
chapter xxiv

up east

So Kendall finally left home Jessie and Hank said their good-byes, she now in Salt City working in a court circuit office, that is where the judges sent their closed dockets too, Murphy walked into the office he has his eye on her since she came there, why half of there daughters get there hair, eyes and looks from their mothers just like their sons some of their daughters get their fathers hair, eyes and looks. "[ morning Mom and Aunt Jordan, what are you cooking for breakfast, mom that bbq was amazing,] he walked up to the desk, "Hi I am Murphy, what are you doing for breakfast or lunch? asked, Murphy, " [will keep your little brothers and cousin happy hon, tell you I think the twins corrupted them, we don't know yet waiting to see if dad sending a telegram, ] said. Jessie, "[is it alright if I come home for breakfast, I craving my mom and Aunt cooking, mom Warren and Warner what you ever come up with their names,] I going home for breakfast that good old homestyle cooking, answered, Kendall, "[Kndall you always welcome to come home they didn't say you couldn't tell I think your parents didn't want you to leave I don't blame them,] said. Jordan, " [that will be Uncle Marco chime it, we call you back Kendall, but yeah come for breakfast, ] they went off the screen, in the year 1778 after they court each other, got to know each other they got married, but their jobs take them in different paths, so they agree to meet up when they in a town, city, or county, Jordan and Jessie got a telegram from Longhorn valley and Thomas and Hank assistant hand them the dockets from Silvery city, " will Mrs. Garrett see you in Silver for our first night, said. Thomas and Hank, " we be there Mr. Garrett, Said Jordan and Jessie, left the Chapel in Salt City heading in different directions, "Mom and Dad I pray their marriages work out, said. Marco, "Son you did a beautiful job with the gals, Alexa will be happy, do not let that piece of horse crap in their lives, if he shows his face, you are their father now, said. Roger, " You account on that dad, John not entering their lives at all, said, Marco. in the year 2000 at the homestead, Marco is on the receiver, "[morning my queens I have good news get the family up,] everyone is up and walked in the kitchen, Warren, Warner, and Renshaw pour themselves some mothers milk. " this what I live for it better then beer, Jessie, and Hank look at him, " tell me son when did you start drinking better? asked, Jessie, " never I stated one I was a deputy slash marshal remember? asked, Renshaw, she clocked her eyebrow at him, " see me you both left with me, I am that powerful to you, answered, Jessie " Ready mom you don't know that you are, I could pull and pull you always pull with ease, that bond we have with you and that you and Aunt Jordan called the rope of love, said, Heather, " will dear our love you can't get away from, what's the new dad? ] asked, Jessie. "[I need you all to come to Dodge I tell you when you get here, I can't tell you on here,] said. Marco, "[okay we are there after breakfast,] they went off the screen, and they start to cook breakfast, In the year 1778 after they got done working they met up in Silver City, and they help their new wives off their horses, pick them up, " we got table and rooms for the night, you want to eat first, or? asked, Thomas, " we could eat last. they carrying them into the room where for the first times they lay, in the year 2000 in Dodge town Marco is in his office when Bellagrandsons knocked on the door, he opens it, " sir we were wondering who the team leaders? asked, Chuck, " my daughters are the headsof the family outfit, answered, Marco, " are they looking for new hires or hiring? asked, Billy, " for those looking for a clean start or looking for an change they give a chance to, hiring I will have to ask them when they come, now I have a lot to do today, please, Kelsey, Toni, Joan, Debra, Linda, and Harrison got a telegram from Jordan and Jessie to meet them in Dodge, so they are in Dodge having breakfast waiting for them, " what do thy do? asked. Chuck, " everything go after a gang or outlaw, transfers, searches, the bounty f law royal hearts world exclusive law team, to be heart you have to get use coming when call that includes days and night, work in vase weather conditions, travel where thetelegram isfrom, if you can't then the family is not for you, good day, after they ate breakfast, " i promised i come home for breakfast, anddinner, said. Kendall, " deal we want to see more you, said. Hank, " guys let's go, see you tonight Mom, said, Joseph, "Wait, Jessie, give them the check to pay off the bank, be safe boy, said, Jessie, " make sure you give that to the bank Joseph when you get there, we don't want any trouble, Kendall please tell us that you in an inn and you got money, asked, Hank. " yes dad i up at an inn for $56 week, and I making money at court circuit office, "looks like you have one following your footsteps dear ain't you glad you a supreme judge now? asked. Jessie, " no baby doll, how much they paying you? asked, Hank, " $120 Dad he said, it's a starter pay, Jessie pulled out her checkbook, " You want to go back with and talk with her boss Mr. Garrett or would you prefer Mrs. Garrerr, " no, you a wolf, tell you what like your younger and cousin you don't if you don't want, stay here were you got a free bed and meals, and in the morning your brothers and sisters will escort you safety to Salt City everything or mom and dad, or you can say no thanks, dad, we pay for your room and we sent your older like Teeno, heather, Cameron, West, Joshua, and Trevino to get and bring you every day, said. Hank, "Think about it Mom and Dad do what you want, sweetheart an easier way to let your life and do what you want so we can support you, we are here for you Kendall too, everyone get dressed we are doing in Dodge, she hands her the check, " mom please. " for rent and food, incase you say no, said, Jessie.

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