
She Saw A Wolf


Henceforth, she collects herself and continues where she left. Hitting and falling more rusted timbers, she blocks more of the way and finally opts to run with the highest pace she could.

The horrifying growls could be heard from her behind but she better not stop. She better run.

Which is what she kept doing without even noticing if where she was going. Though, it seems as if she was on the right track and right on her destination when she collides with familiar arms.

"Azura, honey?"

"Dad, they were– They were in the woods. They attacked me, Dad. They, they're coming for us. They'll kill us!" Azura lets her awaited screams out.

Frederick is bewildered at the helplessly hassled state of his daughter. Though, he attempts to interrogate. "Who will kill us, Azura?"



Frederick's eyes widened in uncertainty. "What? Wolves?"

"Yes, Dad. Them! Although I only encountered one of them, I'm pretty sure there must be a whole pack."

"But, Azura. There's literally nothing behind you." The father assures the young woman and a slight sight of bewilderment could be seen in her face.

She turns around to trace the terrible creature, only to witness the empty forest covered with snow and silence. The only thing that was audible was the flow of wind and lifeless trees' swing. "It was just behind me. Dad…" The lady breaks in between during her speech while shivering. "I'm telling the truth. It even clawed my shoulder. It hurts and it's bloody. Look!"

Azura motions towards her skin which was slashed by the wolf. However, it wasn't slashed. Not anymore.

Her sleeve was well stitched and so her skin was well full. No blood or even a scratch could be found.

Azura was breathless in disbelief.

"H–how is this possible? That wolf! That bloody freaking wolf had almost torn me right in front of my eyes and I would have bled to death!" She starts screaming in a very disoriented manner that even Frederick was scared of this sight given by his daughter.

For a moment, Frederick literally was lost if what he should do to calm his hyperventilated daughter.

A few moments just go on until the man finally embraces his daughter and sets her at ease somehow. "Azura, honey. You don't need to prove anything. I trust you. I'm sure that you'll never lie, especially about something like this. But, it could be possible that you might be having a subconscious nightmare or hallucination?"

Not knowing what to say or how to react, Azura begins crying while breaking down vulnerably. Frederick holds onto her and rubs her back soothingly. "It's alright, sweetie. Let's get you inside and get you some hot chocolate while we talk about it?"


"I still can't understand how is that possible? I mean, everything sounded, seemed and felt so real, too real to be untrue, Dad. I remember my screams that I released when I was mauled but, but now it all just seems like an illusion…"

"It could be possible that you have been thinking about your eventual nightmares lately and so you experienced them as you walked through the woods. Don't distress yourself, Azura." Frederick places the meal in front of the lady with a cup full of hot chocolate and some sweet edibles.

Azura refuses to take the cup but accepts instantly when her father flares a cheerful smile. She begins sipping smoothly while saying, "No, Dad. I'm sure it wasn't a nightmare or dream. Well, I can't say that it was real either but it was not surreal as well."

Sighing in a concerned manner, Frederick sits next to Azura and rests his hand over her shoulder. "I see. Well then, how about I drop you off and fetch from college from now on?"

It was no surprise for Azura to see her father being available for her regarding anything and everything despite having a lot of things and fulfillments of his own.

Even after years when Azura was now an adult lady who could probably take care of herself and circumstances well, Frederick always made sure to keep everything related to her in pace and place.

Of course not in a way which would make Azura weak or excessively dependent on him, but rather to make her know that he was, is and always will be there for Azura. Till he's alive, till his last breath.

"I actually already knew that your answer to this mystery might be something like this. But that's really not necessary, Dad. I'll be fine. You already are overloaded with a lot of things along with looking after me and now even this."

"But Azura, you were just having anxiety and all. I'm afraid it may give you more negative thoughts and feelings."

Now it was Azura who holds onto her father's palm in a convincing way as she convinces him verbally as well. "And, didn't you just say that I was? Yes, I am not having them anymore. They probably may have come eventually. Although I'm still not really sure about it. But I'm definitely sure that your Azura can take over it on her own. Don't be worried, Dad."

The man wanted to argue further until the latter gave up and let him be her bodyguard. Though, since Azura was actually looking better and even strengthened than before, he decides not to burst her confidence and proceeds with her suggestion. "Alright. I know you're my strong girl, Azura. But do call me when you need me. Though, I really wish there will never be a time when you need anything. Even me…"

"Dad." Azura disrupts in with seemingly teary eyes. Frederick chuckles in glee and caresses Azura's cheek.

"Okay, okay. I won't say anything like that again. But you know my intention wasn't bad, dear. I meant it in a good way."

"Yeah. Just like you always say bad things, but not in a bad way, no?" Perks the lady playfully and then the duo laughed subtly in unison.

"Well, you know me." Fredrick jolts.

"I do."

The man then places a kiss over Azura's forehead and starts leaving while reminding his daughter, "And do let me know if you're unable to sleep or something. I can sit next to you the whole night if needed."

Azura giggles childishly. "Yes, Daddy."

Frederick rolls his eyes and finally disappears.

It wasn't as if Azura's smile faded instantly with Frederick because her glee was genuine. She was actually content by the unconditional care given by her father. However, she somewhat had to coat it overly to hide her fear that she still had inside her mind and heart.

Well, of course she was convinced that the incident that happened in the woods might be a sober nightmare. But part of her heart was still screaming that it was there, in the woods. It was true. It was a wolf.

She saw a wolf.

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