


Anyway, we were laughing until I got a call...

UNKNOWN mddddr I pick up.

*Me: Yeah, who is it?*

*...: It's Yanis. Sonny I forgot my phone in your car?*

*Me: I don't know, I'm not in the car there.*

*Yanis: Ok. If you see him. Call me back !*

*Me: How do you want me to call you back if you call me unknown?? Are you dumb oula?*

*Yanis: Mddddr tg. My code is 7546 and then call you Hakim!*

*Me: Okay*

I'm hanging up.

Keyla: Who was it?

Me: A friend.

Keyla: Mmmm. Are we going back?

Me: Yeah! Ciao the newlyweds

Them: Ciao!

We leave. In the car I ring the phone for Yanis, I find him. He must have knocked it down. Anyway, I unlock his phone and call "Hakim" and put the HP

Keyla: What are you doing here?

Me: Bah it's Yanis, he said to call Hakim bah I do!

Keyla: Aah

It rings and it answers.

*Me: Hello?*

*...: Yeah wait I pass Yanis*

*Me: Yeah*

*...: To Yanis your friend.*

*Yanis: Yeah. You found it ?*

This guy is a case! Keyla she is ptdr

*Me: Yanis got you drunk?*

*Yanis: Not even*

*Me: You're hopeless I swear. If I call you with your phone, it's because I found it, no hulala, you took too much sugar*

Keyla: Kaooooooooodddddr hahahahah he killed me!!!

*Yanis: Who's kidding me here?

*Me: My sister! Mddddr*

*Yanis: Wild fucking laughter*

Keyla she immediately stopped and ready to insult her.

*Yanis: There, we keep our mouth shut*

*Me: Anyway, where am I taking it?*

*Yanis: Where I left off*

*Me: Yeah.*

I hang up and continue on my way. I drop off Keyla at her place and I'll pass the phone to Yanis.

Yanis: You manage my sister!

I know !

Yanis: How are your ankles?

Me: Yeah yeah! I have to pull myself there will tighten.

And then I get a call. And it's Yazid...

Me: Damn.. Alright here I go. Ciao

Yanis: Ciao.

I answer and I grow on the mushroom !! Mddddr kidding!!

Me: Yeah?

Yazid: Move your ass your tiger he's having fits.

Me: Mddddr jaja!

Yazid: Move.

And he hangs up on me. OK COOL.

Arrive home. I take the groceries and go home.


Lamine: Luckily I told you to hurry. You left at 2 p.m. and you came back at 8 p.m. but hey, it's just 8 p.m.

Me: It's not my fault. I went to find the others. After we went to Carrefour, I bought the trucks for the tiger and at the same time I did the shopping. Afterwards we ate at the snack bar and I brought them back. Afterwards I went to Kaïsha with Keyla. Then I took Keyla home. And finally I had to bring Yanis his phone because he had forgotten it in the car.

Yazid: You were just supposed to take trucks for the tiger but hey!

Me: Orrrh leave me!

Tiger: Grrrrr

Younes: Lili take it.

Me: Yeah!

I put the groceries in the kitchen and I take the tiger.

The Tiger: Grrrrrrr

Me: Ayii baby are you hungry?

The Tiger: Grrrrrrrr

Mddddr I'm going crazy. I'm talking to a tiger!

Souley: Are you serious, are you talking to a tiger?

Me: Mdddddr

Mams: People now, go crazy!!

Them: Seriously!

Me: Orrrr. What am I doing to grate?

Yazid: Make a quick truck!

Me: Ok.

I go to the kitchen, I wash the bibi' and the pacifier and I cook. I make salad and steak. The tiger that he moan ulala.

When I finish, I call the others.

Me: It's ready!

They are going to sit at the table but Lamine is missing.

Me: Where is Lamine?

You': In his room.

I go up to his room. I knock and go home.

Me: I'm done

Lamine: I'm coming.

Me: Ok.

I go down, Lamine does the same. We all eat I give the tiger steaks. And then I give him his bibi' filled with water.

And they call me as a stranger.

I answer

Me: Yeah who is it?

Whore Voice: Shaynez

Me and ? You want ? How did you get my number?

The boys they look at me like who is it?

Shaynez: Lamine, he's mine so don't touch him...

Mdddddr she is too raw this crazy.

Me: Aaaah don't bother me. You really f****r cool down my balls -Toooz- don't even try to remind me I'm going to break you in two.

And I hang up on him. I have my nerves against Lamine, he doesn't even come to talk to me. I get up annoyed and take the tiger.

Lamine: Who was it?

I look at him badly but very badly.

Me: Shaynez she tell you something?

Laminate: No.

Me: Think carefully. Nah, nah. You don't remember because she was just passing through. There are plenty of others who came after her. Go fuck her and tell her that if I bump into her, I'll bury her alive. Pfff disgusts me ah.

And I go up to my room and lock myself in. It's not at all my habit. My door is still closed but without the key or else it is open or between open. But there he annoyed me pffff the Salop.

I pet my tiger and think about what I'm going to call him. The other I heard him coming out of the house. I don't care.

10 min later I found it. I'll call him Tiger

(It reads: Tygueur)

Me: Do you like Tiger?

Tiger: Grrrr

He looks at me with his beautiful blue eyes *__*


And I slept with him.

-the next day-

I wake up because of Mams


Huh but how he got out of the room. Anyway, I'm going to rinse my face and go downstairs.

Me: His name is Tiger. And what did he do?

Mams: That mother pissed on me.

Me: Kaooooooooodr leave his mother alone misquina.

Mams: Go ahead take it I'm going to shower.

Me: Yeah.

I take Tigers and go up to my room. I do my shower and I do his.

For a week I taught him to go to the toilet mddddr otherwise he was going to relieve himself all over the house.

-New Year's Eve-

We are all at home when I say everyone is everyone. The Tatas, the Tontons. Friends... I'm not going to make you a list otherwise we'll sleep there.

We are all in the garden. There's a good atmosphere and everything!

Me: Yas' then with Nass'

Yas': Huh? Eu... Well nothing...

Me: Come on, don't do it to me!

Yas': Fouuuu I don't know if it's the same for him. Since the last time I've been suspicious.

Me: I asked him! And tqt he is not like the other.

Yas': Oh no, don't tell him.

Me: But tqt I say ohlala!

Yas': You deuuh WAllah.

Me: Love U

...: What were you talking about?

Me: Well I love him, are you stupid Yazid or what?

Yazid: Azy deuh not!

Me: Love U

Yazid: So am I

Yas': Eh me in all that?

Me: You are...

Yaz': Nothing.

Me: Oh that's not good Yazid.

Yas': Okok thank you... -annoyed-

Me: It's not true my wife you are the best

And I give him a hug

Yas': You're the best too!!

Yazid: Tshiiip

Khalti: The meal is ready!

We all go to the table, we huddle together and we eat with a very good atmosphere. At 11:59 p.m. we did the countdown

Us: 10.....9...8...7.....6.....5.....4...3.. ...2.....1 -00h00- HAPPY NEW YEAR KHEIR INSHALLAH!

Halala family!

Ani's father: GO NAMTOWÉ CHAMPAGNI!! (Come on, get out the champagne!!)

Us: Mddddr

Nassim: Go and get it.

PDA: Hougni gamdjo hou réma (=I'm going to hit you)

Nassim: I have nothing diiiit

PDA: Shut up

PDK: Well said Halim (Father of Anissa)

Redoine: Bon stop, we have a truck to say!

MDK: Said!

Kaïsha: Well, I'm actually pregnant!!!


And she's going to give him a hug!

Mams: Papapa, I'm going to be sick uncle. Keyla oh we are going to have a beautiful little nephew!

Keyla: Or a niece!

Mams: He's a safe boy!

Keyla: A girl I said.

Redoine: Shut up, we'll see later.

Mams: Congratulations my brother!

PDK: Since when?

Kaïsha: 2 months, I learned that not too long ago...

In short, we all congratulate her.

Me: Jre'

Khalti: Where are you going?

Me: Feed Tiger!

Khalti: Who is Tiger?

Me: Bah the tiger!! -WHOOPS-

Tata: Hariii tiger???

Me: Yazid tells them about the weather!

I'll take the grate to the kitchen and go upstairs. Misquine Yazid, I left him in the shit!! He gave me a mean look.. Mddddr

Anyway, I'm going to feed Tiger and give him milk afterwards.


And there was more than that...

Me: okay

I go down to the living room with Tiger.

Me: Yeah?

PDA: Pass it to me, we'll cut its throat.

Me: Heeeeee? No no misquine.

PDA: Mddddr I'm kidding my daughter.

Nasser: I want a Lion daddy

PDA: No.

Nasser: Oh but why...

PDA:... -looks at him badly-

Souley: It's tchii Nasser if you want, you come to see Tiger when you want but don't open your mouth.

Nasser: Yeah

And they all go to Younes' room.

Amina: How come he has blue eyes?

Me: I don't even know!

Amina: I can't?

Me: Yeah take it!!

I pass him Tiger.

Khalti: It's not a hafrite?

Me: Nooo he's calm. Except when he's hungry.

MDK: Does he poop everywhere?

Me: No, he's going to the toilet.

Tata: Alright.

Samir: Anyway, I have a truck to tell you.

Tata: Said

Samir: Dad, Mama, my brothers and sisters....

Nassim: Don't give a speech. Go straight eh

Samir: Your mouth Nassim

PDA: Oh speak better.

Samir: Anyway, I found a job, and I found the right one.

We (the young people): -shocked-

Tata: Al Hamdû lilleh Bo Hali'

She hugs Samir and cries with joy!

Bah damn for good news bah there is today.

Hallim: Congratulations! What's her name ?

Samir: Rania, 23 years old, Comorian, she wears the Jilbeb and she comes from Malé (Comorian village).

Halim: Aboo that's okay. We'll go to her house on Saturday to talk to her father.

Samir: In fact his father he is no longer there Allah Y Rahmo. There's only his big brother, married 1 child and their mother.

Halim: Allah Y Rahmo. OK

Ouaaaah my Samir he is going to get married! I'm in shock... Some of you don't believe it anymore.


Amina and Anissa hug Samir and congratulate him. Hessoul everyone congratulates him. When it's my turn, I'll give him a hug.

I'm happy for him but a little sad. He's going to leave and there won't be my protective big brother anymore. He will forget me...

Me: Congratulations -in the ear-

Samir: Thanks, I won't forget you. You're there -touch his heart- and you always will be...

I pull away from him and smile at him.

There is a good ambiance. Everyone was laughing, dancing, talking. 1 hour later they all go home.

The state of the living room?

It's a mess ! I'm going to have to do the housework at 2am oh crazy.

Me: Ah go upstairs or go to the kitchen but don't stay there!

Moms: Why?

Me: Because I'm going to clean up.

Yazid: Are you going to clean up now?

Me: Yeah yeah!

Souley: A mdjouf (crazy)

Me: Mddddr leave me.

Them: Mddddr

Me: good move

Yazid: Ah yeah you throw us like that?

Me: Yeah yeah, go oust!

Souley: Oh it's like that? How are you !

Me: yes yes

And they move. I do my cleaning for 1 hour. How I'm knocked out!! Then I go to shower and get into bed. Something is missing ! I look around me... 2 min later... Ah yes I know Tiger is not there! Normally when I go to sleep, 2 seconds later he comes to join me. Weird... Who stole it from me?

Me: Tiger?? Tiger??

I go to Yazid's room and I don't see him. I call him but he doesn't come!

(Everyone is sleeping)

I go into the room of Souley, Mams, Lamine but nothing. I go to Younes' room and guess what.

Monsieur is awake and playing with Tiger.

Me: Oh you're not sleeping?

Younes: Nah, I was expecting you.

Me: Oh yeah why?

I sit next to him.

Younes: Bah because I want you to sleep with me it's been a long time!

Me: It's true! Push yourself a little.

He pushes himself away, I kiss him on the cheek and hug him.

Me: Sleep now tomorrow you have game.

Younes: Hum. Lili, when are you going to find mom and dad again?

:o :o I admit that it shocked me. I completely zapped. I have tears in my eyes. We know how to escape, to no longer live in horror and find our real parents...

Me: There's.. there's.. nothing yet..

Younes: Oh.

Me: Tqt we will find him God willing!

Younes: Yes!

Me: good sleep now

Damn, I'm stupid. Me there, I make my life quiet. I have my family to find, whether they are still here or not. I don't even think I'm in danger from Lisa and Michel. Maybe there they are looking for us... Damn I'm stupid...

I look at Younes and he is already asleep. And Tiger he sleeps between us.

I lie down and sleep next to them on these thoughts...

To be continued...

Next chapter