
New Move


Theo smiles at the girl's honesty. "At last." He says in a relieving tone and Azura hides her face shyly. "Now that you have confessed some hidden truth, I'd also like to let you know that…" He takes a little pause. "I'm sorry to break it out to you but, you didn't really get to fool me. You ain't that smart, Azura."

Although Azura didn't even know as to what the man was trying to point out to, his comment about her being not smart offended her so badly that she could feel herself enraged internally. "Hey! Shut up and what do you mean by that? How come I ain't smart?"

Chuckling slowly to most probably himself, Theo perks, "You ain't because it wasn't you made me believe if that canteen food was good or made me eat successfully. I always knew that the edibles there were low quality and harmful for health with a high cost of price. Yet, I decided to eat them. And let you think that it was because of you."

Azura was dumbstruck. "Really? Then, why did you do it?"

"For you, Azura."


Maybe it was the compliment that Azura received from Theo, or maybe it was the cooperation she was doing for Theo which had her smiling like an idiot now.

Well, the cooperation part actually worked the other way as no one in their senses felt so excessively blessed while cooperating for something like Azura was.

Yes, Azura has taken the responsibility to bring Theo lunch on a regular basis, meaning she was bearing extra work herself for someone else because of just how kind, helpful and hard working she was.

Except for the fact that neither she was working for this, nor she did any contribution in making the said lunch.

"Azura, sweetie. Are you sure you want this excessive amount of food today in your tiffin box because first, it will literally take two boxes to pack this all edible and second, will you be able to finish all of this?"

"Umm, yes, Dad?" Azura questions in response to Frederick's question which has the man raise his eyebrow doubtfully.

Young lady was definitely not in her senses and Frederick wondered what could be the reason. Or more like, who could be the reason?

"Answering my question by asking another question? Is this a smart or stupid move?" Puns the man.

A scrunching look comes over the young woman's face as she says, "Of course it has to be smart with eyes closed even. You're doubting your own Azura, Dad? Well, what is it you were asking?"

"I was asking if you'll be able to finish all this food. Like, only on your own. Or, is there someone who's going to accompany you?"

The lady chuckles slightly historically to the hint as she retorts to her father, "Really, Dad? Do you really think that anyone would want to eat with me? Like, of course that's all just for me and me only."

Now it was Frederick's turn to chuckle. "Well, I would want to eat with you. Every time, all time."

"That's because you're the best Dad in the world." Azura perks and it could be sensed that she feels accomplished in switching the topics.

When the truth was that Frederick was just letting it slide for this very time. He was convinced enough by now that Azura had finally found some company at his college because of which he was both skeptical and sappy.

Skeptical because it could be either someone bad for Azura. Sappy because either, there was someone for her daughter and he just hoped that it would be someone deserving because his beloved daughter only deserved the best.

The only problem that the exhausted father had with all this was, it happened to be him to be making this whole lot of meals and stuff.

Was the person who's been accompanying Azura on a food strike or starving for ages? Because no normal person would bear eating a whole feastar in just a day. Let alone in just lunch!

"And, here you are. Phew…" Frederick exhales in relief as he finishes with his business.

The young lady almost jumps in excitement as she hugs her father. "You're the best, Dad." Frederick almost chokes because of the tight grip of the lady. Azura chuckles and concludes, "And you also need some rest, Dad."

"So true. I really do." Frederick agrees and both of them begin laughing in unison.


The day at college then begins with the usual chitter and bicker of Cindy and her minions. Some classes went by along with a touch of fooling around until it was lunch hour when Theo was eagerly waiting for Azura to arrive in the canteen at their regular spot.

He was excited to see what the said lady had brought for him today. Well, yes. She didn't specifically bring anything for him. All she was going to do was to just bring an extra part of her stuff and offer some of it to Theo but even that meant a lot for the said man especially if it came to Azura.

"Oh, here you come."

"Ahh, and it seems like someone's been eager quite unusually, today."

"Unusually, really? Because I'm more than convinced that I'm just eager for you, usually, regularly and always, Azura." Theo chirps and Azura's skin tone reddens slightly before she fake coughs and places the boxes of meals on the table.

It could be sensed that Theo's mouth was watering already because of the delicious scent coming from the food.

Just as the duo was about to settle their food and begin eating, they were disrupted by a voice that belonged to none other than Cindy Sean.

"Seems like you didn't learn much from your last lesson, Azura."

Azura doesn't pay attention to Cindy's taunting and just resumes with her business. However, she was once again disrupted by the other lady and this time Cindy had the nerve to grip onto Azura's wrist. "Did you even lose the ability to hear or something?" Cindy adds to her taunting.

Theo wanted to do something and he would even but he stops as he got stunned when he saw Azura holding onto Cindy's hand and smoothly pushing it away from her.

Azura then smoothly says, "I actually didn't lose my ability to hear or any kind of ability for that matter. However, it won't take much to put you in disability if you don't back off right away, Cindy."

And the whole canteen was in suspense as to what was going to happen next…

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