
chapter xxii

the winter

they finally is back home, Teeno, Frankie, Cameron, Preston, Dolton, and Grayson is in their rooms mending from their rooms Thomas and Hank are going through the files and typing up a telegram out to Lake-town to Jugde 20#, it is winter in Houston, it is snowing crazy outside, Marco arrived at the house, " Jessie baby you okay daddy home, said, Marco, Jordan walked, " good maybe you can get her to get off her feet so she doesn't;t stress out her back, said, Jordan, they walked inside of the house, after they got the livestock meaning chickens, pigs, ducks, horses and cows in the farmhouse stables and locked up, and got the crops pick in the house, " Jessie sweetie go get off your feet please, how my grandbabies and great grandbabies, asked, Marco. " dinner is on the burners, I am good dad, they good and hard-head, said, Jessie. " very here come two who should be laying down Preston back up to your room and take your Aunt with you. said, Jordan. " I am tired of laying down Aunt Jessie. called. Preston, " You to Cameron, fine I rest, yes my nephew, answered. Jessie, "Those mines are going to be hard to see now, said. Preston, " You know I wish a winter leaper would set them off, he right I getting sores on my back . Said, Cameron. " lay on your sides come on boys I didn't raise you to be cruel to animals no matter how the pest they are, said. Jessie " we are off this winter boys, said. Jordan, they headed upstairs, "No Cam the freaking Winter wolves set them off, Jessie stopped and breathed her back is flaring up, " Aunt Jessie, Mom. Called, Cameron and Preston, "Yeah time to get off it, Heather would my gorgeous wonderful lovely daughters of daughters-in-law go give your pour Sweet Aunt Jordan some help while I go rest, and would the man in my life who not injured go speak with your father, said. Jessie, " mom you need to get off your feet, said Franccesca, " we got Aunt Jordan mom, said, Sally, " thank you my daughters granddaughters, and daughters-in-law, Jordan your neices is coming to help, Leland looked at his grandma, " boys go ahead, he still your father father-in-law and grandfather, grandma hasn't taken it off the table, but if it can be fix we need to talk, tell me how you all feel about him, I see that you love your father, your father-in-law and grandfather, that's good I want you to have a father-son, father-in-law and son-in-law and grandson and grandfather relationship with him, my heart problem not my children, in-laws, and grandchildren burden, I know that you want to protect andshield me, look that my job to do for you as yourmother, mother-in-law, and grandmother I love you not my child in-law, grandkid, and great grandkid, go on talk with your father, mom is going to rest, said, Jessie, " mom do you still love him? asked, Carter, " in away Carter you asking a woman who court a men for very long time, yes I am in love with him, for him to build my trust again and work on having an husband and wife relationship, we need to talk and decide what to do, respect, love and honor him as your father, boys, my sons-in-law respect, love and honor him as your father-in-law, my grandsons respect love and respect him as your grandfather, we all human, we all mess up before, hurting the ones we claim to love, we grow and go forward, right? said. Jessie, they hugged their mothers and went to talk with their fathers, Cameron and Preston went into their rooms, Jessie covered them up and kissed her son and nephew, "Stay boys, Mom and Aunt Jessie are going to lie down, so if you need anything call me, " we love you Aunt Jessie, said, Preston, " you are the best mom, said, Cameeron, " boys everything we do is for you and your siblings, she shut the door and walked into her room and lay on her stomach, they walked inside of the office, Warren closed the door, Thomas and Hank gt up, "[ boys I sorry for being an dip nort being a father, father-in-law, and grandfather, most of all not the husband that your mother, mother-in-law grandmother, and great grandmother needed and deserve,] yes I still hasn't got the hint family first, I need to work on and I will [ Teeno, Keno, Hank, Cameon, Christophher, West, Braston, Joshua, Leland, Trent , Trevino, Ted, John, Drano, Warren James, Warner, Crispen, Bob, Hank the third, Renshaw, Carter, Berry, Dayton, Bayton, Rico, Lee, Tom, Duke, Cooper Roger, Brandon, Renskin, Brett, Dolton, Henry, Peter, Dean, Georgio, Daniel Hector, will you take me back as your father, father -n-law, grandfather, and grandfather-in-law?] asked, Hank, they see how remorse he is, so they hugged him as their father, father-in-law grandfather, grandfather-inlaw, " [ we work on being better husbands fathers we want to be in tour lives and your mothers to, Frankie, Greyorg, Preston, Devon, Angus, Reed, Vulen, Smeddy, Parker, Mike, Tommy, Tanner, Asher, Baker, Dain, Porter, Frank, Dekato, Tim, William, Clayon, Christan, Sam, Nano, Bason, Railey, Fred, Grayson, Danny, Kendrick, Duston, George, Jesse, Yohan, and Jacob. ] said, Thomas. "We as men fathers and husbands can make so many mistakes to her our wives, we are not perfect, I want my sons, sons-in-laws grandsons and grandsons sons-in-laws back, could you take me back as dad and grandpa? they walked up and took back their fathers, meanwhile outside the snow was paling up, " dad you going to have to stay here, said, Jordan, " I have no point leaving back for Dodge, you might want to get the rifles out, [ Jessie baby, how are you, want dad to come up?] asked, Marco, no answered, "[Jessie do.] he head up the steps and open her door, she wake up, " oh I am sorry baby daddy didn't know his little one was sleeping, think you can sit up to eat? asked, Marco, " it's okay Dad, I did finally does off, I can try to, said, Jessie, he helped her to sit up, they brought them some dinner and helped them to eat while the other was eating in the kitchen, the winter leapers came out of the dens and start to leap up the slopes, " mommy look at the bunnies, said. Melissa, "

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