

𝗚𝗲𝗻𝗲𝗿𝗮𝗹 :

•DNA scanner

•Holographic interface: can be used in both active and inactive modes;

•Quick-change feature: automatically transforms the user back to normal when they are done using their transformation, causing it not to time out and allowing the user to transform again far quicker;

•Synchronization: The Omnitrix can synchronize with another Omnitrix, as what happens between this Omnitrix and the Prime Omnitrix;

•The Omnitrix stores the DNA in itself in a computerized form, but still maintains a connection with Primus in case the electronic database's connection is severed;

•The Omnitrix has a 2-way communication system with Plumber Badges, being also able to record messages;

•The Omnitrix has a distress signal function and homing device, as Azmuth was able to find and rescue Ben when was trapped inside the Incursean Exile Pod;

•The Omnitrix has a fail-safe that kicks in in the event that the user's life is in jeopardy. This feature turns them into the needed alien to survive;

•The Omnitrix has it's own AI;

•The Omnitrix can detect other Matrix cores, like Eunice;

•The Omnitrix doesn't require certain voice commands, as Ben altered this on his own to make

•The Omnitrix is able to interpret his commands without the need for specific codes;

•It cannot be hacked, copied or removed;

•The Omnitrix is able to repair genetic damage


•Uniform Mode: The Omnitrix will give Ben's aliens an adapted version of his own suit.

•Standard Clothing: The Omnitrix will give Ben's aliens a suit commonly used by the alien species, or without any suit, in case the species doesn't wear any. It also changes the alien's eye colour from green to another if necessary.

•Stealth Mode: The Omnitrix will alter his appearance to blend in with the alien's suit. Usually used with Life-Lock Mode and the Standard Clothing Mode.

•Selective dial: The display of the aliens is divided into lists of ten. When pressed, The Omnitrix will raise the holographic dial, displaying the shadows of the 10 aliens and the hologram of the selected one on the middle, as a mix of all three selection modes. Inside a playlist, the alien is selected by touching the holographic dial and swiping the finger through the displayed shadows. When the wanted alien is selected, Ben just needs to press the symbol. However, if he wants to change the playlist, he needs to rotate the physical dial.

•Inactive interface: if the button is not pressed, The Omnitrix will stay on inactive mode, which has a black image with the green hourglass symbol, as it was in Omniverse. The inactive interface can show information about the aliens, present all the unlocked playlists, display a holographic map, make calls, and also show replays of any given moment. This mode also has the functionalities of a regular digital watch.

•Ultimate Mode: as Ben started to fight with more powerful enemies, Azmuth decided to add the polymorphic crystal to The Omnitrix, so that Ben is able to go ultimate again, but only when The Omnitrix notices that the situation requires so drastic measures.

•Battle Mode: when in Battle Mode, Ben can fire concentrated Omni-energy shots to stun powerful enemies. If needed, Ben can also give himself an upgrade made out of nanites created by The Omnitrix, but it is just a small piece of tech or armour to give a small support to his alien forms, like a jet pack to Heatblast to let him fly and keeping his hands and feet free.

•In certain circumstances, The Omnitrix is able to realize inter-dimensional calls, usually when around a source of great amounts of energy, like a teleporter or Paradox's Chrono Navigator.

•The Omnitrix structure is able to be altered by Ben at any given moment.

•The Omnitrix has a security lock system so that it can only be used by the user, as well as an alternate identification program if changes by outside forces occurs to the user.

•The Omnitrix has fail-safes installed by Azmuth that prevent Galvanic Mechamorphs from tampering with the device.

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