
chapter Lvii

the saloon

They walked around the room, " how many gals do you have in the rooms? asked, Jessie, " plenty each gal in every room, the Madam answered, as they wrote and asked questions there were no problems, and everything was in order, " thank you for, said. Jordan, the family regroup, " [ dad everything is good here,] said. Jordan. "[ good, job gals, just received a telegram from Boomtown, they need a fight broken up, she offering $780 for it, Thomas and Hank I need you in Lake-town get a re-trail ready in Dodge town, ] said. Marco, " [ we on it,] who wants to do the fight in Boomtown? asked, Jessie, they all raised their hands, " Clayton and Sasha, use the voice, mount up, said. Jordan, they got on their horses and left the town heading to Boomtown, it was already high noon, in Houston Texas, Thomas and Hank arrived in Lake-town They got off their horses and walked into the office, "[ we get the re-trail ready, how about dinner up West?] asked, Hank. "[ hmmm, up West what you have in mind Mr. Garrett,] answered, Jessie. "[ maybe dinner with the wives and kitties and grand kitties, and great grand kitties and in-laws, then a room for the night, ] said. Thomas, "No Dad didn't just go there in call us cats? said. Teeno. " yeah, said. Cameron, "[ we see you there, we think your kids don't like being called cats,] said, Jordan. " [sorry my kids see you soon,] said. Hank, they arrived at Boomtown, and the fight broke outside in the streets, Clayton and Sasha got off their horses and walked up to them, " let's talk this out like gentlemen, Clayton said with the voice of reason, "Why to fight when talking can straighten this out, said. Sasha, they got up and went to talk out their problems," let's go meet up with your father get a table and room, said, Jordan, "[ hate to bust those plans goals, head to Baker town a prison needs to be taken to Brick prison camp, get those transfer papers fill bring them to me, ] said, Marco. "[ yes sir,] said, Jordan and Jessie, they"[ we see you in a bit Mr. Garrett we have another job, go ahead get the tables and rooms,] said, Jordan, "[ we get everything see you tonight.] said, Thomas, the mayor paid them, and they left Boomto everyone look up, was and rode 4.6 miles North to Silver City to do a prison transfer, " [so which prison and who are we taken it?] asked, Jessie, "[ Mr. X escape prisoner, and with 200 charges, preceded with caution,] said. Marco, " [ how dangerous is this outlaw?] asked, Carter, " [ highly son in law, "Mr. X with 30000 death counts, learning if you are sick,study you and your illness, leave his calling card on your door," ] answered, Jessie. "[ saying you are next, he call himself the Angel of mercy, he thinks he is doing you a favor by killing yu so you won't have to suffer anymore, ] said. Jordan, "[ Gator prison camp, they waited for your arrival, ] said. Marco, after they got Mr. X, shackled, they head down to the ship yard, " guys he loves to spread the q1f 3ŝefear of death, ignore him, keep it mind it's a long day, sooner we get this done we can get back in rest. Said, Jordan. " he loves to divide and conquer , keep this in mind we not just an outfit we are a family, we eat, sleep, and work together family first we are strong, ferrous wolves, we are mind strong in the law of justice, said. Jessie, " in fact Teeno and Frankie take the lead, Cameron and Preston watch out for your brothers and sisters, Heather and Nancy watch out for your nieces and nephews, said. Jordan, " until you all hear your primal wolf howling we take over high prisoner like him. Said, Jessie. ' how we do that Aunt Jessie? Asked. Tonia, " it's not how, it when, you will become what your parents are, said. Jordan, " listen for it, you will become the wolf, you almost there, said. Jessie, " Heather and Hank take our horses we drive the wagon, move out, said. Jordan, they switch horses, and rode down to the ship yard, they tie their horses to the hitching post, and got on the ship, Jordan and Jessie walked him on boarded and into the holding cage and locked the door, and stand in front,"[Asher take the deck raise the hanger,] said. Jordan, "[Renskin take the coordination globe set a course to Gator prison camp, sir we are om our way with the prisoner. ] Asher raised the hanger, cut the ship on as Renskin set the coordination globe to Gator prison camp. "[ we see you when you are back,] said. Marco, "[ okay, ] as they seal up the ocean, " try it we reflect it back at you,said. Jordan, ' tell me how it feels knowing that you going to the place you fear,knowing that if you escape you will be Aten by a gator, that got hit you so freaking hard to know there is no escape. Said, Jessie. " that you will died there, that way,said. Jordan, " you both are so cruel, and harsh. Said, Mr. X, " tell me how is that harsh then you did to those people that you were supposed to cure, you ruin your name and career in their eyes to kill, said. Jessie, " you can't strike fear in us but can impact the mount of fear you trying to dish out right back in you, said. Jordan, they are approaching the prison camp, " [ mom and Aunt Jordan we are approaching the prison camp, ] said. Asher, " [ tell them that we got a prison transfer, ] said. Jessie, Renskin pick up the Talkie and said. "[We are the bounty of law season hearts, we have a prison transfer Mr. X,] said. Renskin, the gate guards open the water gates to let them in the prison. As they sail in the gates, the warrant and the prison guards walked up the loading ramp, as they sail up to the ramps, the warrant lower it to connect to the ship, they walked up, Jordan and Jessie unlocked the holding cage and take him out, the warrant signs the transfer form, " thank you, Mr. X or is it doctor X? " when do I get a reduce sentence? Asked. Mr. X, " you killed millions of people, you don't get a re-trail or reduced sentence, this is your new home. Said, Jordan. " agreement you do agreement right, said. Mr. X, " not with a killer, that would have to go through the warrant first, he already has your bunk set, this is your new home and job, have fun clean after the gators, they take him up on the ramp and disconnected from the ship. "[ sir we heading back, prisoner is transfer, Asher take us out son ] said. Jordan, "[what else needs us before we head home? Renskin set a course for Houston Texas son ]. Said, Jessie. Asher sail them out of the camp. Renskin set a course for home, the sun went down. "[ no, how about we meet up for dinner, ] said. Marco, " [ how about day off tomorrow and we have a big breakfast and dinner, ] said. Jordan, " [ we have earned a day off what you say Marco?] Asked. Josie, " [we pack bags and see you there.no work. ] said, Marco. They began to pack their rugsacks, they sail up to the deck, and Asher drop the hanger in the water, they got up on their horses and wagons in rode of the ship, they riding home , they rode up the house, and in the Barnhouse, they got off their horses and wagons. " everyone go get clean up for dinner, said. Jordan, Hank and Thomas went to get some meat as they walked into the house and washed their hands and started to cook, as the kids walked in the bathhouse to get clean up for dinner, as the sun went down and it is getting dark outside. Marco and Josie rode up to the house, " Jordan and Jessie we are here, they got out of the carriage, Jordan open the door for them. They walked inside of the house. " how was your day, said. Marco, " busy and tiring have you heard from the other grovement, answered, Jessie. Jordan, they set the table for dinner, Hank and Thomas walked in the house, " the bird is on the turners. Said, Hank. " they thank you for ending the take over and saving them, said. Marco. " good job with the bust to, said. Josie, "

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