
129. Bonding Time over Battle

From all around Paris, people gasped in wonder as the Nouvelle Eiffel Tower lit up, incredible crystal carving coming to life in an immaculate show of multicolored light before shooting a beam to the firmament.

This sense of wonder was very short-lived, however.

After all, none were truly ignorant of what the gargantuan monument's exact purposes were. Like many things, the All-Father was not ambiguous in the least. It was only a matter of understanding what was said.

It was a weapon of mass destruction, a defense system against extraplanetary threats. It might have been lit up in the past for spectacle but it wasn't in such a way and there were words of it being used beforehand. Order was omnipresent and bureaucracy nigh-perfect, errors of the likes were impossible unless they weren't errors.

This was sudden and at an intensity never seen before. The next instant it was affirmed it wasn't for a surprise pretty light spectacle for this tower creator spoke in their mind through their Specimen Implant.

-People of Humanity, be you born from Earth, Mars, the Moon, and beyond. I the All-Father come in those times of booming prosperity for our kind to announce the most grave of news. Our sanctity is threatened by a force that I have spoken about in the past when reforging your flesh, blood, and soul.-, the voice of the Homo Deus reached the ear of every human, even the ones in Alpha Centauri.

-They are the Harvester, and they are at this very moment invading the Sol System, our star system. The heart of Humankind. They have come with only one purpose: threaten Humankind's very right of existence for they fear us. A warranted fear but of their own making. However… You have the potential yet you lack the knowledge and power to fight them but do not fret, my mate, son and I shall be fending all that desire to end you. But, People of Humanity know that we are no servants of yours, this is a symbiotic relation, and this task will be for all. My words said, follow the protocol given and observe what our enemy's fate shall be.-, the All-Father finished a chill of excitement crashing in every mind as the one in the zones of danger began to orderly move to Tek Teleporter that brought them bunkers deep underground.

The words forever rang in their mind as feelings of immense inadequacy settled in. Change would happen and conviction would blossom as all they held dear was in the face of extinction and they would not remain to observe passively while their Guardian, their Shepherd, their Lord fought in their steed.

'Good.', Liam thought as he analyzed the reaction to his words, what was said was the truth. His goal and every instant of his new state of existence screamed to guide and protect what was considered 'Humanity' but he was no guard dog, and was only setting the strict path for it to prosper forever more.

Ultimately it was up to Humanity to fight with him against all and he would give them the chance but it required time. Far more than a measly six years, as of presently, they were unhelpful and would be of great burden.

The project Homo Invectum was still just that, a project but the results were showing great signs. Alas, it still wasn't for now and thus will increase the number of volunteers exponentially. Being fully awake, willing, and consenting was an unavoidable requirement for the separation of Mind and Soul within the Emgramic Matric. One of many more but the most important of all.

"Grab my hand son.", Liam said and Miles heeded his words then both disappeared in fine lines of particles teleporting above Earth on a large metallic structure that was half a kilometer above the first layer of the World Barrier.

The beam shot from Paris could be seen down below but it was one of many more around the globe, there were hundreds and twenty-seven more to be exact. There was no particular pattern to their location, only points in common were the cultural significance of the location be it natural or artificial. The reasons for this were arbitrary but non-impactful for the overall performance related to their purpose.

Each of these beams was hitting specific locations of the megastructure they were on causing it to light up in a magnificent show of light akin to the brightest aurora borealis that from below formed constellations of nonexisting stars.

With a large movement of his translucent hand, Liam commanded the structure they were on to shift and morph to his will. Sharp angles and plain surface melting liquid before growing into an almost organic-like shape as dozens of edifices reassembling Obelisks formed all around Earth.

-Will this be enough to destroy their spaceships?-, Mile sent telepathically via his implant to his Father as he observed the spectacle with bated breath.

-No, but that is an amusing if naive thought son.-, Liam began with a slight shake of his head, -Even without any shields this will not suffice, these are vessels that only weapons made to shatter planets would begin to prove useful. But this defense system was not made with that purpose in mind. Tek greatest strength is not destructive power but versatility and adaptability.-

The Harvester Motherships were truly terrifying in every sense of the term to put it lightly.

As such they were not defenseless, their exceptionally strong shields most evident. But they also had weapons, Liam did not see them in person fire their weapon but each vessel possessed powerful weapons.

Notably, hundreds of thousands of cannons all around their surface virtually giving them no blind spot.

Each individual prehensile cannon was capable of firing five projectiles per second with each possessing enough destructive power to annihilate a thirty-kilometer-in diameter (~19mi) spaceship with three consecutive shots. Two for the shield and the last for the spaceship itself.

This was an extremely large amount of energy even if the spaceship was purely water. It was to a terrific degree how powerful one was less to be said of two, hundreds, and thousands.

If the recordings of the Senomoprh were to be believed, that is. But they likely were accurate if biased on the Coalition side.

Then there were the locust swarms composed of smaller spaceships numbering in billions used for work requiring precision. Everything with those creatures was in excess and it worked, so far that is because what was used to fight them was orthodox and they rapidly adapted to outdo it.

The Harvester were a force to never be underestimated, the movies truly all but lie upon lie too. It was to Liam's expectation. If he wasn't here the war between Na'vi and the RDA would have ended very differently. This was real life, after all, the heroes on their own wouldn't win because it was required.

-Observe.-, at this echoing word of the All-Father the megastructure brightened further, and from the miniature Obelisks shot hyper-concentrated beams of crackling energy. All functioning as if in possession of a mind of their own, they bent at impossible angles, and aimed themselves at the dozens of new stars that appeared in the last minutes.

A fraction of a second later the beams with hundreds more following begin to hit their respective targets, the twelve planet-sized spaceships only harmlessly slamming against all-encompassing toxic green barriers of energy.

Yet they did not disperse upon impact as they did so, particles that made the beam formed from the plasma and latched onto the shields, and like acid on flesh they began to feast.

-What did it do-oh…-, Miles uttered as understanding dawned on him at what he showed through images in his head shared with him by his Father.

-This is experimental but as you can see it locally destabilizes their shield. Destroying their shields will need power that would scar the Sol System in ways beyond my current control.-, Liam said with a growing smile at the sight unfolding, then with a snap of his fingers the structure they were on shifted again and the Tek Portals turned on.

Then he spread his arm wide and floated, blazing silver eyes turning into two miniature stars as his body flared up. The lozenge at the center of his beings and the vein of blue and purple pulsating from it shone an intense light of the same color as energy radiated from him turning him into a miniature sun, one of pure blue light.

Miles backed off his eyes never leaving the man of light's form, the sensor of his armor going airwire at his Father's mere presence. One that seemed to make reality shudder as the energy he emitted grew. Then bluish and purplish silvery liquid began to trickle from his wide-open palms, droplets soon turning into thin streams that became torrential rivers before becoming entire oceans that poured themselves through the portals.

On the other side, ten of the twelve Harvester Motherships saw the same oceans come out of wormholes, the holes made in the green shields far too diminutive to let it all in, forcing the silvery tides of apocalyptic proportion to turn into thousands of streams that could slip within.

The Queens did not understand what this was, the sensors were unable to understand this new variable aside from that it was both alive and inert. The shock of their defenses having been pierced did not stop them from acting, the righteous fury from this afront fueled their cause. Their telepathic debates between them were short and reached one conclusion, destruction of all potential threats with extreme measures.

Their responses in those ten specific vessels were violent and took the form of a hail of green energy from the combined might of hundreds of turrets for each wormhole and gap in their shields that let this unknown variable pour in with impunity to violate their sanctuaries. A fraction of this never-ending downpour would raze Europe within but five seconds.

At ten different locations in the Sol System in hundreds of precise points in space both forces collided in dazzling cataclysmic blasts of light; a stalemate of silver and green settled for thirty long seconds until the baleful green began to overwhelm all.

However, Liam remained steady, calm, and confident to the point it might appear as foolish arrogance in unfavorable circumstances. He was losing, even the new holes he was making through the barrier didn't change this tendency, however, it couldn't be further from the truth.

Droplets were constantly projected in countless amounts, the grand majority ending in the void of space but a small percentage was hurled at the dark grey metallic hull of the Harvester Motherships.

They accounted in the millions and were rising without stopping, all remaining undetected. Or if it was the case they were judged as a lesser threat compared to the ocean as they stood inert, faking malfunction. Now it was patience and minuteness that was to be used.

-What must I do, Father?-, Miles observing it all with fascination, asked with badly hidden anticipation. Eagerness rolled off his body in waves with a mix of apprehension.

-Bring to me the genetic material of one of their Queens. But be careful, death mayhaps not be your end yet it is not without impact and also… Those are neither Na'vi nor human, remember what they have done in the past. I do not want to fix your mind in addition to your body.-, Liam said almost jokingly, and with it came the information of what the target was.

It was the Harvester Mothership advancing toward Mars at extreme velocity, one that was not being besieged by the Argent Sea. A Tek Portal opened and without a second of hesitation, Miles activated his Tek Chestplate and flew at hypersonic through the stabilized wormhole.

Exiting on the other side Miles did not waste time, his body took in the most optimal position and he pushed all the Tek Armor mobile capabilities to their limit. His great speed was reaching heights that any kind of atmosphere would not support.

His mind focused on the task he veered down avoiding flashes of greens as he slipped within the holes of the shield. To only be bombarded again, both main cannons and smaller vessels turned into smaller turrets firing at him and bouncing off his forcefield when he failed to dodge the thousands of smaller projectiles.

'Such an extreme use of firepower for one creature of my size.', Miles noted in stupefaction, it will be akin to using a shotgun to kill one measly fly. It was as if they did not care about anything but his complete destruction, everything else obsolete

However, like the insect he dodged again, and again, and again until he reached where one of the massive cannons was, and to his shock it self-destructed, sending him hurling backward and causing him to become an easily telegraphed target. In that very instant he was hit simultaneously by fifty-seven beams of green light.

The force field of his armor went into overdrive in microseconds facing the immense firepower, and then he flashed blue and warped five kilometers above, the force field flickering in and out of existence weakly as a centerpiece of his Tek Chest plate shattered into hexagonal motes of light.

'This was borderline. A microsecond more and I was cooked… This is incredible!', Miles thought with a growing grin behind his visor as even before the device that had saved his life crumbled for it tanked the violent teleportation he moved back to his target with even greater speed.

Hello, battle within the Harvester Mothership.


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