so strong I can feel my heart pounding and my brain working like I am willing to say yes to him. But I thought that mom died when I was a little girl and she could never come back to us, nor be the beautiful woman and mom I had once. She is with God now and I know she is happy with him than with dad. Dad had drinking problems and I hated him for killing mom, yet accidents happen and we were no different from others who lose their love ones in a freaking storm, earthquake, war or even a car wreck. So, I shouldn't feel I had the worst experience when there are others who suffered more than me.

I forgave dad already and thought of moving to Hawaii where mom lived her whole life, and I feel her presence every time I stay in the same beach house I bought in front of the old place my dad bought for us when my brother and I were little kids.

Yes, I would die to see my mom again, but, no…! No, because I have already accepted that she is in a different place now and I know it's far more beautiful, happiest, than this world could ever give her.

Aha!, that's what I call control, sweet pea. You are remarkable! I thought you would give in to me that easily! Huh!...I think I may have found my woman, and it's you!, Lucio added laughing like the Joker in the old version of the movie Batman.

Hmm…so, that's it. That's your magic or power? Oh, I thought you can shake the world or my world and make me fall under your feet because you're the devil and you like being worshipped, I explained and Lucio's eyes turned red. Now, he felt annoyed and overpowered by me, slizzy little woman that has no wit nor charm but is making him feel worthless, weak and useless. What to do?, Lucio thought and fired away with his best tactic, women, sex, power and money. So, he clapped his hands and sexy women came in one by one. Alexis, found herself inside a bedroom where there are lots of flower petals, gold bars on top of the bed, one hot woman in thongs and eye mask came to her and licked her cheek that made Alexis's face red from blush. Another came in and touched her arms and back then took off her clothes. Followed by another woman who looked like Alexis' crush girl when they werr in high school. Lucio is smart and really did his homework, HE even knew my crush and my past. Just like high school days, I grabbed Macey's hair and kissed her. She came into me when we were in high school and told me that she liked me. I liked her too but since we're both girls, we were thought as best friends not as lesbians really falling in love with each other. Macey left for college and I was left in Hawaii to go to some lousy school since dad needed to save money for mom's hospital bills.

And when mom died, I lost it everything. Losing Macey is crazy but losing my mom was the biggest setback that I experienced which made me addicted to sex and parties. I went to school either drunk or wasted, and dad, my brother and friends would tie me up when I get insane not being able to drink or have someone touch me or have sex with me. I think I was a nympho and an alcoholic then, but getting help and being free from my addictions helped me focus, get back to my feet and succeed. My life story was never a shadow or a fake social media gossip. But I made sure that teen agers and girls like me who wanted to get well and want to expose my story to help young women in their struggles with addictions and get over them sooner or later.

I was still kissing Macey, the one I thought was Macey, but turned out to be Lucio's decoy since the woman I was kissing was literally him. He talked and when I heard his accent and low annoying voice, I stopped kissing the woman and grabbed her, or his head then pushed him away from me. Lucio, this isn't funny anymore! I want you to stop your jokes and answer me properly. This is a Q and A interview, remember?, I added making a snobbish smirk with my face so flushed from embarrassment since he knew my weakness.

You're no fun!!!, why guys or women hate your guts, you're so uptight and boring, Lucio in a disappointed murmur.

What? Are you saying something?, I asked now hating Lucio for experimenting on me, my feelings which is already out for him to play on.

Nah!!! Nothing, okay! So what's the question again?, Lucio, now wittingly sitting down and chaining himself on a chair, mind you the chains are so think, a lock was also present in the middle of it.

Ha…ha…hahahhahaahh!!!, I couldn't help but laugh. My mind started laughing that my mouth began to laugh so loud I couldn't contain myself and just giggled with how funny he looked with all the chains clasped onto his body.

We talked about a lot of things, I wrote some of them on my note book then on a notepad, but I simply couldn't get a hold of all the ideas and memories I knew that Lucio experienced ever since the world began. Now, I'm rethinking of my book's title. I think, it should be "The Beginning and the End: Interview with Angels and Devils".

That's nice, but I hope my editor would accept the proposal and get on with these two beautiful creatures to headline our magazine. They are both interesting and as our cover story, they would definitely make a new mark for the world to see that both of them are needed in the world to have that balance. That beauty, fire, desire, temptation, love, passion, evil and good to make the world a fun, adventurous, naughty and ecstatic place to live in. Now, I realized that good vs. evil is really good and evil in the real sense of the words.

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