
Persuading stubbornness

Frederick Mortcombe disliked her answer. The fact that she dismissed her own health from time to time again was gut-wrenching for him. He could not bear the thoughts of how she had to endure a much bigger pain before he abducted her.

As much as he wanted her to worry about herself, could he really change her point of view with a snap of his finger? Knowing the truth, he decided to act on it than fight over it.

"Let's get you some fresh air," he suggested as clasped her overly warm hands around his and tugged her to follow him.

For every single step she took, the young lad halted and waited patiently. Even when it felt like she was dragging her feet, he stood by her side and provide support.

He knew she should be having her much-needed rest. But for the night, he would not allow her to return to the prison cell room that he called heaven. No. He could not allow it under any circumstances.

He brought her to sit on the sofa by the window and let the fresh evening breeze spread throughout his bedroom. And when a gentle waft of the cool air blew in, he saw the woman shivering.

From the corner of his eyes, Frederick waited for her to voice out, seeking for help. Yet he could not let a minute pass by as he gritted his teeth knowing she would not do so, cussing her in his head for not doing herself a favour.

Against his wishes to argue, he yanked his duvet off the bed quietly and wrapped her until no part of her skin is exposed.

"Here, open your mouth," he ordered as he pinched two pieces of round tablets towards her mouth.

"What's that?" She jerked her head backwards, asking with scepticism.


Without any qualm, she obliged and opened her mouth. How surprised was he when he turned to give her water, only to see her quickly spit it out and hid it in her fist.


He only mentioned her name once. With care but full intimidation. It was enough for the door of her soul to emit guilt as her eyes blinked multiple times.

Frederick, who had years of experience interrogating liars, knew she was about to commit the same offence.

"Yes?" Not even her innocent watery eyes or the subtle panic in her tone could sway him. He stood his ground this time.

"Why did you spit it out?" He handed her the glass of water as his hazel eyes bore into her gorgeous brown. The glassy orbs caused by the internal heat of her body even played the part in making her look pitiful.

"I swallowed them."

He stared at her in disbelief and waited for a couple of minutes for her to give in. And when she did not back down, he held her wrist and pried her fingers open. Two misshapen circles crushed in her hand.

Frederick wiped her hand clean and gave her another two tablets. "Swallow them now."

Perhaps it was his threatening aura, but this time she listened. The young man even went as far as asking her to prove it by showing her clear mouth cavity.

The moment his lips uttered a compliment of a job well done, he saw something glistening rolling down her rosy cheeks. Instantly he felt like a piece of crap, treating her badly when she was already not feeling well.

"What's wrong, Princess?" He wiped the tears with his thumb and looked at her dead in the eye, hoping she was crying because of how he treated her and not because she was in pain.

"Tell me. I promised I won't be mad," he coaxed as he continuously caressed her cheeks, removing the precious diamonds that left her eyes.

"I... *sob* didn't want to *sob* eat it."

Without warning, as though her words were a magical charm that unleashed the wrath of the dam, she broke into refreshed tears that flowed effortlessly down her cheeks which landed and created a map on his duvet.

"Your temperature is high, Audrey. You need to bring it down."

"But... But... What if it might harm my baby?"

Frederick sucked in air, and explained in the gentlest voice he could conjure, "Audrey... It's painkillers. That's it. They're safe for anyone."

But Audrey was not convinced. And the man could not blame her. After all, she had been subjected to a ridiculous amount of abuse, believing they were good for her and only recently come to terms that it was not.

It took loads of persuasion - the internet, the call to the ob-gyn and yet, nothing works.

Finally, tired and defeated, Frederick wrapped himself around her as he sat on the couch's arm and said, "Listen... You heard the doctor. Those medicine is supposed to help you. I know sleeping it off will work but without medication, it will take days."

"But what if it harms the baby?" She insisted on her question this time.

"Audrey. I gave my word to not harm your child and I also gave my word to not harm you. What I did, was for your own good."

And he ended the conversation with an authority implying that it was the end of a discussion. The poor woman's hiccups were the only sound audible as she tried to control her sobs while the man continued to soothe her as he rubbed her back.

It did not take long for the sobbing woman to fall asleep as her swollen eyes were glued by her precious tears and his neverending caress provide a comfortable ambience.

After he peeled off the thick duvet from her, the young fit man scooped her off the couch and carried her to his bed. He laid her down and only realised the little baby bump appearing against her taut shirt.

'I hope your mother will learn to love herself before she loves you,' Frederick unknowingly communicates to the unborn child.

Thank you for the motivating power stones and the golden ticket! It's my very first too!

Simply put, I'm over the moon to know there are people who would enjoy reading what I write and to reward me with these? Pure bliss!

You have no idea how much they mean to me. Thank you!!

PerkyPompous_Pixiecreators' thoughts
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