
Unexpected Meeting

As Ares was making Vamps her breakfast, he was recalling the conversation they had the day before, Vamps' cheeks flushed with embarrassment as Ares chuckled to himself.

"Y-You've got to be kidding! I said What??" Vamps covered her mouth, refusing to believe what she was hearing; "You have Got to be remembering things wrong!"

Ares smiled as he readied the eggs and the Hollandaise sauce. "I assure you, I am remembering the conversation clearly." He clasped his hands together, resting them against his cheek; "I believe it was 'Ooh! Her wool looks so soft! I just want to bury my face into that fluffy cloud!'" He looked over his shoulder at Vamps with a sly smile, returning his hands to the cooking; "If I didn't know better, I would think you would want to spend some quality time with miss Abby."

Vamps growled angrily, slamming her tail onto the floor. "You are forbidden from Ever speaking of that again!" She couldn't believe someone like him could have her so flustered.

Ares suddenly stopped and looked towards the door, his ears twitching slightly as he heard a noise from in the hall. "Are you expecting company, miss Vamps?"

Before she could answer, the door opened as 5 animals walked in, having a conversation as they walked in. The ones in front was Starlight and Gumball, followed by Abby, Thomas and Kip.

"Don't worry you guys. Mythicals have early access to the cooking area for breakfast, as long as we clean up anything we mess up." Starlight stated, smiling at the group as they walked into the classroom.

"But are you sure We are allowed in here?" Abby asked nervously; "What if we get in trouble?" As she walked in, she looked around the room, noticing two animals were already here. She froze in shock, expecting to be in trouble already, until she noticed the one cooking was someone she recognized; "Wha…Ares??"

The group then noticed Ares and Vamps already using the classroom, Kip jumping forward, his tail wagging as he looked around excitedly. "Ares? My sexy hunk of a stallion??" He saw Ares cooking, his ears perking up as he smiled happily.

Kip then noticed the dragoness sitting and staring in shock at the group, Kip's expression changing from happy to angry in seconds, growling at Vamps. "And what's SHE doing here?"

Starlight chuckled, resting his hand on Kip's head, giving him a gentle head pat. "Relax, lover boy. It's obvious by the smell that they're here for some food." He looked over towards Vamps, giving her a wink; "Right, lady Vampirium?"

Vamps was still in shock seeing other animals coming into the room, her wings open slightly as she tries to process what's going on. "Wh-Wha…Why are you here Starlight?! And why did you bring those 3??" She motioned towards Thomas, Abby and Kip, the memory of what she said about Abby making her cheeks flush.

Starlight crossed his arms, his tail flicking. "They're with me because I stumbled across miss Abby on my way here with Gumball." Gumball, climbing onto Starlight's back, poked her head over Starlight's shoulder, blowing a raspberry at Vamps; "She reminded me Abby was friends with Ares, and I figured I'd offer her some food while she and I chat for a bit."

Ares, who went back to cooking as they talked, started making more dishes for the new arrivals. "Well, might as well grab a seat. I'll prepare more dishes for everyone. Hope you like Eggs Benedict, as Lady Vampirium requested it for her meal."

Kip's ears perked up slightly. "Wait…So not only are you a dream boat, but you can cook too??" Kip sighed loudly, resting the back of his hand on his forehead as he playfully fell onto Thomas; "Ahh~ How much more of my heart are you going to take from me??"

Thomas pushed Kip off of him, glaring at Kip before looking towards Ares, then Vamps. "Umm…if I may ask, what are you two doing here together?" He looked towards Kip curiously; "Didn't Abby say she threatened to devour Ares yesterday?"

Ares started preparing the plates, his tail flicking slightly. "Indeed she did. But at my request, she and I had a pleasant conversation in my dorm room last night." Everyone looked at Ares in shock, including Starlight; "The reason she wanted to come here was to discuss what happened last night, due to the alcohol making her forget most of it. Poor dear was so out of it, she had to rest in my dorm."

As Ares placed the eggs on the fo-bacon and English muffin, Kip charged over to Vamps, taking the seat next to her as he leaned in, making Vamps lean back slightly, his tail wagging fast. "You slept in his dorm?? What happened? Did you two fool around? Did you see him naked? Is he Packing a beast in his pants?~ Does he have a cute little mark on his butt like I imagine he-"

Ares slamming a spoon onto the counter cut Kip's barrage of questions off. "Mister Kip!!" He growled, walking around to the front of the cooking area; "That's quite enough! And besides…" Ares walked over to Kip's table, who is looking up at Ares, his ears folded back nervously. Ares then rested one of his hands on the table, the other on his side; "If you are so insistent on these lines of questions…" Ares then leaned forward, his voice going deeper with a slight growl, staring into Kips eyes; "I just might have to satiate your appetite with a more 'hands-on' approach."

Kip's face turned a deep red hearing this, his ears perked up as he struggled with his words, his face filled with shock. Overwhelmed, Kip let out a slight squeak noise as he passed out, a white whispy figure floating from his mouth. Thomas quickly ran over, holding Kip on one arm as he flailed his other hand towards the whisp. "No Kip! Don't die on me!!"

Ares stood up and straitened his tie, clearing his throat. "Now that mister Kip is 'resting', perhaps now we can get to the meal?" He looked towards the rest of the group; "Also, if you would be so kind, never speak of that again."

As the group sat themselves in the front row seats, Thomas steadily trying to wake Kip up, Ares brought the dishes out and placed them in front of everyone. As they stared in awe, he added the Hollandaise sauce onto the eggs, sprinkling a dash of green onions on top. "Eggs Benedict for the ladies and gentlemen." Ares bowed slightly; "Bon Appetite."

Everyone stared at the dish in front of them, the scent filling their nostrils, making their stomachs growl in anticipation, the smell slowly waking Kip up, who assumed what Ares said earlier was a vivid dream. They each went in for a bite, Abby placing her hand on her cheek. "Oh wow! It's delicious!"

Starlight had a look of surprise on his face, Gumball practically inhaling the dish, her tail flicking happily. Starlight looked towards Ares. "This is the closest thing I've tasted to a perfect dish…even the chefs at the family houses have difficulties with this! Where did you learn how to cook??"

Vamps, nearly finishing her plate, wasn't as vocal as the rest. Though she hated to admit, the dish was perfect. She let out a soft scoffing sound. "I suppose it's not half bad."

As Kip finished his plate, he saw out of the corner of his eye that Thomas had a bit of the sauce on the corner of his mouth. Grinning, Kip leaned over and licked the sauce off, his tail wagging as it made Thomas jump in surprise, blushing a deep red. "What are you doing??"

Kip smiled, licking his lips and winking at Thomas, pointing to his mouth. "You had a little somethin' right there, so I helped you clean up."

Thomas rolled his eyes, eating the last bit of his dish, his blush slowly fading. "All ya had to do was tell me, and I would have used a napkin."

Kip let out a playful gasp, raising a hand to his chest. "And waste such a delicious snack? Not on my watch, Tommy!"

As Vamps finished her meal, she looked at the group goofing around. Thomas' bickering and Kip's flirting. Starlight making Gumball laugh by making a spoon stick to his nose. And Abby smiling and laughing at the silly antics. Without realizing it, she was smiling and enjoying the company.

After everyone was finished, Starlight and Gumball thanked Ares for the meal before they left, Gumball wanting to go explore before class. Ares started washing the dishes as Kip and Thomas got up to head to their classes, Abby doing the same. Abby bowed towards Vamps politely. "I hope we weren't too unruly, lady Vampirium."

Vamps looked at Abby, her wings shifting as she looked away, resting her head on her hand, propping it up on the desk. "Well, for what it's worth, this wasn't a total waste of time."

Ares grinned, turning his head slightly as he kept cleaning. "Miss Vampirium, why not drop the Royal act and allow miss Abby a proper thank you?" Hearing Ares say this made Vamps and Abby look at him confused; "I believe a hug would be more than adequate, don't you think?"

Vamps could feel her cheeks getting flush, knowing exactly what Ares is trying to do. Before she could retort, Ares let out a chuckle. "Or are you too 'high society' for a sign of friendship with a non Mythical?"

Vamps stood up from her seat, her wings opening slightly, her face a slight reddish tint. "E-Excuse you?! I am not 'too high society'!" She looked towards Abby, then nervously towards the ground; "I just…think I should at least apologize for the other day first."

Abby looked up at Vamps as she walked over to her. For the first time, Abby felt like she wasn't looking at a Mythical, but another female animal as she saw the nervous look on Vamps' face. "Umm…I-I apologize for the other day. About trying to rudely take your seat."

Abby blushed as she waved her hands in front of her. "Oh! N-no need to apologize, Lady Vampirium! It's quite alright."

Abby was about to say something else, but Kip bumped her butt with his hip, making her tumble forward into Vamps, making Abby bleat in shock as she caught herself on Vamps' abdomen, looking up shyly with her hands on Vamps' belly, then back angrily at Kip, who was smiling at the two. "Oh would you two just hug it out already?~"

Abby and Vamps were both caught off guard with Kip's sneak attack, looking at each other with a shocked look on their faces. The looks on each other's faces making them both smile, trying to hold in a laugh. Seeing each other's face scrunched up with a silly smile made both of them burst out laughing.

After a few seconds of laughing, they both gave each other a hug, Vamps' tail swaying slowly, thinking to herself; 'Oh gosh! Her wool so much softer than I thought!'

Ares looked at the clock in the classroom, seeing the time was 7:58. He then cleared his throat. "As touching a moment as this is, the rest of the students will be arriving soon."

Hearing Ares say this, Abby and Vamps ended the hug, Vamps nodding. "R-Right. You three should get to your classes." She looked at the 3, smiling softly; "It was…nice spending time with you."

Abby stood on her toes as she leaned forward, holding her hands behind her back and smiling. "We should definitely hang out more Lady Vampirium! I'd love to get to know more about you!"

Kip and Thomas both nodded, smiling as Kip rested his arm on Thomas' shoulder, sticking his tongue out. "Too true. Can't really say we're friends if we know nothing about ya, so let's change that!"

Vamps felt her heart race, her tail swaying faster hearing Kip say that. "F…Friends?" She smiled as she nodded, resting a hand on her chest; "Well, friends…if you'd like, you can just call me 'Vamps'."

Kip let out a playful growl noise, wrapping an arm around Thomas' neck, poking his cheek with his other hand's index finger. "First name basis with a Mythical~ look who's coming up in the world!" He then pulled Thomas into a hug, nuzzling his cheek with his own; "I'm so proud of you Tommy!~"

Thomas pushed Kip off, his face a bright red with a flustered look on his face. He was going to say something, but the bell to start the school day went off. Abby, Kip and Thomas waved bye to Ares and Vamps before running off to their classes while the 2 took their seats in the front.

As the other students slowly arrived, they were shocked to see Vamps and Ares already there, but decided not to question anything. Just then, the sound of 4 familiar voices called out; "Mistress Vampirium!"

Vamps and Ares, along with about half the class looked at the front of the classroom, seeing the 4 girls that were following Vamps around yesterday. An orange cat with black stripes in her fur, a female rabbit with brown fur and white spots, a female husky and a hen ran over to her desk. Vamps sighed as she rested her elbow on the table and held her head in her hand, looking off as they surrounded her.

"Mistress! Where did you go??" The rabbit asked, holding her hands under her chin; "We looked everywhere yesterday, but you disappeared after class!"

The cat looked over at Ares, letting out an angry growl, the other followers glaring towards him as she scoffed, tilting her head back to look down her nose at him. "Well, well, well. Looks like the Freak decided to show his face again!"

The husky growled, leaning forward as she rested her hands on her hips. "You've got a lot of nerve sitting next to Mistress Vampirium after what you did! You should-"

Vamps slammed her tail onto the ground, cutting them off. "Enough!" The 4 jumped in shock, looking at Vamps, who now has her hand clenched into a fist, resting her chin against her fist, her eyes closed with a frustrated look on her face; "You will leave him alone. Understand?"

The followers looked at each other in pure confusion, then back to Vamps as she opened her eyes to glare at them. "Ares and I have cleared the bad air between the two of us, and you are not to insult him again." She lowered her fist to the desk as she turned her head to look at each of the followers; "Do. I make. Myself. Clear?" With each word, she turned to each of them.

Silently, the 4 nodded, turning to Ares and bowing, quietly saying; "S-Sorry…" They then went to take a seat as the teacher made his way into the classroom. The teacher was a slightly heavyset Lion wearing a pair of jeans and a button up checkered shirt.

As the teacher started the class, Ares cleared his throat softly, Vamps looking over at him curiously, seeing him smile and mouthing the words 'thanks for that'. Vamps smiled back, her tail swaying as they looked back towards the teacher. Vamps felt like for the first time, she had friends that were truly her friends, not just some ego strokers. And as unexpected as it was, she truly liked the feeling it gave her.

However, outside the school, just outside the gates, a black limousine was parked with 4 animals standing next to it. One was a tall sapphire blue dragoness wearing tight fitting navy blue jeans, a red tank top and a dark blue jacket. Her dark blue hair covered one eye as she stared at the building, one hand resting on her hip.

She looked at the other 3 animals, 2 male and one female Lion, all 3 dressed in tuxedos. "You sure this is the place Leonas?" She then looked back at the building, raising an eyebrow curiously; "I can't see our target being here of all places."

One of the male lions nodded. "This is indeed the place, Ma'am." He pulled out his phone, handing it to her; "He's been spotted here multiple times by the security cameras."

The dragoness took the phone, flicking through the pictures, grinning as she looked. "Alrighty boys…" She tossed the phone back to the Lion; "I'm gonna go greet our little trouble maker." She then walked into the gate and into the school grounds.

The Lions looked at the phone, shaking their heads as the lioness looked at the male lions. "Man, I'd really hate to be that guy. After all, he put Dreg Crimsonwing in the hospital. Lady Vanessa isn't gonna take that lightly."

Leonas sighed, looking at the phone. "Well, whoever the guy Was…" He went to put the phone into his pocket, the image of Ares and the group still on the screen as he put it away; "He's as good as dead now."

To be continued.

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