
The Play

Martin was clapping his hands non-stop. Romeo who is Becca couldn't take her hands off Juliet or Destiny and really felt romantic with the scene. Okay guys, let's head the showers and we will continue this tomorrow. Thank you. That was magnificent! …Martin is still clapping….for your efforts, he said with his gayest Australian accent. Ms. Hawkins has an emergency but we will resume workshop tomorrow or the day after tomorrow. Good night every one. Good work Becca, Destiny! I might say that the acting is so realistic I have fallen in love with both of you. Hmm!!!

Becca smiled proudly and let Destiny go after. Destiny smirked on her and went to the gorls bathroom to take a quick shower. Becca followed and the theatre clubbers were checking on the cell phones but Becca and Destiny seem to be bury with each other that they don't know exactly what's happening outside, in the world, now.


An update on the rigorous rumbling and thunderous sounds in the sky which can be heard all through-out the world. In Asia, America, Europe, Africa , Antarctica, Arctic, North and South Poles, etc. The sounds were not like gongs that we have heard before but eerie, scary resonating battle cries above the sky and it's been happening since broad day light. And until now at eight this evening, the cries are still heard and continue to be heard. Then, splashes on the seas or oceans are weirdly seen too. As if hundreds or thousands are splashing the waters but people couldn't see who are doing it. Scientists thought these are dolphins or whales doing but there are no signs of living animals on water since this mysterious event happened.

Mark, Noriel and the angels are still fighting head to head like the Mortal Kombat wars that has no end. Angels and Devils couldn't simply get tired and can easily recharge and resume battle again and again. Lucio have been spreading his dark spirits to kill and take innocent lives sick, dying or healthy but Mark zoomed like the Flash and already standing in front of Lucio when he is about to use his powers to spread more havoc, sickness and death on earth.

What are you doing Lucio? Have you gone mad? I let you slip one time, when you spread the pandemic and now this? Man, get a life!...., Mark said in his thought tried to hit Lucio with his hand but the dark lord escaped avoided him. Killing and destroying the world is…my …life!!!! Getting rusty aye! Mortha!, Lucio thought and laughed hard. Mortha grabbed Lucio and kicked him which made him fly towards the horizon and stopped when he was about to fall into a falls. Nice! I'm just getting warmer!, Lucio added and ran like hell on fire but so fast but Mortha saw him on fire and gave Lucio a big punch on the face. The devil fell to the ground a couple of times toward middle earth and in anger rose again, a torpedo missile to hit Mortha up front that caught the Angel off guarded. When Jesus appeared in the middle of their fight and grew so huge, bigger than earth, standing on air, hanging like He was using an invisible road, bridge or stairs to anywhere.

Lucio instantly got surprised and changed into a slithering snake on the ground trying to escape Him. Mortha fell to the ground like he's relieved to see the Saviour, due to fatigue Mortha stayed lying on the ground for minutes. Noriel and the legion of angels stopped and the dark spirits disappeared in the moon light like smokes popping, dying from a fire. It's time to stop the war and rest. Lucio, you better run or I'll tun you to dust. So much for choosing you to light up the world. Mortha! Get well and see you soon!, Jesus said and Mark was instantly brought home with Belle in their bed, sleeping soundly. Mark, felt so tired and filthy that he got up and took a shower. So, tired, I could sleep all through-out the week!

The world is like a toy globe for the Gods. Before earth is like inside a powerful Lord's study. He is keen in taking care of the world but things got out of hand when humans wanted more and wanted to rule earth. The Lord over the Earth disagreed and took the veil protecting the earth and let humans fend for themselves, to work, sweat, to eat, succeed or become rich, powerful or beautiful.

So much for that story dad always tells me. But is there truth in it? Becca had a feel'd day of my body earlier and kissing me seemed like a pas time for her!, Destiny thought looking back when they are rehearsing their lines and Becca is acting realistically like she is Romeo and I her Juliet. She is great but why do I feel weird? (a dark shadow came to Destiny and tried to enter her body but she fought against it since she has powers). What the f..k is this?

The shadow ran and Destiny could see it going to the shower room, where Becca is. Destiny followed the shadow and opened the bathroom. Becca is still inside the shower and almost done, when she felt weird and her eyes turned grey and black. Destiny came to Becca and held her hand. Becca didn't answer and pulled Destiny close to her. Becca's eyes are so blask that Destiny got scared. Let go of me Becca! Becca? Please, wake up! Get a hold of yourself! Becca. Where are you taking me. Let go of me!, Destiny shouted but couldn't fight against Becca's grip. She is so strong that Destiny couldn't use her powers against her. Becca carried Destiny to their bedroom and threw her on the bed. Becca smiled and with her super strength she tore Destiny's clothes and kissed her everywhere. Destiny was so scared and she wanted to shout for help but the darkness inside Becca shut her mouth with a tissue. Desitny is naked and Becca looked at her nakedness and licked Destiny's body, starting from her cheek, neck, chest, breasts, and her privates. Becca couldn't help but moan with the tingling sensation Becca's tongue made her feel inside. She liked it though she is worried about Becca and this isn't her at all.

Maybe I am! You're not the only one who has powers, Destiny! Me too!!!, Becca said and her eyes turned to normal again and crying while she stopped whatever she's doing to Destiny and grabbed a blanket to cover her bare body. I…I'm sorry Destiny! I, didn't mean to be angry

and do this!!!, Becca added and ran out of the room. Jessica was at the front of the half opened bed room door shocked and couldn't believe what she saw between me and Becca. I looked at her and placed my finger on my lips for her to keep everything she saw about us a secret.

O…kay?, but what the f.ck???, Jessica syllabicating the words in disbelief of what happened inside Becca's room. And she couldn't believe that she saw everything and it is the most controversial event in the history of their theatre club workshop. This is so much fun!!!!!!

Becca, please! I forgive you! I'm sorry if I was mean to you lately. You were acting weird and I didn't like it!, Destiny said looking for Becca in the dark side of the hot spa, where they first kissed and made out.

Okay!, Becca said feeling defeated. Hey! I told you about me and my powers. I want to see yours and maybe we can help each other know about our special abilities and make use of them someday, I don't know. It sounds crazy but I don't feel alone now, knowing that you are different just like me!, Destiny moving closer to Becca and hugging her. Can I see your eyes and what you can do? Pleaseeeeee!!!

Okay!, Becca's eyes changed to dark and she used both her hands to create a whirlwind or small storm. I can create a huge storm like a tornado or hurricane. Then, I can do this…Becca stopped the whirlwind and carried Destiny, using her finger she let the girl stand there. My God you're so strong, no wonder I couldn't move when you pinned me down earlier.

Then, this…..Destiny could see a sun, moon, the planets and a golden compass in the middle. I can go back and forth to the past, present and future if I need to. I can be invisible too and make love to you or anybody without you knowing it, Becca added smiling. So, you have seen me naked in the bathroom and all?, Destiny asked innocently. If I wanted to yes but I never did it. One time I wanted to try and see you but I felt ashamed and couldn't do it. Because I like you!

Like, like me?. Cool then I want to see your eyes, again, please!, Destiny said casually and stayed close to Becca. Becca smiled and closed her eyes. When she opened them, both eyes are black as the night and Destiny made herself glow in the dark. Both girls smiled and Destiny used her mind to make her body and Becca float in the air.

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