
The Siege [1/4]

Blake looked to his left and to his right. The Lieutenants were all clustered around the cathedral. They each held weapons. Blake flinched and started to contemplate from where he should be making his next move, plus these immortals weren't just any immortal, there were vastly known as the highest class rank. They reek of excess power and glory. Even their weapons looks like it was being downed onto them by the gods themselves.

Blake shivered.

Immediately, he summoned the [Azure Blade] too as he thrust it below the arched floor together with the [Night Tide].

The blade was straight and single-edged, ending in an angular tip. It was forged out of azure steel, with a beautiful layered pattern. Deep inside the steel, white sparks could be seen. The crossguard was minimalistic and simple, offering almost no protection to the wielder's hands. But still, Blake managed well to avoid inflicting injuries on himself. Besides, blades of this nature belongs to the Heirlocks alone, their hand are covered with tough chitin known as a [flexible scale] which makes their hold on blades like this more formiddable. Blake looked south and the heat from the [Eternal Flames] warmed his face.

From behind, the fast movement of running feet sounded and he turned only to see these immortals that had taken him to the roof top. His mind suddenly felt alarmed and he darted into the Western region of the cathedral gaining other Lieutenant's attention.

"Hey... you!"

Blake managed to dodge the first three sets of the guards. He used the slippery edge of the cathedral's floor to agument his speed.

Remembering that he had the [Legion Stale], he turned. And as if giving them a mocking smile, the boot weaved itself from nothingness and his speed doubled.

The lieutenant got upset. He was giving them the slip. But Blake realised that he cannot just be lucky enough for so long, and just as he had expected, one of the immortal landed right infront of him causing him to halt in his movement and the next minute they surrounded him.

With no escape route, Blake just raised the two blades and glared at the as if daring to duel with them.

"Who do you think you are, for daring to escape from Lord Monk?"

Blake stared at the magnificent man who looked well built and had a sharp facial features and then, an exceptional jawline. But all of this good looks was all in vain when all he wants is for Lord Monk to eat him up.

"Pardon me, did you lock us up as [Temple Slave] or as lunch for the disgusting Monk?"

The other lieutenant who's name was Marshall kicked Blake hardly on the chest getting him into the arms of another powerful guard and his blades was seized but before their very eyes, these weapons disintegrated and was gone.

The fury dancing in their eyes was so much that they were threatened to tear him up in one go.

"What's so special about you that your weapon disappears without a trace?"

A tough slap landed on his cheeks and the pain permeated around his soul.

"Let go of me!"

Blake hissed but only got blows severally on his face.

"Don't forget, you are one of the sacrifice to be given to Lord Monk so come with us."

Blake was utterly devastated. The guards were way too powerful that right now, Blake's [Aspect] couldn't do anything to save himself. If he was Gabriel, he would have used the [Soul Step] but no, he wasn't. And within seconds, he was right in front of the horrifying being once again. Blake shivered.

The hovercraft swayed indifferently in the air and the tentacles that was shooting into the hole, expanded to make sure that there was no room for him to pass through just incase he wanted to act smart. Also, the isle was in movement which was to their advantage too because Blake couldn't jump into the dark expanse to end his life, which means, either way spelt his doom.

Blake stared around and blood wwas smeared on the marble cold stone roof with particles of alive guts of human kids been eaten by the Monk.

'Isn't this bastard satisfied? What would it gain by eating me too?'

Blake was mystified..

The eyes of the Monk ogled at Blake with bloodlust and then a mesmerising smile curved slightly on his lips.

"What took you so long to bring him to me?"

Its dark unfanthomable eyes lazed about the lieutenants who shook in fear of their lives. Definitely, this Monk was capable of ending their life with just one strike. But right now, seems like even the Lord Monk was in a good mood that, it sounded so playful.

Blake stared at the defiant creature with alert just in case. It might attack when he least expected and eventually, that would be the end of him.

"Did you try to run away?"

The Lord Monk asked looking intensely at Blake who's eyes stared at him without any atom of fear registered in it.

"I will try a thousand times to run if opportunity presents itself."

Blake answered calmly and then a repulsive giggle ruptured out of their lips.

"Like you said, opportunity. But there will never be any left for you to escape."

Blake instantly sneered at him and then the sound of a whipping cane bit the air. The atmosphere suddenly intensifies and Blake knew that the Monk's tentacles was now aiming at him like it did to the others. But before the snake like oppossum reached him, two blades appeared into sparks right into his arms and then sunk deep into the grugrey flesh and the half the tentacles tore into parts which reeked of black blood.

The Monk was suddenly taken aback by the sudden attack. He had never come across any human that was able to summone weapons out of nothingness. It was strange. Even the lieutenants were suddenly shocked by Blake's brutal attack. They knew that Lord Monk did not have to worry if his tentacles is being chopped off because it regenerates by itself but with the ominous attack, they wondered what kind of person Blake was.

The sound of whirllwind started and then the riccochetting sound of fixing flesh and then it was as if they were never chopped of in the first place.

"Boy, you do have some guts you know."

Blake was suddenly taken aback by the sudden swift attack shot by the tentacles. The tentacles turned into a blur and then passed his head by just a centimetre.

Blake was shocked. If it wasn't for the [Legion Stale], his head would have been ripped off by the tentacles. The Lord Monk was suddenly impressed.

"Ok, I won't do anything now. But..."

He strailed and then stared at the Lieutenants for a while.

"... Please get him for me!"

Blake was striken for a while when the Immortals suddenly shot forward towards him and then, Blake stood up.

One of the immortals was lifting a heavy mace and then he threw it at him, and Blake dodged making the heavy metal to sink deep into the roof.

"What the..."

One of the Lieutenants grabbed a dark spear and shot it at him and then, he used the hilt of the [Night Tide] to maneuver the movement of the insidious spear and then it instead shot into one of the tentacles used to hold the hovercraft into the space.

The Monk hummed.

"Remember Sentiniels, I do not want to loose either my lunch or my hovercraft"

Next chapter